Thermex home appliance manufacturer attracts users not only with its quality and durability, but also at affordable prices. Therefore, the number of customers is increasing every day. Unfortunately, even the most reliable equipment cannot be operated completely without breakdowns - Thermex water heaters also require periodic human hand intervention. And if a reliable device has stopped working, then read on, as this article contains all the possible malfunctions of Termex water heaters and methods for their elimination.
What is required for work
Before you begin to solve the problem, you need to get a tool. If there is no desire to put the repair of water heaters on stream, it is better to purchase inexpensive tools. For small household solutions, Chinese manufacturers are ideally suited.
The list of necessary tools for repairing Termeks boilers:
- Pliers. The most common, without ergonomic handles made of environmentally friendly material.
- A flat and curly screwdriver of medium length. In the future, more than once useful in the household.
- Multimeter. Probably the most expensive device from the entire list. Allows you to measure the voltage of the electrical network, amperage, resistance and ring the wires for integrity.
- Spanners. In order not to waste time, it is better to purchase a small kit, which will also be useful in the future.
The above tools are quite enough to troubleshoot water heaters. But besides this, some consumables are also required:
- Insulating tape. Adhesive tape with high electrical insulation qualities. It is necessary when restoring the integrity of the wires. The electrical tape can be replaced by a more convenient heat shrink tube.

Shrink tubes in different colors
- Plumbing sealant. Liquid sealant, used when replacing gaskets; when solidified, forms a layer that prevents the flow of liquid. If desired, can be replaced with more expensive automotive sealant.

An example of a simple plumbing sealant
Classification and design features
Knowing the water heater device will help to conduct high-quality diagnostics and quickly determine the malfunction. Thermex electric heaters are divided into 3 main varieties:
Accumulative boilers
The main feature of such household appliances for 100 or 80 liters is the presence of an internal and external tank. The inner tank, as a part constantly in contact with water, is covered with a layer of glass porcelain. This technological solution eliminates the appearance of corrosion. Between the external and internal tank polyurethane foam is poured - a material that prevents heat loss.

Thermex storage water heater
In the lower part of the device there are tubes for supplying and discharging water, as well as all electrical components: a thermostat, a temperature relay and a heater - the main heating element. TEN is a hollow metal tube with a spiral located inside, made of a material with high resistivity.Water is supplied to the boiler and heated by the heater when it turns on.
The main disadvantage of Termex storage boilers is the high corrosion of the internal cavity of the tank, due to the exchange of ions between the heating element and the walls of the boiler. To minimize this effect, a magnesium electrode is installed, which supplies the necessary ions with water.
Termeks flowing water heaters
Differ from accumulative boilers in the smaller sizes and other principle of action. The design of instantaneous water heaters provides several heating elements - usually 2, but models with three or more heating elements are also available.

Thermex instantaneous water heater
The heating elements are made of ceramic materials and are usually placed in a special copper cylinder. The installed power regulator allows you to control the temperature of the liquid passing through the boiler. In addition to the regulator, a pressure sensor and a temperature sensor are installed. The pressure sensor shuts off the water supply in case of exceeding its allowable amount in the water heater. And the temperature sensor is set to certain values, when exceeded, it turns off the heating elements.
Combined type
Such water heaters include a small volume tank from flowing devices and an accumulative principle of operation from simple boilers. The heating element has a different design, due to which it can operate in two modes: both storage and flow-through devices.
Termex combination water heaters have been universally recognized for their positive qualities:
- Compact size, do not take up much space.
- Practically not susceptible to corrosion, respectively - long service life.
- Combined mode of operation.
- Average power, which is usually 2.5 kW. High-quality heating and a small waste of electricity.
The list of basic failures Termeks and methods for their solutions
Now you can move on to the most frequent breakdowns of Termex boilers, and find out how they can be repaired by spending a minimum amount of time and effort.
The water heater has stopped working; the indicator lamp does not light up
This problem is quite rare, and a household appliance is not always to blame in this situation. The main reason for the failure of the water heater may be just a faulty outlet, which will require a multimeter or indicator screwdriver to check.
The sequence of checking the operating voltage at the outlet:
- Turn on the multimeter, set the AC voltage measurement parameter, and place the probes in one and in the second hole of the outlet. The probe indication does not matter. Achieve quality contact. If the device shows 220 V with a slight deviation (plus or minus 10-15 V), then the outlet is working. If the value is less than 200 V, or 0, then the outlet must be repaired.

Multimeter voltage test
- You can also check the outlet using an indicator screwdriver. Insert a screwdriver into the first and then into the second hole in the socket. Where the phase is located, the signal LED on the screwdriver will light up. In contact with zero, the screwdriver will not burn.

Checking the socket with an indicator screwdriver
If the outlet is working, then use a multimeter to check the health of the heater wire. To do this, turn on the multimeter in the dialing mode and apply the probe on one side to the plug, and on the other - to the terminal box of the boiler, where the supply wire is suitable. A sound signal indicates the integrity of the wire. If one, or both wires are damaged, then they should be replaced with new ones.
The boiler does not heat water, but the indicator lamp is on
This problem can only be solved in one way - by replacing the heating element. The indicator lamp indicates that the power is coming to the heater, but it does not work.

Removing the heater from the water heater
The sequence of replacement of the heating element in Termex water heaters:
- Turn off the water heater from the industrial network by pulling the plug from the outlet.
- Drain the water heater. Remove the nozzle from the drain tap, put a rubber tube on it, which then lead into the bathroom or any container.
- Remove the protective plastic casing, which is fastened with metal screws hidden under the stickers from the manufacturer.
- Next, remove the terminals for supplying the operating voltage from the heater. They can be bolted, or worn on the heating element using special connectors.
- Remove six screws that secure the flange of the heating element to the body of the heater.
- Remove the heater and replace it with a new one. Installing a new heating element is carried out in the reverse order.
Before replacing a heating element, always make sure that it is clearly defective. To do this, use a multimeter, which include the resistance test mode. If the device shows zero, then this means a breakdown of the dielectric material and a short circuit of the wire to the housing of the heater a. If the unit is a wire break inside the tube of the heating element.
Water heating is too slow
There are 3 possible causes of the malfunction:
- The heating element was covered with a layer of scale, preventing the rapid heating of the liquid.

Example of a large amount of scale on a heating element
- The thermostat has partially failed. Upon reaching a certain temperature (much less than the set), the thermostat turns off the heating element if it breaks, or passes insufficient voltage to the heater.
- In more modern water heaters, control and monitoring units are installed. If it breaks down, insufficient supply of electric power to the heating elements can be carried out, this will be displayed as an error on the display.
To clear the heater from scale, it must be removed from the water heater (described above) and put in a plastic bath with a liquid that has active chemical elements. For example, you can use the household tool "Mole", it works very effectively when you need to get rid of scale or rust.

Do-it-yourself cleaning of the heater
To replace the thermostat, you will need to remove it from the water heater. To do this, the device should be disconnected from the electrical network, remove the protective cover and get to the fluid supply pipe to the household appliance. Usually it is on this tube that a thermostat is installed. It is fixed with four bolts that must be unscrewed, as well as remove the terminals of the supply voltage. The new item is installed in the reverse order.
The control and monitoring unit, unfortunately, is difficult to repair on its own. This requires appropriate education related to electronic circuits, as well as the presence of a good multimeter, soldering iron and solder. Therefore, with a strip of the control unit, it is best to return it for repair.
Flowed Termex water heater - what to do?
The Termex boiler can start flowing both at the beginning of operation and after several years of its operation. The main causes of this failure:
- Numerous corrosion of the inner surface of the tank. It occurs if you do not pay attention to the health of the magnesium electrode.
- The damaged seal under the flange of the heating element.

Water leakage from under the heating element flange
- Manufacturing defects.
- He led the body of the water heater, due to exceeding the permissible temperature and the non-operating thermostat.
Of all the above causes of leakage, only a leaky seal can be corrected on its own. To do this, it is enough to remove the flange, completely remove it from the boiler and change the seal. For best effect, sealant can be applied to both sides of the gasket.
If the housing has become unusable, then the water heater can only be replaced, since it is not amenable to welding.A glass-ceramic layer is applied to the inner surface of the tank, which may be damaged by excessive temperatures, resulting in corrosion of the body. A new boiler must also be bought with the housing in operation, which cannot be repaired even in the workshop.
Factory defect is determined almost immediately, it is enough to mount the water heater and connect it to the network. If the housing of a new boiler leaks, it can be replaced under the factory warranty.
Energized water heater body
The situation is dangerous and requires immediate investigation, as one of the people in contact with the household appliance may be injured.
The reason that the Termex water heater begins to “punch on the body” when it starts is a malfunction of the outer tube of the heating element. Because of what, water enters the heater and is in contact with a conductive spiral. There will be a small, but life-threatening strain on the case. Therefore, at the first signs of such a malfunction, the heating element should be replaced with a new one.
Less often, but still leads to the spread of operating voltage, a breakdown of the control unit, which must be immediately attributed to repair.