home-Air conditioning equipment-Water heater-Power consumption kW water heater 50, 80, 100 liters

Power consumption kW water heater 50, 80, 100 liters

Ensuring minimum comfort of a living room today without fail requires the presence of at least water supply and stable power supply in the room. The presence of these two components allows you to install a boiler to obtain another component of comfort - hot water. True, for such benefits of civilization, in the end, it will be necessary to significantly increase expenditures from the budget for electricity. Well, in order not to get a shock from payment cards, it’s worth calculating in advance - what power does the water heater consume?

Power flow and storage water heater kW - the water heater consumes how much electricity

Power consumption kW water heater 50, 80, 100 liters

Household instantaneous water heaters operating from an electric heating element

The water heaters used in everyday life, operating from an electric heating element, are divided into two main types - flow-through and storage. This difference significantly affects the amount of electricity consumed by devices, their size and installation methods.

All these devices are successfully installed in residential and non-residential premises. Depending on the necessary need for hot water, models with appropriate parameters are selected:

  • Storage water heaters - by the volume of the heating tank, the power of the heating element, the shape of the housing;
  • Flowing water heaters according to the consumed energy and the throughput of the device.
Power consumption kW water heater 50, 80, 100 liters

Boilers with a heating tank provide heating of the tank volume to a predetermined temperature and maintaining the required temperature

Boilers with a heating tank provide heating of the tank volume to a predetermined temperature and maintaining the required temperature for a long period of time even with the heater turned off. The ability to save a large amount of water in the tank allows a layer of insulating material between the tank and the outer skin of the boiler. But the consumption of electricity for heating can be adjusted both in manual mode and using automation - by setting the daily schedule of the device. A plus of water heaters of this type is the ability to use hot water constantly, because a tank designed for 50, 80 or even 100 liters is always with hot water.

Flow-type water heaters provide heating for running water passing through the heating element. The need for an almost instantaneous increase in water temperature to a predetermined level requires that the capacity of the instantaneous water heater be very high. That is why more powerful heating elements are installed on such devices.

Despite the parameters of power and electricity consumption indicated in the instrument passport, in practice the power consumption can significantly differ from the declared data. The reasons for this phenomenon here may be:

  • The amount of hot water consumed;
  • Nature of consumption;
  • The parameters of the heating temperature level set on the controls;
  • Performance instantaneous water heater;
  • The temperature of the cold water entering for heating.

Power of instantaneous water heater for 50, 80, 100 liters for shower / bath

Power consumption kW water heater 50, 80, 100 liters

Boiler in the interior of the bathroom. Compared to a instantaneous water heater, it needs more space

The selection of devices according to technical parameters is important, from the point of view of the ability to provide all household needs for hot water. Depending on the tasks facing the devices, they are selected according to technical characteristics. So it is recommended to choose an electric boiler depending on the capacity of the tank:

  • For a 50 liter appliance, it is reasonable to use hot water for washing dishes, hygiene procedures and taking a shower as the main source. Use by a family of 2-3 people is recommended.
  • A volume of 80 liters is able to meet the basic needs of a family of 3-4 people, provided that the bath will be taken no more than 1 time per week, and the rest of the days will be using a shower.
  • A family of 2-3 people can count on the volume of a 100 liter boiler, provided that all the necessary requirements for hygiene procedures are provided in full.
Power consumption kW water heater 50, 80, 100 liters

For an instantaneous water heater, an important characteristic is throughput and productivity

For a flowing water heater, in addition to the power consumption indicated in the passport, an important characteristic is throughput and productivity. When selecting instantaneous water heaters, attention should be paid to the performance of devices:

  • The throughput of 1.8-3 liters per minute with a consumption of 2-2.4 kW is enough to provide heating water for washing dishes in the kitchen;
  • The throughput of 3-4 liters per minute at 3-4 kW will provide work in the kitchen and washing, shaving;
  • The throughput of 4-6 liters with a power of 7-9 kW will allow you to comfortably take a shower;
  • The throughput of 6-10 liters per minute with a power of 10-16 kW makes it possible to provide all household needs for hot water.

Thus, the optimum performance of a flowing water heater for a shower or bath is the power of an electric heater from 10 to 16 kW with a capacity of 6-10 liters per minute.

How to save on a water heater: how many kW a water heater consumes per month

In the matter of saving electricity, one cannot do without calculations and drawing up an approximate schedule of daily consumption. For storage systems, the following is taken into account:

  • Volume of the heating tank;
  • Passport data of power consumption of the heater;
  • Heating time to the set temperature;
  • The temperature of the supplied water from the water supply system.
Power consumption kW water heater 50, 80, 100 liters

For modern models of boilers, power consumption is indicated in the passport data

For modern models of boilers, the energy consumption depending on the set heating temperature is indicated in the passport data of the devices, while manufacturers take into account the maximum daily consumption of hot water.

To calculate the total energy consumed by flowing devices, the following is taken into account:

  • Productivity
  • Operating time in a daily cycle;
  • The temperature of the heated water;
  • The temperature of the cold water.

It is worth noting that modern models with intelligent control systems are not only more economical in comparison with models 5-7 years ago, but also make it possible to maximally provide all household needs for hot water, depending on the consumption cycle. This applies equally to both boilers with heating tanks and instantaneous heating appliances.

A properly organized daily cycle of hot water consumption and setting the correct settings for the heating element will help to save the maximum number of kilowatts of electricity. The list of factors that reduce energy consumption should include:

  • The economy mode for everyday use - it is reasonable to inculcate the habit of washing hands with cold water, morning toilet activities such as shaving should not be done with the spray turned on, but using a cup or bucket;
  • Dishwashing should be carried out immediately after eating, when the remnants of food are easily washed off, but if this is not possible, then soak the dishes in cold water;
  • Washing vegetables should be done in a pan, having previously collected water in it, and not just let the water go down the drain;
  • For boiling use a small amount of water, necessary for one or two servings of tea or coffee, do not dial a full kettle for brewing one cup;
  • It is recommended to use it as a daily water treatment for taking a shower, which will take 30-40 liters, and not a full bath with 140-150.
Power consumption kW water heater 50, 80, 100 liters

A instantaneous water heater is recommended for domestic use (washing dishes, for example), in order to reduce electricity consumption

But what specifically concerns the regulation of the performance characteristics of boilers and heaters, the following measures are recommended here:

  • Set the maximum temperature in the tank at the level of 35-40 degrees;
  • For a flow heater, when cooking and washing dishes, heating up to 40 degrees is enough;
  • A temperature of 45-50 degrees is enough to take a shower or fill the bath;
  • Set the daily timer for the storage device with the heating function turned off at night;

To determine how much electricity the boiler consumes per month is simple, it is enough to carry out simple calculations based on the following indicators:

  • Power of electric heater according to technical characteristics of instruction —W;
  • Maximum tank volume - V;
  • The temperature of the heated water to a maximum of 60 degrees - T2;
  • The temperature of the supplied water for heating from the water supply T1;

The calculation is carried out according to the formula: T = 0.00116 * V (T2 –T1) / W.

First, the heating time of the full volume of the tank is determined, and then the total energy consumption of the device.

To heat a volume of 50 liters from 15 to 60 degrees with a boiler with a heating element of 1.5 kW, you will need:

0.00116 * 50 (60 - 15) / 1.5 = 1.74 hours or 104 minutes

To find out the amount of electricity consumed, the power of the device is multiplied by the heating time:

1.74 x 1.5 = 2.61 kW.

Calculation of boiler power for a minimum comfortable water supply at home

Power consumption kW water heater 50, 80, 100 liters

To calculate the consumption, you need to determine the need for hot water for the residents of the house and how long the heater will be used

Calculating the power of the instantaneous water heater in kW for comfortable consumption and providing hot water supply at home compared to the storage type is relatively simple. To do this, it is enough to determine the need for hot water for each person living in the household and to establish in total how long the heater will be used.

So, for using hot water during the day per person, the expense is:

  • Sink in the bathroom - 3-10 minutes per day, the maximum amount of water 15 -18 liters at a temperature of +35 degrees;
  • Kitchen sink - up to 1 hour at a flow rate of up to 50 liters at a temperature of up to 45 degrees;
  • Daily shower - up to 10 minutes; temperature up to 40 degrees; consumption of only 30-40 liters;
  • Bath - up to 20 minutes; temperature up to 40 degrees; consumption volume 120-140 liters.

Thus, for one adult family member per day, 230-245 liters are consumed in maximum consumption with a morning shower and bath in the evening.

With a throughput of 6 liters per minute, a device of 10 kW will be in operation to meet the needs of one person 240 \ 6 = 40 minutes or 0.6 hours, which is 6 kW per day. On average, in the economical mode, the power consumption will be about 4-4.5 kW per person. This mode can be provided by a 10 kW water heater.

For a storage type with a volume of 50 liters and a capacity of 1.5 kW with a consumption rate of 200 liters per family of 3-4 people, the maximum consumption will be 8.4–9.2 kW.

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