Today, a wide variety of heating appliances is presented in the consumer market. Among them, a ceramic heater deserves special attention. It is distinguished from other representatives by the presence of a ceramic heating element. This environmentally friendly natural and safe material does its job well as a heat source.

Wall heaters
At the same time, the devices differ from each other in many characteristics: design, heat source, dimensions, installation options. To understand which model is right for you, it is important to consider the features of operation, the area of the room and other indicators. The types, advantages and best models of ceramic heating devices will be discussed further.
Ceramic heater: why it is better than oil, its pros and cons
In the harsh conditions of the Russian climate, many residents freeze in cold winters even in apartments with central heating. In view of this, the use of additional heating methods is in demand among most of the inhabitants of the middle lane.
Specialists regularly conduct testing and questioning of consumers in order to establish which type is still better. And the results speak for themselves. If earlier buyers most often purchased oil radiators, today these devices are significantly inferior to modern designs of the ceramic type or, as they are also called, new-generation heaters.
So, what advantages do they have:
- High efficiency. The technology used in devices of this class is considered one of the most efficient and economical. Even when the electric heater is turned off from the outlet, ceramics give off heat for some time. Compared to oil batteries, ceramic products heat a large area of a room. At the same time, they consume electricity by about 1/3 less.
- The considered class of devices is lighter than oil analogues. Compact desktop models move anywhere. The floor representatives are also lightweight. As you can see, the products are mobile and easy to transport. What is also important if, for example, you need to take the product with you to the country.
- Compact size. Wall panels, despite their heavy weight, are easily mounted on the wall. However, they do not require special installation conditions.
- High security. This is one of the main advantages of designs of this kind. Regardless of technical characteristics, cost, type, all products have excellent fire safety. This is the only type of heaters that can be used in wet rooms. Models have special protection functions: automatic shutdown when overheating, thermostat.
- Environmental friendliness. Even when heated to high temperatures, ceramics do not emit harmful toxic substances, do not change the humidity level in the room. Ceramic models do not dry the air. All these advantages make it possible to install devices in rooms where young children live or often are.
- High functionality.Even budget products support at least 2-3 temperature conditions. Extra-class devices have the ability to integrate with smart home systems.
- Quiet operation and great design.
- Long service life. According to manufacturers, at least 3 decades.
The disadvantages of the designs under consideration include too high a cost, in comparison with alternative sources of heating.
Types of ceramic heaters
All ceramic heaters existing today can be divided into 4 main groups. Depending on the features of installation and installation, they are wall, ceiling, floor or table.
Ceramic Wall Models
Wall-mounted devices have the largest dimensions and weight. But this is not a disadvantage. Outwardly, some models are similar to air conditioning, but, unlike climatic equipment, it is not recommended to hang the plate near the ceiling. The reason for this is known to many since the school course in physics: warm air, on the contrary, soars up to the ceiling. Accordingly, placing products on the ceiling is not effective.

Wall ceramic heater device
Wall models are the most powerful and often have many additional features. For example, the device can be used instead of a fan in the summer. And some models - even instead of air conditioning. To do this, you need to specify in the settings the rotation of the blades without heating or set the desired temperature value that the device must support.
IMPORTANT! Some ceramic wall-mounted home heaters feature an ionization function. As you know, air saturated with negatively charged air ions has a beneficial effect on human health and performance. It is especially important to use ionization in rooms that are oversaturated with all kinds of electronic devices. The design with an additional ionization function comprehensively solves the problem of creating a favorable indoor microclimate.
Floor and table ceramic heaters
Floor and table heaters, unlike wall heaters, do not require installation and are complete mobile devices. You can put them anywhere in the room. Typically, desktop models are much larger than desktop models. Floor models can be installed anywhere in the room.
Some models rotate in different directions, which allows you to warm the air in all directions. Particularly powerful models can be used as the main source of heat in the apartment. This is true for rooms in which there is no centralized heating system. Almost all models are equipped with timers, electronic thermostats, temperature displays, and remote controllers.

Floor heaters
Desktop models are the most compact and convenient devices. From floor counterparts they are distinguished by the installation method. Products can be placed on a desktop, window sill, or other protruding surface.

Ceramic tabletop heater
Ceiling Heaters
Ceiling heaters, as the name implies, are installed on the ceiling and can only be infrared type. Unlike desktop and floor models, such products have a large radius of heat dissipation. They can be used as the main source of heating. A connection infrared ceramic heaters happens through a temperature regulator that allows to save the electric power and provide comfortable microclimate conditions in the room. As a rule, ceiling heaters are controlled using the remote control.
The design of ceramic heaters
The main components of the design are a heat-reflecting screen and ceramic heaters. They are combined in a monolithic design, so they are often called ceramic heating panels.From the manifestations of the external environment and mechanical damage, the internal components of the device are protected by an all-metal casing.
The operation of the devices can be based on the principle of infrared radiation or on convection of air. Ceramic heaters heat the air inside the room, as well as objects that are located in the immediate vicinity.
Allocate infrared and convector heaters. The operation of convectors is based on the principle of air convection. Heated air rises, and cold air drops down. The body of convection structures has openings in the lower and upper parts, while the heating element is located at the bottom of the body. Cold air is drawn in through the lower openings, where it heats up, expands, and exits through the upper openings. This mechanism of operation allows you to provide heat to a large area of the room. Ceramic panels can work not only from electricity, but also from gas.

Ceramic gas heater
Electric models are more common - such ceramic heaters are most often installed at home. Devices using a gas heat source are in demand where there is no possibility of connecting to electricity.
Infrared heaters, unlike convection heaters, do not heat the air in the room, but the surfaces - the floor, walls, furniture, any objects that are in the room. Those, in turn, give off heat to the surrounding space. The heating elements of the IR devices are a nichrome-chrome spiral enclosed in a ceramic tube. Under the influence of current, the spiral heats up. Infrared heaters come in 3 types of gas, volumetric and hollow. According to experts, the latter are most preferable. Hollow structures heat up quickly and cool quickly.

How does an infrared heater work
Energy Saving Ceramic Heaters
Many ceramic home heaters are equipped with a special microprocessor control unit, so the device acquires energy-saving properties. As is known in models with mechanical control, the temperature is regulated stepwise. And in budget options, and even a total of 2-3 temperature conditions.
Using modern constructions of a new generation, you can set the required temperature with an accuracy of a degree. Throughout the work, the device maintains a predetermined temperature regime, errors and deviations from the set values are practically eliminated. The timer function, implemented in models of the middle and high price range, will allow you to pre-set the time to turn off and on. All these functions can significantly reduce electricity costs.
Ceramic heaters for cottages and tents
Sometimes there is a need for heating of cottages, personal plots, storage rooms, open balconies, terraces. Alas, it is not always possible to connect to the mains. In other cases, the power source is very far away. Using power strips is expensive and not always possible.
Manufacturers of ceramic heaters solved this problem by creating a gas appliance. If you are a lover of winter fishing or hiking in the cold season - you can also do without a heater. Of course, you can use the old-fashioned ways. For example, make a fire. But these methods are ineffective and will not provide comfortable conditions. To keep you active at any time of the year, bring a gas-type ceramic heater with you. Such a device is installed directly in the tent, which will ensure a comfortable sleep.

Gas-fired tourist heater
Such devices have a special outlet for connecting gas valves. As a source of energy is a gas cylinder. Inside the structure, gas is burned. Despite this, there is no open flame during combustion, which ensures safe operation.Some models can heat up to 800–900 degrees Celsius.
Gas infrared heaters are especially popular among tourists. After all, compact and functional appliances can be used as a stove. Now it’s not necessary to make a fire.
Popular models with brief specifications and prices
The popularity of ceramic heaters is explained not only by their effectiveness, but also by the ability to decorate the interior of the room. In the market of heating devices of this type, many models from different manufacturers are presented. When choosing the best appliance for the home, consider, first of all, the area of the room, the installation method and other features.
Consider some of the best models. If you are looking for a device that successfully combines quality, reliability, functionality and reasonable price, take a look at the Polaris PCWH 2070 Di. This wall-mounted heater has many operating modes, which saves energy. Power adjustment here is done using the remote control. It is very comfortable. The model also has a built-in timer for up to 8 hours. The average cost of this model is 2050 rubles.

Wall heater Polaris PCWH 2070 Di
Also attention is deserved by Kam-in products. Model EASY HEAT SNANDART, having an average cost of only 1120 rubles, received a built-in electronic thermostat. The design controls not only the air temperature in the room, but also its value directly on the panel. Such heaters are suitable for installation even in a nursery. After all, the likelihood that a child accidentally touches a hot stove and gets a burn is minimized. In addition, this model can be configured for hourly or daily operation. In total, the model provides 6 operating modes.

Ceramic company Kam-in
Models with electronic control have many advantages. However, like all electronic equipment, they have a drawback. Electronics is sensitive to power surges in a household network. That is why, if the quality of the household network leaves much to be desired, in the evening the network often sags or power surges occur often, it is better to stop on models with a mechanical thermostat. Experts recommend the Scarlett Sc-Fh53k07 heater. Having a cost of only 1,500 rubles., The design received a rotary housing, power 1.8 kW.

Fan heater Scarlett SC-FH53K02
New generation designs deserve special attention. For example, products of the Venice brand. These designs are noteworthy in that they combine immediately two methods of heat transfer: infrared and the principle of convection. This approach allowed to achieve higher efficiency, provides economical energy consumption. When heated to 85 degrees, the panel becomes an effective IR heat source. The reverse side of the structure has special openings, which allows heating the room using the principle of natural convection.
Ceramic heaters "Venice" series PKIT and PKK are equipped with built-in thermostats. With their help, power control takes place. In addition, the company offers a budget class design without a thermostat. This is a series of PKI and EDPI. Designs can be used to create autonomous heating and as an additional heat source.

Ceramic heater "Venice"
Ceramic heaters "Venice" are not only functional, but also have an exquisite design. The consumer is offered a wide selection of colors for textures. A great addition to the stylish interior will be heaters, decorated with sandblasting or photo printing.

On the surface of "Venice" heaters drawings can be applied
Effective heaters are produced in Ukraine on European equipment. The cost of products in the official online store is from 2150 to 7400 rubles.