Water is the most valuable liquid, it fills our body, without it, no creature can survive. Safety and water quality shape human health. A lot of methods have been invented for its purification. One of them likes to stand for liquid, while the other is to filter it. Many people buy whole systems for filtering drinking water. It is not necessary to spend significant funds on expensive installations. Ionizer is not so difficult to do with your own hands, it does not require expensive materials and parts.
Water ionization device
Hydroionizer produces alkaline and acidic varieties of water. This is due to the process of electrolysis of a liquid medium.
The popularity of ionization as a method of water treatment is due to the fact that ionized liquids are credited with healing properties. It is believed that such water slows down the aging process in the human body.
To get water with a positive and negative charge, first you need to thoroughly clean it from impurities. This happens by filtering. A negatively infected electrode collects substances with an alkaline reaction, and a positive electrode attracts compounds of an acidic nature. So it turns out two varieties of water.

Ionizer, a device for the production of alkaline and acidic liquids.
Alkaline water has a negative charge. It has such features:
- It stabilizes blood pressure.
- It leads to a normal state of metabolism.
- Fights viruses in the body.
- Strengthens the immune system.
- Promotes tissue healing.
- It is a strong antioxidant.
Acidic water has a positive charge. It has such features:
- It is a strong disinfectant.
- Eliminates allergies.
- Fights inflammation.
- Destroys fungi, bacteria, viruses.
- Gives a healthy look to curls, cares for the skin.
- Helps to care for your teeth and oral cavity.
Hydroionizers come in two varieties:
- They work through the use of precious metals (primarily silver), as well as semiprecious stones (coral, tourmaline).
- Provide ionization due to electric current. During the operation of the device, water is disinfected and enriched.

The diagram describes in detail the principle of the ionizer
Getting live water with an ionizer
The Aqualife device, creating invisible particles in a liquid, ensures the movement of current. A negative charge electrode repels electrons. They begin to move towards the anode. This process is reminiscent of the principle of operation of an electric lamp. The medium in which the reaction occurs is water.
Each water molecule consists of three atoms: one part of oxygen and two parts of hydrogen. Only two ions are stable. This is hydrogen, as well as a hydroxyl group. When an atom separates from a molecule, it receives a positive charge, now it is an acid factor. Near the negative electrode, he receives another elementary particle, because of this it becomes neutral. In nature, in the natural state, individual hydrogen atoms do not occur; they cannot exist in this form. Atoms are combined into hydrogen molecules in a gaseous state.
If you charge water with an excess of electrons, it becomes living, able to cure many diseases. Is it possible to prepare such charged water at home? It’s possible, there’s nothing complicated.
DIY water
Getting home water with alkaline or acidic properties, which has a healing effect on the body, is not difficult. Making a water ionizer with your own hands is not so difficult. To build it you will need:
- Electrodes (2 pcs.). They can be replaced with ordinary metal plates, it must be stainless. Graphite rods are also suitable.
- A piece of fire hose. He will act as a current conductor. He does not pass water, thus, he will separate the "living" and "dead" water.
- A jar of glass and a lid to it.
- Electric cord with plug.

Home-made device for ionizing water
To make an ionizer for water at home, you must first sew one edge of the hose. It must be placed inside the can. About 2/3 of their volume should be poured into each vessel. The cord must be connected to the electrodes. If the can has a volume of 0.5 liters, then the length of the electrodes should be about 10 centimeters.
To make a home-made water ionizer with parallel electrodes, one of them (negative) is placed inside the fire hose. Another electrode with a positive charge is placed outside the bag. In order not to confuse the electrodes, it is best to make them the corresponding marks “+” and “-“.
After all the work done, you should connect the device to the mains. After 10 minutes, the water will be divided into two types. "Living" water is slightly whitish in color, it is cloudy. "Dead" water is transparent, has a greenish color.

Water before and after ionization
Enriched Fluid Varieties
As with many inventions, there are different opinions about the benefits of ionized water and its effects on the body. Manufacturers and distributors of devices insist on its exceptional properties and recommend use in everyday life. Special healing properties are attributed to silver containers; they enrich the water with ions of this precious metal. The result is a very clean and clear liquid.
It is known that silver belongs to the group of heavy metals. Admirers of silver water are well aware of this, therefore they focus on the fact that the concentration of silver ions should not be too high. Otherwise, such water will do more harm than good.
Water is divided into three categories according to the dosage of silver:
- Drinking water. It contains 30-40 mcg / l of silver. It should be used for drinking, preparing various dishes and drinks, home canning. Such a silver liquid is suitable for domestic purposes, bathing.
- Water with a dosage of precious metal in 300-500 mcg / l. It is well suited for seed treatment before germination and planting. It is favorable to water flowers, wash fruits and vegetables. She is able to disinfect children's toys, dishes, any surfaces, household items.
- Concentrate. In this kind of liquid, the dosage of silver can be 10 thousand mcg / l. It is intended for external use only. Suitable for gargling or washing in the morning, you can also inhale it.
How to make a silver ionizer on silver
Regular consumption of water, additionally enriched with silver ions, kills pathogenic bacteria. The instructions describe in detail all the stages of manufacturing a home ionizer. You just need to connect any item made of silver to the plus. The minus should be connected to a power source.

Any item made of silver can purify water from pathogenic bacteria.
So that the water is enriched with silver to a drinking state, only 3 minutes of exposure are enough. To get a more concentrated version, the ionization process should be carried out for 7 minutes. Then the hydroionizer is turned off, the liquid is thoroughly mixed and incubated for 4 hours in a dark place. After this time, silver water is allowed to be used for medicinal or domestic purposes.
You can not store silver water under the influence of light, this will lead to the loss of silver in the form of flakes at the bottom of the tank.
Everyone chooses what is more convenient for him: buy a ready-made device or make it with your own hands at home. The main thing is that such an ionizer allows you to get "living" and also "dead" water and take care of yourself and your loved ones.