Have you ever wondered why it is easier to breathe in the mountains, on the sea and in the forest? The thing is that the air in these places contains a large number of anions. Dust, industrial waste, exhaust gases and other satellites of civilization reduce the natural ionization of air. If the indicator of natural ionization in the mountains is 15,000 units / cm3, then in modern megacities this indicator rarely exceeds 20. Such indicators are ten times lower than the established norms. It is not surprising that many of us experience constant fatigue syndrome, are sick more often, and the average life expectancy also decreases every year.
Ionization of air - what is it and why is it needed
We breathe dirty air, saturated with dust, germs, exhaust gases and toxic compounds, we are surrounded by artificial upholstery, artificial building materials - all these harmful substances settle on the lungs and contribute to the development of many diseases. Needless to say, the electromagnetic and radio waves emitted by electronics are detrimental to humans?

Air ionizers
Save the situation and improve the atmosphere of the microclimate air ionizers. Saturating the air with useful anions, they significantly improve air quality, which has a positive effect on overall well-being.
People using this appliance are seeing a surge of strength. They have headaches, dizziness, increased mental and physical performance, normalized sleep.
Who most needs an air ionizer:
- Elderly people and people suffering from chronic diseases: metabolic disorders, chronic fatigue syndrome, chronic bronchitis and asthma, diseases of the cardiovascular system.
- It is useful to use an ionizer as a prophylactic during an epidemic of viral diseases. Air disinfection occurs due to the production of ozone by the device. Powerful medical air ozonizers are used in medical facilities to disinfect the room. However, in high concentrations, ozone is a poison, therefore it is impossible to stay indoors during the operation of the ozonizer. The order of inclusion and use of the ozonizer is strictly regulated by the relevant rules. However, in everyday life, ozonizers are rarely used.
- People working at a computer and indoors.

Sleeping indoors with an ionizer is pleasant and helpful.
Principle of operation
The device produces anions according to the scheme of the Chizhevsky chandelier. Inside it is a negative and positive ionizing electrodes, which are supplied with high voltage. Obtaining a negative ion occurs as follows:
- Under the influence of current, a corona discharge is formed between the electrodes, as a result of which air ions are released into the air.
- These air ions are mixed with molecules of oxygen contained in the room - due to this, the room is filled with anions. Particles settle to dust, contributing to its lowering.
The impact of the device is stored in a radius of 2-3 meters.

The principle of operation of the ionizer
Features of ionization air washing: air ions in the air
This device creates comfortable living conditions in the apartment. The modern market offers a wide variety. Many devices are supplemented by:
- air purification function;
- humidifier;
- Nera-filters;
- electrostatic filters.
There are highly specialized ionizers designed for installation in the car or for the refrigerator.A compact and inexpensive car ionizer protects the driver from harmful exhaust gases, purifies the air and improves the microclimate in the car compartment. Given the fact that residents of megacities stand idle for a long time in traffic jams, such a device will become very useful. The ionizer for the refrigerator will allow you to keep food fresh, easily removes unpleasant odors, kills microbes and bacteria.
But back to the household ionizers for the apartment. All ionizers can be divided into two main groups:
- Unipolar.
- Bipolar.
The latter generate not only negative, but also positive ions, have a milder effect, therefore they are recommended for installation in a children's room or in rooms where there is little household appliances. Unipolar ionizers are best used in rooms with lots of electronics. The fact is that electronic devices generate positive ions. Accordingly, in these rooms there is a need to establish balance in an unbalanced balance.
Unipolar air ionizers are used not only in everyday life. In particular, the installation of such a device is mandatory provided for by the labor protection requirements in office premises, at automated workstations.

Using an ionizer near a working appliance is very useful
If you often smoke in the room, it is better to choose devices with a higher concentration of ozone. Ozone destroys tobacco smoke.
For additional cleaning of air from dust particles, use air purifiers with ionization function. Products will be useful to people suffering from allergies, pet owners. If your apartment has too much air, choose appliances with the function of ionization and humidification.

A cleaner with ionization function is the best choice for apartments where there are pets and a lot of dust
When choosing a suitable model, consider the area for which a specific household appliance is designed. An increase in ozone concentration due to the use of a powerful ionizer in a small room is dangerous. Indeed, ozone in high concentrations is poisonous.
Despite the many advantages, there are a number of contraindications to the use of this appliance. It is not recommended for use in tumor diseases for the reason that anions feed all tissues and cells of the body, including tumor cells, which leads to their rapid growth.
It is not recommended to use the device if there are people with elevated body temperature in the house. The ionizer accelerates metabolism, which leads to an even greater increase in temperature.
Do not turn on the device in smoky rooms, as harmful particles in this case can get into the lungs. For the same reason, do not smoke near the ionizer.