Almost all private houses and many city apartments are equipped with special water heaters that provide uninterrupted supply of hot and cold water to residents. Of course, this is very convenient. But sooner or later, the owners are wondering: why does a seemingly functioning boiler hit the electric current?
If this happens, you should quickly find and eliminate the cause of the current leak. In addition, it is important to remember that the operation of such a heating element is prohibited.

Damaged heating element parts
First of all, it is important to note that a boiler can shock differently:
- Through the water. In fact, such a problem does not pose a serious threat. When designing the boiler, it was taken into account that water will always be in it. Therefore, the equipment was made in such a way that current in the event of a breakdown will likely cause a slight tingling or tingling sensation rather than strong discharges that can harm a person. It will not be difficult to detect a breakdown: a person on himself will feel an unpleasant tingling current.
- Through the case. In this case, there is little danger, since the causes of the breakdown usually lie in improper grounding. In the event of such a situation, the equipment should be immediately turned off and a specialist should be called. The difficulty is also that it is quite difficult to detect a malfunction, and sometimes it is impossible to do it yourself.
Troubleshooting Methods
The reasons why the broiler is shocking can be very diverse:
1. The destruction of the insulation of the heating element. The source of this reason is the destruction of the TENA membrane or periclase. When this shell is destroyed, the heating spiral is exposed, which is constantly under high voltage. When the shell is destroyed, the spiral begins to actively interact with the best current conductor - water. As a result, minor electrical discharges resembling light tingling are released. You can fix the breakdown yourself by replacing a worn heating element.
2. Improper boiler connection can also cause electrical discharges. Often, many confuse zero and ground, connecting the heating element incorrectly. To fix this problem, reconnect the wires. Typically, the ground cable is yellow-green. After installation, it is important to check the wires not only outside, but also in the outlet. If in doubt, you should contact a specialist.

Boiler connection
3. Touching the bare wire against the housing may also cause electrical discharges. This problem occurs if the insulation deteriorates or erases on any of the wires. An electric leak occurs if the bare wire touches the computer case. To fix the problem, you need to disassemble the device and find the bare wire that needs to be repaired or replaced with a new one.

The bare wire on the Tena
4. Faulty neighboring water heater. It can also cause a malfunction. In this case, electricity will be transmitted through metal pipes. If this situation occurs, immediately turn off the boiler. After shutdown, you need to touch the water: if it no longer nips, then the reason is in the neighboring boiler. It is necessary to immediately inform the residents about the breakdown.
Boiler is shocking, what to do?
First of all, it is necessary:
- wipe your hands thoroughly with a dry towel;
- disconnect electric heater;
- if there are no skills in the repair of such equipment, it is better to call a specialist;
- Before the arrival of the master, you should not independently look for the cause of the breakdown and generally touch the equipment - this can not only prevent the master from working, but also pose a danger to life and health;
- completely drain the water from the computer;
- check the presence of current in water, in pipes or in the electric heater itself with a special apparatus.

Check for current
Residual Current Device
To protect yourself and prevent the occurrence of emergency situations, you should install a special protective shutdown device, or RCD. This small-sized device is installed in a special shield. The RCD is responsible for ensuring that the boiler does not shock. If problems occur, the device will simply disconnect the boiler from electricity.
Advantages of RCD:
- protects the boiler from damage, de-energizing it at the slightest threat;
- continuous protection against electric shock;
- Installation of the device does not take much time;
- does not require large financial investments.

Residual Current Device
To be sure of your safety and the safety of loved ones, it is important:
- choose a quality computer from a trusted manufacturer in a licensed store;
- in case of difficulties with installation or inability to independently cope with this task, it is better to call a specialist who will install the electric heating element;
- take care of installing special residual current circuit breakers.