Electronic blood pressure monitors are used constantly due to their simplicity. The main problem of electronic devices is an unexpected reset. We will understand why the tonometer does not show pressure and resets the available readings.
The principle of operation of the electronic tonometer
All tonometers have a similar principle of operation. It consists in measuring the pressure by determining the fluctuations in the cuff of the device, which occurs when "listening" to the blood passing through the veins. A special device is installed in the cuff, which is put on the arm in the artery.
This principle of operation is an oscillometric method. Further, the obtained indicators are displayed on the second part of the tonometer - a mechanical pressure gauge or the main unit of the electronic variety.

Device structure
As for the operation of the electronic device, the occurring vibrations in the cuff are analyzed by an automatic system that translates them into digital values. Depending on the available functions, the electronic blood pressure monitor may display the following data:
- indicators of upper and lower blood pressure;
- heart rate;
- determination of the presence of arrhythmias and other possible pathologies.

Automatic blood pressure monitor
In electronic varieties, you can use the previous saved data. Some models memorize blood pressure indicators up to 20-30 measurements.
The automatic blood pressure monitor has a significant drawback in the form of an unexpected data reset. Such a nuisance can develop during the use of the device; previously fixed indicators are also often “lost”.
Reasons for dropping indicators
If the electronic blood pressure monitor resets during use, you can talk about a serious malfunction. But often users make mistakes themselves. Therefore, among all the possible causes of the presented problem, we can distinguish:

The device does not show all data.
- complete malfunction of the device;
- error in the oscillometric measurement method - there is a malfunction in the cuff;
- the user jerked his hand, which caused a malfunction in the measurement of blood flow;
- the presence of arrhythmia in the user - at this time the heart is working irregularly, therefore the automatic system does not have time to measure the indicators and interpret them into numerical values;
- other features of the user's body;
- detachment of the loop of the main unit, which is why the digits are displayed incorrectly on the display.
The characteristics of the body include various disorders in the cardiovascular system, which is often observed in the elderly. In this case, in most cases, the tonometer shows different indicators, but can completely reset the values.
How to fix it?
Before correcting an existing malfunction, it is necessary to determine its cause. If the problem is in the wrong pressure measurement, you must once again read the instructions with recommendations for use. The basic rule in this case is not to move the hand on which pressure is measured.
User actions to repair the device depend on the cause of the malfunction:

Peeling of the loop requires sealing contacts
- If the reason is with the detachment of the loop, you should disassemble the main unit and solder the existing contacts. If there is no way to carry out the action yourself, it is better to contact the repair service.
- An error in the oscillometric measurement method is often accompanied by different indicators - their reset may not always occur.A similar cause is determined by the presence of damage to the cuff itself or by blowing air in the inlet area of the hose. In case of damage to the cuff, it is recommended to glue or pinch it with a strip of aluminum, creating a standard patch. If there is a purge in the area of the inlet of the hose, it should be wrapped with a thick thread at the fault location until the air outlet is completely eliminated.
- If the user cannot get his data, but for other people the same device works properly, it makes sense to consult a doctor for a cardiogram.
Correct hand position when using the device
- In the case when the device does not turn on at all or loses all records even when the cuff is inflated with air, it is recommended to conduct a complete diagnosis by contacting a service center.
In order to avoid troubles or for the subsequent possible free repair, it is recommended to choose for purchase devices of those brands that have their own service centers in the user's home.