Blood pressure measured blood pressure monitor. But sometimes it is required to trick the device in order to achieve a goal: for example, to extend the sick leave, to induce the therapist to send for an examination, or to obtain a deferment from military service.
We will figure out how to trick a tonometer in one direction or another.
Types of tonometers and principle of operation
A tonometer is a special device for measuring blood pressure. It should be in every home, especially where people who have crossed the 40-year mark live. The tonometer is designed for a long life, if it is used correctly. It is necessary to understand the types of tonometers and be able to use them correctly.
There are different ways to measure blood pressure, and they depend on the type of tonometer selected and the type of attachment to the arm — on the shoulder or wrist.
Types of devices under consideration:
- The mechanical model. It is subdivided into mercury and membrane. Mercury types of tonometers long ceased to apply because of their danger.

Mercury blood pressure monitor
Membrane is often used in medical institutions, it can be measured by a trained and skilled person.

Membrane view of the device
Pear air is supplied to the cuffs attached to the shoulder, a phonendoscope is applied to the pulsating vessel, whose tones are heard. The measurement error here is small, so health workers prefer to work with them.
- Semiautomatic device. Here, air is manually pumped. All further actions the device converts and delivers immediately to the scoreboard. The result of the measured pressure and pulse rate are displayed. Measurement is carried out rather quickly - this is a big plus for people with poor hearing and vision. The measurement error is slightly higher than that of a mechanical apparatus.
Semi-automatic tonometer view
- Machine. This model has two varieties - with mounts on the shoulder and on the wrist. It is enough to put on the cuff and press the button on the monitor. Air is supplied to the cuff by a battery operated pump. The memory of the device remains the indicator of the previous measurement. It is very convenient for the elderly, in whom both hearing and vision are weakening. The device has a high accuracy of readings.

Automatic tonometer view
If there is a lot of choice, you need to figure out how to fool different tonometer models?
It will be easier to cheat mechanical blood pressure monitor, because the measurement technique is much more complicated for them than automatic or semi-automatic. But here the obstacle is that in most cases physicians use mechanical tonometers, and it’s hard to deceive a doctor - he sees the human condition and all the changes in the process. It is very difficult to deceive a complex electronic device, because it has a low error of operation.

Bracelet-type tonometer
How to trick a tonometer to lower blood pressure?
Using a mechanical apparatus, blood pressure should be measured at least three times at short intervals and the average result should be calculated. This is the instruction that all doctors follow. Tricking such a device is much easier, because it is difficult to use.
When measuring, you can not fill the cuff with air enough or incorrectly assess the heart sounds. But all doctors trust this particular type of device, because they themselves control the process.But the electronic device is much more difficult to deceive, because the device itself does everything.
You can deceive any type of tonometer both before the measurement and in its process. In order for him to show reduced pressure, it is necessary to take special preparations before that. In this case, you need to calculate the dose so as not to harm your health. For each person, this is individual and depends on the state of the body and the reaction to this drug. If you take the wrong dose, you can harm yourself.
Medicines that lower blood pressure include:
- Enap;
- Enalapril;
- Andilap;
- Dopehyde.

Quick Pressure Relief
The measurement process itself requires relaxation. The slightest tension of the body will lead to the fact that the readings will be overestimated.
In order to prepare yourself in advance for the desired result, you need to drink herbal infusions and decoctions, which have the property of lowering the pressure:
- dried or fresh motherwort;
- yarrow;
- calendula
- valerian root;
- rose hips and hawthorn.

Yarrow Extract Purchased at the Pharmacy
The presented infusions and decoctions should be used with caution to people who have a predisposition to an allergic reaction.
How to fool a blood pressure monitor to increase blood pressure?
During the measurement of indicators, you can trick both types of apparatus in order to get high pressure. The following manipulations will help to increase the indicator:
- Hold the cuff while inflating the cuff. Inhale and begin breathing after the air has exited the cuff.
- To hold oxygen and begin to push - this is done during the injection of air.
- Tense up imperceptibly at the time of measurement.
There are ways to increase the pressure before measuring, by drinking beverages and drugs that contribute to this:
- drink energy;
One of the types of energy
- drink strong tea or coffee;
- take medication: Fetanol, Gutron, Heptamil;
- drink tinctures of ginseng, aralia;
- You can spend the night without sleep.
There are many ways to trick a device for measuring any kind. Just before the procedure, two effective actions can be taken. First, load yourself with physical actions: running, jumping, push-ups, squats, inclines. Secondly, lie down, holding in a suspended position the hand on which the measurement will be made, and the head, for 5-10 minutes.
A good way is to raise your legs or arm during measurement, and lower the one on which the procedure is performed as low as possible. Methods of air retention and manipulation of limbs cannot fail to be noticed by a medic who measures pressure, which is quite dangerous. But taking medications, energy drinks and tinctures of herbs cannot be detected without analysis.
You can increase the tonometer reading in the following ways:
- clench your free hand into a fist;
- strain the press;
- sit with your heels on the floor, pull your socks up;
- sit the same way, pull the socks back.

Invisible pressure increase with a tense press
These movements are unlikely to catch the eye of a doctor, but they will help increase pressure. But the presented methods do not help everyone, it depends on individual characteristics. Before this, you need to make sure the method is correct, having trained in advance.
How to distort the readings of an electronic tonometer?
The automatic device independently starts the measurement process. All you need to do is put a cuff on the shoulder or wrist and press the start button. The measurement technique looks like this:
- Air is forced into the cuff.
- Air is released through the valve at the set speed.
- The heartbeat is fixed.
When measuring, the person is required to relax as much as possible and wait for the testimony. But such a device can also be deceived and distorted, both in the direction of increase and decrease.
During the measurement process, you can strain or try the same tricks as with semi-automatic or mechanical tonometer. Before measuring, you can take warning actions: spend a sleepless night, perform heavy physical exertion. Increased pressure is affected by stress and fear. If at the time of measurement a person experiences state data, the device will show a high indicator. It is bad that in appearance the doctor may suspect preliminary preparations.
The safest way to deceive both the device and the physician is to take drinks or drugs that increase blood pressure: strong tea and coffee, energy drinks or medications.

Gutron - a drug for increasing blood pressure
In order for the device to produce a reduced pressure value, it is necessary to do the opposite. Before measuring, behave calmly, do not strain, relax during the process. It will be safer to drink something sedative. But you should be careful with this, spend several sessions to determine the optimal dose, otherwise a large dosage of the drug can provoke hypotension.
The tonometer can show different pressures in some situations, which can also be used. The device shows uneven pressure during the day: in the morning it is slightly lower than at lunchtime or in the evening. If you enter the room from the cold, then the readings will be lower, and if on a hot street - then higher. If you bend your back before determining, then the indicator will be overstated by 20-35 units.
Interference affecting measurement accuracy
In addition to the usual error, external factors influence the accuracy of the tonometer readings:
- Movement of the limbs or part of the body, even involuntary.
- The conversation during the process is especially loud.
- Mechanical effects on the apparatus: tapping on the table or rocking it.
When measurements are made several times without interruption, the readings will also be inaccurate. If it was not possible to measure the first time, you must remove the cuff, wait 1-2 minutes and then restart the process. The measurement accuracy also depends on the degree of inflation of the cuff, the tension force should be medium, it is not recommended to tighten it tightly.
It is not difficult to deceive a tonometer, but it is difficult to deceive a doctor. To lower or increase the indicator, it is better to use light preparations or tinctures on herbs. Performing physical activities is well suited for enhancement - it is both safe and easy.