Blood pressure is a kind of indicator. It shows the state in which the person’s heart is currently located. Draw conclusions about health based only on indicators tonometer not permissible, but the readings of the device may give a signal if the heart begins to malfunction. And that means it's time to turn to a specialist. The readings of the device are encrypted in a special system of signs. Knowing what the numbers on the pressure tonometer mean, you can prevent many serious conditions.
SYS and DIA digits
Two numbers located one below the other indicate systolic and diastolic pressure. The first is measured during the release of blood or contraction of the heart muscle, and the second at a time when it is relaxed. DIA (diastole) indicates the level of lower pressure, and SYS (systole) - the upper.

Indicators of systole and diastole on the tonometer
The normal rate is 135/85. Having seen such a tonometer reading on the display, which means the absence of hypertension and hypotension, you can not worry about your health. For a more accurate result, it is better to take the measurement first on one hand, and then on the other and calculate the arithmetic average of two indicators.
Another significant factor is the difference between the upper and lower indicators. If the measurements show a difference much less or more than 50, then the user should inform the attending physician.
To avoid errors in the readings of the device will help the state of rest during the diagnosis. It is forbidden to speak and move until data has appeared on the display of the device.
Heart rate
The third digit located on the display of the device is the pulse. This figure is located in the bottom row under the pressure indicators.

Heart rate indicator
Understand what this or that figure located on various models means. blood pressure monitors, not difficult. The heart rate depends on the age and gender of the person, on average, this indicator varies from 60 to 90 beats in 60 seconds. A rarer pulse may indicate bradycardia, a more frequent pulse may indicate tachycardia.
Arrhythmia indicator
Arrhythmia indicator is an icon located on the display of the device. As a rule, it is located at the very bottom of the screen closer to the center. Depending on the brand and model of the device, the appearance of the icon may vary significantly, but most often this symbol looks like a blinking heart.

Arrhythmia indicator
The icon lights up if the heart rate is uneven. This can indicate both arrhythmias of the human heart and the interferences that occurred during the measurement.
In order to exclude a random factor, you need to repeat the procedure after a few minutes. If the arrhythmia icon appears on the display over the course of three repetitions performed at rest, the user should inform the physician or cardiologist as soon as possible.
Graphic indicator of blood pressure
It can be difficult for an older person to keep a few numbers in their head and remember what normal blood pressure should be like. For such people, as well as for greater clarity, on many models of tonometers there is a graphic indicator of the level of blood pressure.

Graphic indicator of blood pressure
All manufacturers have their own scale. For some brands, it is located on the case, and for others - on the display.Figure 3 shows a tonometer with a scale placed on the housing. The slider on the screen is displayed next to the danger level. The location of the slider in the green zone means that the indicator is within the normal range; if the slider is in the red zone, you should consult a physician or cardiologist.
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Over Pressure Indicator
Deviation of blood pressure from the norm is a serious call that can talk about heart disease. And the treatment of such diseases should be approached without delay. That is why on the displays of some models of tonometers there is an additional icon that signals high blood pressure.

Tonometer with high blood pressure indicator
Motion indicator
On some tonometer models, a motion indicator is located on the display. As a rule, he depicts a human figure.

Motion indicator
Movements while using the device can cause the device to display incorrect data, which in turn will lead to an error in the diagnosis. The appearance of the motion icon on the device’s screen encourages the user to accept the idle state and measure again.
Cuff Correct Fixation Indicator

An example of proper cuff attachment
To avoid this factor, the display of many tonometers has an icon for correct cuff fixation.

Cuff Correct Fixation Indicator
At OMRON, this icon looks like the abbreviation OK enclosed in a circle. The presence of an active symbol indicates that the cuff is correctly fixed.
Smart metering technology
If the device’s case has a heart-shaped icon with an intersecting curve and the signature “Intellisense”, then the tonometer is equipped with intelligent measurement technology.
This technology provides readings during the process of pumping air into the cuff. This fact provides maximum comfort for the patient, as eliminates the possibility of re-injection of air, as well as pulling the cuff. The device with Intellisense technology spends less time measuring blood pressure, and also eliminates the possible pain of squeezing the hand, thereby ensuring maximum accuracy of the data.

Intellisense Blood Pressure Monitor
Knowing how to decipher the tonometer readings guarantees timely diagnosis and identification of certain diseases of the circulatory system, and early diagnosis in turn guarantees a more successful treatment result and the prevention of painful and serious conditions.