The article talks about the different types of thermometers used to determine the temperature, focuses on the principle of operation and features.
It also talks about the types of medical devices in accordance with the method of their use, there are characteristics of rectal, ear, and forehead devices.
Popular manufacturers and estimated cost of devices are also indicated.
Thermometers for determining body temperature - what are they
For the diagnosis of various diseases can not do without thermometers.

There are various types of thermometers. We list them:
- mercury;
- electronic;
- rectal;
- ear
- on the forehead;
- infrared.
These types of medical thermometers are used to detect abnormalities in the temperature of the human body.
High rates can be evidence of various pathologies - this may apply to inflammatory diseases, brain diseases, cancer, etc.
It is believed that the indicator should be 36.6 ° C. But this indicator can change due to menstruation, ovulation, or even the time of day.
On the principles of operation of various types of thermometers
The electronic thermometer consists of a thermistor, which is the main component of this device.
When the readings fluctuate, it changes the level of resistance. To protect the electronic thermometer from damage, its housing is made of moisture-proof materials.
After measurement, you can hear a beep. You can find out the result by looking at the display of the medical device.

Electronic medical thermometer: the display shows the body temperature. A transparent case is provided for convenient storage.
A feature of this model is the presence of interchangeable caps, they are needed for hygienic purposes, are included.
In order to use the electronic thermometer, you need to press only one button. The result can be seen on the liquid crystal display.
To get the exact result, it is better to use it in the rectum or in the mouth.
Pros of electronic thermometers:
- affordable price;
- in a maximum of 3 minutes you can find out the result;
- they are safe to use - even if the device breaks down, it will not bring harm to human health;
- universality;
- there will be no problems if the device falls into water or on the floor;
- the presence of additional functions in some devices - they can measure the temperature in the room, remind you of the need for what should be measured again;
- you can find completely waterproof models.

Electronic thermometer
There are also disadvantages to such devices. We list them:
- if you try to measure the device under the arm, then, most likely, it will give inaccurate indicators;
- for measurements under the arm, it takes from 5 to 10 minutes, and this despite the fact that the signal about the end of the process will sound earlier.
Different types of thermometers allow you to choose any one you like, but the most common is mercury.

Mercury thermometer
Its peculiarity is that it can remember the last testimony. Now this product is a sales leader.
However, mercury is the sending substance. Fragility is the main disadvantage of the device. If you break itthen the mercury will spill out.
To minimize damage, mercury variants are sold in capsule shells. Even if the thermometer breaks, mercury will remain inside the capsule.
We list the advantages of mercury thermometers:
- easy to use;
- affordable;
- measure temperature in different parts of the body.
This variety of thermometers has its drawbacks:
- fragile glass;
- mercury is dangerous for human well-being;
- the appliance may fall and break;
- if it breaks, then you can get hurt by the glass.
The principle of operation of a glass thermometer is based on the fact that mercury expands at an elevated body temperature: the metal begins to rise along the glass reservoir.
It is believed that a mercury thermometer is able to give the most reliable readings.
The case is used to store a mercury device. The medical device must be stored dry, column down.
The above classification of thermometers includes infrared thermometers. They are also used to determine the temperature of the human body.
Infrared models are most often ear thermometers: you need to insert the sensor into the ear, the results will be displayed on the screen. A signal will signal the end of the procedure, just like in electronic models.
A feature of such thermometers is the presence of backlight.

Infrared thermometer
The infrared thermometer has its advantages:
- suitable for measuring temperature in a patient who is in an unconscious or dormant state;
- you can measure the temperature in newborns;
- it is not necessary to attach the device to the body;
- backlit options are possible;
- for measurement it is necessary to wait only 2 s;
- very convenient to use;
- the device is also suitable for measuring ambient temperature, water;
- Among the additional functions, the presence of removable sterile tips and shockproof housing can be noted.
This type of thermometer also has disadvantages:
- high price;
- not suitable for measuring basal temperature.
The operation of such devices is based on the presence of a hypersensitive component that responds to infrared rays emanating from the human body.
All information is displayed on a liquid crystal display. The fact that the device has completed its work can be found by the sound signal.
If the instrument is backlit, then you can see the readings even at night.
Tell about rectal thermometers. Before using them, you must read the instructions.

Rectal thermometer
With the help of such devices you can monitor the state of human health. This device is able to show the temperature measured in the anus.
Usually women use them. With the help of such thermometers, you can monitor the state of reproductive function, which will help to know the hormonal background on different days.
Also such a thermometer used to measure body temperature in children - this must be done only when the child is calm.
The thermometer must be inserted into the anus with a maximum of 5 centimeters. It is recommended to use grease during the procedure. For this, a baby cream or lubricant is suitable.
They wait a few minutes, then they get a thermometer and look at the indicators. After use, the tip of the device is treated with an antibacterial wipe.

Using a rectal thermometer
Such thermometers can also be called digital.

Rectal thermometer
We list the advantages of such thermometers:
- after the measurement, a sound signal is heard;
- well suited for children under 3 years old;
- the convenience of use;
- since the sensor is located on the tip, you do not need to enter it too deep for measurement.

Rectal thermometer
Also, such thermometers have their disadvantages:
- fragility;
- high price.

To quickly measure temperature, use thermometers on the forehead. They can be either electronic or in the form of stickers.

Sticker thermometer
To measure the forehead should be clean and dry. The thermometer is applied to the middle of the forehead, while the device should be held on both sides. Do not touch the numbers with your fingers.
If you use a sticker, then 20 seconds are enough to find out the temperature. Do not use a sticker thermometer under bright lamps or in direct sunlight.
Advantages of such sticker thermometers:
- they can be used many times;
- they measure the temperature as quickly as possible;
- small size;
- no batteries needed to work;
- there are no mercury and components harmful to humans;
- it is especially convenient to use on trips;
- can be used to measure temperature in sleeping children;
- with their help, you can monitor whether the temperature drops.
Of the minuses, the following can be noted:
- the adhesive layer loses its properties over time, so you have to press the thermometer sticker with your hands to your forehead.
Can also be used liquid thermometers. They are also called technical.

Liquid thermometer
It consists of a scale, a capillary tube, a liquid, a bypass chamber, a thermometer ball.
The principle of its work is in the properties of liquids to expand and contract.
When the liquid is heated, it expands, the liquid begins to rise up the capillary tube, which signals an increase in temperature.
Pluses of liquid thermometers:
- widespread use;
- high accuracy of measurements;
- ease of use.
They also have their drawbacks:
- impossible to automatically record readings;
- poor visibility of the scale.
A pressure gauge is used to measure the temperature of gaseous and liquid neutral media.
The principle of the device is based on measuring the pressure of a substance enclosed in a confined space. The indicators are influenced by the temperature of the sensitive element.
Read also: mercury-free thermometers.
About manufacturers and prices for thermometers
Infrared, electronic models produced by the Japanese company AND DT. The cost of infrared - up to 1200 rubles, electronic - about 300 rubles and more.
B-Well is a well-known Swiss company. Electronic models of the thermometers of this manufacturer can be bought at a very affordable price - no more than 300 rubles. Devices are distinguished by a special bright design, individual models are decorated with cheerful drawings. Such models are usually bought for children.
In the list of goods you can choose the thermometers used to measure rectal temperature, their cost starts from 170 rubles.