Body temperature is one of the most important indicators by which you can determine whether a person is healthy or not. Previously, only a regular mercury thermometer could be used to determine it, which has many disadvantages and only one single advantage, expressed in its accuracy. Today, consumers are offered a large number thermometersworking without mercury, which will help to safely determine the temperature of the human body.

Analogs of a mercury thermometer
What is a mercury-free thermometer?
Mercury is the only liquid metal that, under the influence of temperature, tends to expand and contract. It is this property of this material that is used in the production of thermometers familiar to all. But at the same time, mercury is very dangerous for the human body, and since the devices in which this substance is used are made of very thin glass, it is not so difficult to prevent it from spilling. It is for this reason that today consumers are offered a large number of other types of thermometers that do not contain this dangerous substance.
Mercury-free thermometer - a device designed to determine the temperature of the human body, which does not have mercury in its design. To date, there are several types of such thermometers, namely:
- infrared;
- electronic;
- gallium.
Each of these types has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, which must first be taken into account when choosing a device.
Infrared thermometers
Principle of operation infrared thermometers consists in reading a special sensor of infrared radiation that comes from the body. The process can take from two to five seconds, which is an advantage. The result obtained is displayed on the display located on the instrument. For measurement, it is best to use such parts of the body as the temple, forehead or auricle. In the last two cases, to increase accuracy, as well as for convenience, the devices are equipped with special nozzles. To take a measurement, you don’t need to wake a person if he is sleeping, which is very convenient when caring for a patient.

View of infrared thermometers
In addition to measuring body temperature, such a thermometer can measure the heat of water, air and any surrounding objects, which makes the device universal. The disadvantages of the device include the possible error, but for high-quality devices it does not exceed 0.1-0.2 0C. Moreover, the cost of such a thermometer is significantly higher than the price of a conventional mercury thermometer.

An infrared device is not only used to measure body temperature
Electronic thermometers
To measure the temperature with an electronic thermometer, direct contact of a special sensor with the body is necessary. But unlike mercury thermometers, the touch should be shorter and average 30 to 60 seconds. In most models, after the exact temperature is set, the device emits a signal. The result is displayed.
The normal error of such a device is a value of 0.1-0.2 degrees, but there are also higher indicators that indicate poor quality of the device.
Also very often such measuring instruments have a number of additional functions, which include saving the previous measurement result, display backlight in low light conditions and automatic shutdown, which is necessary for longer use of the battery, which is the battery.

Digital Thermometer
Electronic thermometers can have a different shape associated with a place for measuring temperature. So, for example, conventional electronic devices are made in a form similar to a mercury thermometer. With this device, it is possible to make measurements in the armpit, and it is also convenient to recognize the value of rectal temperature.
For children, electronic devices in the form of nipples are more convenient to use, with the help of which temperature is measured through the mouth. At the same time, do not forget that it is impossible to boil such a nipple, and to maintain its purity it is necessary to use special means.
Also, very often, parents buy electronic thermometers in the form of bracelets for newborns. Such models are very convenient, as they are firmly fixed on the body and measure temperature constantly.

Electronic Nipple Thermometer

Electronic thermometer bracelet
Gallium thermometers
The gallium medical thermometer in appearance does not differ from mercury. The same can be said about measurement accuracy. In this case, mercury has been replaced with an alloy consisting of liquid metals such as gallium, tin and indium, which cannot harm the human body.

Medical thermometer with gallium
When using such a thermometer, care must also be taken, since its body is made of thin glass and may break under mechanical stress. But there will be no harm from the alloy, unlike mercury, the only danger is possible cuts and abrasions. But in the case of small children, even such injuries can be dangerous, so it is better to refuse to use such a device.
How to distinguish a mercury-free thermometer
All types of devices, except gallium, are almost impossible to confuse with mercury. As for the mercury-free gallium thermometer, only its weight can become its only difference. So, mercury is a soft, but very heavy metal, while gallium is many times lighter.
But to buy cheap such a thermometer will not work. The cost of the device differs from the mercury model by at least five times.
The best models of thermometers
When choosing a particular type of thermometer, first of all, you need to be sure of the quality of the device, since only in this case it will be able to provide reliable determination of temperature. The best models that exist today are:
- Medisana FTN, which measures body temperature by infrared radiation when hovering over the forehead or temple. The accuracy of the device is 0.2 0C, the temperature measurement time is 1 second, the readings are displayed on the display with backlight. The last 30 readings are stored in the device memory. There is also a function of automatic shutdown and sound signal at the end of measurement;
Medisana FTN
- Omron Eco Temp Smart is an electronic type suitable for measuring axillary, oral and rectal temperatures and displaying in two possible units - degrees Celsius and Fahrenheit. Measurement time - 10 seconds, error - 0.1-0.2 0C, horn and auto power off provided;
Omron Eco Temp Smart
- Geratherm Classic is a mercury-free thermometer, comparable in characteristics to a conventional device, with absolute accuracy of readings and without additional features. The disadvantage of such a device is its fragility, since its body is glass, as well as the more difficult “knocking down” of readings.

Geratherm classic