Thermometers are used to measure human temperature, not only in medical institutions, but also at home. And if in hospitals the process of processing thermometers is undoubtedly organized professionally, then ordinary people are not always aware of the fact that thermometers must be disinfected after each use.

Conventional Mercury Thermometer
In the article, we will consider the features of the process of disinfection of thermometers, and also talk about the processing of thermometers of different types.
The need for processing thermometers
The thermometer is a purely personal device and should be used as carefully as possible. But the most important thing is the disinfection of thermometers after operation. Processing is necessary in order to maintain the instrument in a sterile condition. Moreover, some people measure their body temperature orally, which can lead to the spread of germs if the thermometer is left untreated.
Disinfection algorithm
Disinfection of a mercury thermometer should occur immediately after the patient’s body temperature has been measured. It is worth being as careful as possible in the process, both in temperature measurement and in the processing process, because the thermometers themselves are made of brittle material, which can lead to unpleasant consequences: a thermometer can break and injure a person, mercury is a metal dangerous to human health.
It is always worth remembering that mercury is a dangerous substance, so all aspects of the processing and storage of thermometers should not be neglected.
The disinfection algorithm is presented below:
- preparation of special containers made of plastic or glass. A prerequisite is the opacity of this container;
Processing container
- non-sterile cotton paper is placed on the bottom of the container so that the tool does not break;
- the container is filled with a disinfectant (two percent solution of chloramine, one percent solution of chlorhexidine or three percent solution of hydrogen peroxide);
- the used device is placed in a container, after which the container is closed with a lid;
- the processing time may vary and depends on the means used for disinfection. To clarify, you must consult with pharmacists or study the instructions for the solution;
- after the required amount of time, the thermometer is carefully removed from the container, it is better to do this with medical gloves;
- the thermometer must be washed with water or wiped with a damp cloth;
- dry with a clean towel.
Read also: mercury-free thermometer - features, pros and cons.
Electrothermometer Processing
The process of disinfecting an electrothermometer is simpler than treating a mercury thermometer. Electronic instruments are durable, and in most cases their case is made of plastic. therefore break such a thermometer almost unrealistic, and only a metal tip that contains a thermocouple is required to be processed.

Metal tip electrothermometer
To disinfect the electronic thermometer, it is enough to treat a clean cloth (cotton swab) with a special solution and wipe the metal tip of the electrothermometer with this cloth. Do not forget about washing off the solution under water and wiping the thermometer to a dry state.
It must be remembered that neither a thermometer with memory nor a mercury thermometer can be washed under hot water. Moreover, experts in this matter strongly recommend limiting oneself to washing with warm water, as this can ruin the instrument.
Thermometer storage
Storage of the instrument is important in terms of safety and integrity of the instrument. After all stages of disinfection have been successfully completed, the medical instrument should be placed in a special opaque container and be sure to close it with a lid. The lid should be sweaty against the body.

Special container for storing medical instruments
Opaque plastic containers are often used as containers for thermometers.
Another important feature is the storage location of the thermometer. Despite the fact that the instrument is in the container, no one is safe from unforeseen circumstances, so the thermometer can be inadvertently damaged if left in sight. The best place to store is a special home medicine chest kit.
We must not forget that the thermometer contains mercury - a substance that, if unprotected, can pose a danger to human health.
Therefore, it is always necessary to observe certain safety measures, both during use of the device (it must be tightly held in the armpit) and during storage of this tool.
If the temperature is taken by a child, adult assistance is required.
If, nevertheless, the thermometer crashes, then it is necessary to leave the room if possible, and wear a respirator for everyone remaining in the room.
You can open the windows yourself, take out things that mercury could have got on the street, and start collecting mercury using a paper sheet (all this is done in a respirator), but experts still recommend using the services of the sanitary and epidemiological service.
Workers of this structure will qualitatively clean the room from mercury drops and disinfect to eliminate all unpleasant consequences.

Pure mercury
Thus, do not neglect the process of disinfecting the thermometer, because it plays a crucial role in maintaining the instrument in working and sterile condition. If you follow all of the above recommendations, you can significantly minimize the risks associated with the use of thermometers.