Those who are engaged in fitness or perform exercises for weight loss need a device that counts the number of steps - a pedometer. This is a small and lightweight device that controls the number of steps taken when walking or jogging. Often this function is included in other portable devices - mobile phones, watches, music players. We will figure out by what principle the device works and why sometimes it counts steps incorrectly.

Pedometer appearance
What is this device and how does it work
How a pedometer counts steps depends on the type of instrument. The calculation principle is different for them, since there are three types of pedometers:
- Electronic. It functions according to the readings of the sensor, which translates the shakes into electronic pulses, each time increasing the readings. Modern pedometers are equipped with 2- or 3-axis accelerometers with microprocessors formed on the most complex algorithms. This device is necessary to eliminate false counting when other actions are performed. Electronic devices are expensive, so they are used only by specialists.
Electronic pedometer
- Electromechanical. Combined version, equipped with a pulse counter and a shaking sensor. When a person walks or runs, the device transmits vibrational pulses coming after each step. Then the counter processes the information and shows the exact result. These are the most popular and commonly used appliances.
Electronic mechanical pedometer
- Mechanical. The mechanical pedometer works on a different principle. The device has a weight, which moves by inertia. It passes through the tension springs, which advance the counter axis one division forward. All actions have a gear. These devices are rare because they are obsolete.
Mechanical device
The device records the step, taking into account the negative acceleration of the body at the time of lowering the foot to the ground. This takes into account the electronic sensor.
Accuracy of evidence
Often, pedometers are attached to the belt, but it is not easy for a complete person to do this. It is better to use devices that start automatically at the initial movement. Attaching a pedometer to the belt is required at the front of the thigh, in this place the least interference is created. Another option is a fitness bracelet that also counts steps.

The best use of the pedometer is to fasten it to the belt
The accuracy of the device also depends on the evenness of the surface on which the person is walking. Asphalt is an even surface, and the pedometer gives an indication much more accurately. If you go along the primer, sand, the edge of the sea or river, then in this case the angles of movement change. As the accuracy of the readings varies, it is recommended to purchase a device with vibration protection. The usual error in the operation of the device reaches 5%, but this is a low indicator.
The gait of a person also affects the accuracy of the readings. For each, it is individual and specific, the speed of walking is of no small importance.
Step length is also an individual indicator and also affects step accuracy. The readings are even affected by the degree to which the human body is located relative to the surface of the earth. If it is strongly inclined, then the readings will be inaccurate.
To check the pedometer for the truth of the testimony, you can set it to 0 and test it - go through 20 steps. If the display shows the exact data of the steps taken, then the device is serviceable.

Watch Pedometer Shape
Reasons for incorrect counting and lack of readings
When the pedometer incorrectly counts steps, it means that it is faulty. This device should not be used, incorrect readings will reduce the effectiveness of weight loss training, for example. Perhaps the balance between eaten and consumed calories is upset, and weight correction will also be carried out incorrectly. If a person seeks to increase the pace and number of steps, increases the distance planned for the day, then the process of increasing loads will be erroneously calculated.
The pedometer must function clearly and correctly, giving an indication of activity without distortion. Failure in his work will violate the harmony of daily training and reduce their effectiveness.
If the pedometer incorrectly considers what to do in this situation? Common types of device malfunctions are:
- The display screen is gray or black, information is missing. This malfunction can be eliminated by yourself if you carefully study the operating instructions for the device. The lack of indicators may be due to the fact that the device was not brought out of the energy-saving mode. To do this, press the MODE button. A blank display may result from a low battery charge.
Pedometer does not work
- The device is turned on, but it does not count steps. This situation may occur due to a discharged battery; it must be replaced. If the device is attached to the belt, you need to check its position - it should be suspended vertically, without distortions. The device starts to count the steps after 5 passed, if there is no given quantity, it does not show anything. The step length should be more than 30 cm, only then it will start counting, because this is so in the settings. If you walk with creeping steps, then he will also “not understand” that the person has gone and will not show anything.
- Calculation of steps does not coincide with reality. If it is improperly fixed at the waist, it will take steps incorrectly. If the device with 2D-touch technology is placed in a pocket or bag, then it will also be incorrectly counted.
- Incorrectly calculates the distance that a person has traveled, and the calories spent during this time. It requires the help of a specialist in setting up and the correct further operation. Sometimes the pedometer stops working due to long exposure to the sun or in a place where the temperature is high. It should be transferred to a cool room away from the sun, and everything will return to normal. If the temperature is too low, the display may have a fuzzy image; it is necessary to transfer it to a warm room.

Multifunctional pedometer
In order for the pedometer to work without failures, the rules for its operation and storage must be observed:
- It should be in temperature mode: not lower than –10 degrees and not higher than +40.
- Do not use sharp objects to open the battery compartment; the case may be damaged.
- Do not allow liquids, dust or small debris to get on the device.
- Clean the housing with a damp cloth. Do not use chemicals for this.
If malfunctions in the device are caused by improper operation, then guaranteed service is canceled.
Why there is no evidence
For the pedometer to work correctly, you must be able to use it. To get started, you need:

Parameter setting example
- In the settings you need to specify the readings of the length of your step.
- Position the device in an upright position on a belt, on the edge of a pocket or on your wrist, leg - it depends on the pedometer model.
- Start the movement.
- Read data at the end of a workout or day.
The pedometer can count the steps taken when moving in steps, jogging, climbing stairs, when walking.
If you decide to count the number of steps for the whole day, then wherever you place the device, it will not show the exact calculation of steps. Because during the day a person takes various actions: drives a car, eats, sits at a computer and moves the mouse, the pedometer can also take these erroneous movements as walking.Therefore, the result will be a large error, which will affect the purity of improving the quality of training.
A pedometer bracelet is quite popular among athletes. This reliable and lightweight device, it takes steps and controls activity, some models additionally count calories. The model is accurate and easy to use. It is lightweight and is not felt on the wrist.
Basically, these pedometer models enter the market from China. This is an electronic device that requires configuration, installation of a special application and registration in a computer or phone. The bracelet itself needs to be worn correctly so that the sensor can count the pulse. Therefore, it must be placed precisely on the pulse, otherwise the device will not show anything.

Bracelet device
A pedometer is a useful and safe device that will show the load on the body, distance traveled, calories burned and other parameters. You need to be able to use it correctly, for which it is enough to study the instructions for use.