A pedometer is a device for measuring the number of steps (distance traveled) of a specific user. The operation of the pedometer is based on the principle of operation of the accelerometer sensor, which responds to changes in the speed of movement (the calculation is performed when the foot touches the surface). There are several types of devices that have their pros, cons, features and mechanisms of action. Let's consider how and on what principle the pedometer works, what basic parts these or those modifications consist of and how much they cost at the moment.

Pedometer on hand
How the pedometer works
The work of any pedometer is based on the operation of a special sensor (accelerometer or pendulum) during the phase of inhibition of the human body during his walk. Each such action is transmitted by the device to the reader, it is recorded and gives indications on the board, display or dial, depending on its type. In this way, the total number of steps taken is noted. Based on this and knowing the time, you can calculate, either manually or automatically, the distance traveled and speed.
Data on the distance traveled and speed of movement are needed by everyone who:
- He leads a healthy lifestyle and constantly monitors stress, in particular the distance of running and walking.
- Engaged in professional sports and regulates the level of training, including the distance traveled.
- Seeks to lose weight and counts calories from the costs of walking and running.
- He goes on hikes and notes the distance traveled, so as not to exceed the daily norm and not to deplete the strength of the body.
The device is also used in any other case when you need to know exactly the distance traveled or the number of steps taken.
Types of Pedometers
The operation of the step meter depends on the type of device. They are of three types:
- Mechanical.
- Electronic.
- Hybrid (electromechanical).

Mechanical pedometer
Mechanical pedometer
A step counter with a mechanical base is quite simple in the device and has existed for many decades. Its principle of operation is based on the operation of a swinging pendulum - a load on a spring connected to a gear. At each step of its carrier, the load moves and scrolls the gear exactly one tooth. A system connected to the dial drives the hands of the device, noting the distance traveled or the number of steps.
Meters of this type are outdated, they are almost everywhere replaced by more advanced electronic counterparts.
Electronic pedometer
The most accurate measuring instruments today are electronic or digital. They are able to not only measure the distance / number of steps taken by themselves, but also verify readings with satellite navigation. In the latter case, the distance traveled will be as accurate as possible to one meter. The device also determines the speed of movement to the details and shows the trajectory of movement.
A digital step meter is often equipped with a program that can calculate the number of calories burned, and also sets an individual load plan.

Electronic step meter
Electronic mechanical pedometer
The principle of operation of this type of meter for the number of steps taken is to translate the mechanical vibration of the sensor into an electrical impulse, followed by the display of information.
Pedometer device
A mechanical pedometer consists of two main parts - a step detector and a device that fixes their number, otherwise a counter.A mechanical sensor is essentially a weight that oscillates when a step is taken relative to the equilibrium axis. Each oscillation translates the counter axis exactly one division - one step is counted.
In the electronic sensor, the oscillation clamp is a piezo plate. When exposed to a crystal of such a material, an electrical impulse occurs. Passing through a network of series-connected circuits, it turns into information on the display.
What models of pedometers are
Modern pedometer models are divided into portable and installable. The first are an independent device in the form of a pager, clinging to clothes, or a bracelet, a pedometer worn on the arm.

Pedometer bracelet
Portable pedometers
Portable models are divided into several subspecies:
- The simplest one-button. Devices have only one function - counting the number of steps. The cost of such models is minimal.
- With additional features. The device not only counts the number of steps taken, but also determines the length of the path traveled and counts the calories burned. The pedometer case is equipped with three buttons and a display.
- Pedometer bracelet. These are more functional models. In addition to the step counter, their functionality includes the calculation of distance and calories. Individual copies can be equipped with applications for synchronization with a smartphone. In this case, the device can be connected to a special application that calculates the load, the duration of the training, creating a schedule.
Pluses of portable models:
- Low price.
- Convenience and ease of use.
- Small dimensions and weight.
- The presence of several useful functions, such as, for example, a calorie counter.
- Lack of programs.
- Inability to track results, create a schedule.
- Short service life.

Portable pedometer
Software pedometers
Installable step meters are software for operating systems such as Android. These multifunctional pedometers include many useful options. Among them:
- Calorie Counting.
- Determination of active running or walking time.
- Distance traveled.
- Collection and analysis of information to build a graph of success and activity.
- The ability to record useful information (weight, training time, etc.).
- Calendar, data archive, diary, reminders, setting goals and objectives.
- Correction of the route for satellite navigation.
- Interactive support and communication with other people.
- Tracking weather conditions.
This is not a complete list of the properties and advantages of installation models. Their main advantage is that they can be installed on the user's own phone / smartphone (subject to software support) and provide a large number of useful options. The disadvantage is indirect and it consists in the need to take a phone with you to the training and securely fix it on the body, and, of course, such a pedometer is suitable only for those who have a smartphone or phone with the ability to install such software on it.

Pedometer on smartphone
Average pedometer prices
The dispersion of prices in the sporting goods market for pedometers is now greater than ever. It all depends on who its manufacturer is, what features it is equipped with, or with what other devices it is combined. The simplest pedometers of Chinese manufacturers cost about one US dollar, if you buy them, for example, on Aliexpress. In specialized stores, branded pedometer bracelets of famous brands can cost about $ 100-200.
In the middle price segment, you can pick up decent models. Their cost fluctuates around 300-2000 rubles. The simplest digital devices with one function cost about 350-500 rubles. In the version of the fitness bracelet, the price reaches 800-1100 rubles. per copy. More functional models with several functions cost from 1,500 rubles.
Which particular device to give preference to depends on the user.It is necessary to answer the questions - for what purposes it is needed, what functions will have to be used during its operation, and how it is more convenient to attach it to the body during training or in everyday life.