Roller massagers have become a popular tool for improving the condition of the skin, as an anti-cellulite remedy and as an opportunity to independently massage different parts of the body at home. Different models of the device are used for different purposes. For example, a roller massager for the face has an anti-aging effect, and with its use, the use of anti-aging cosmetic products becomes more effective. And at the same time, models of massagers in the form of chairs have already been developed, which have a general relaxing effect on the body, since it affects the back and legs. Most roller massagers can be used at home.
However, in order to avoid harm from their use, it is necessary to know the advantages and disadvantages of each type of device and to use this device correctly. These issues will be covered in this article. Moreover, at the end of the article, a selection of several popular models was carried out with a brief overview and the attached photos.
Types of Massagers
The modern industry offers a huge number of the most diverse massagers. If you approach the issue of choosing such a device comprehensively, you should pay attention to the fact that in the first place they differ from each other by the principle of action. There are several main types of massagers that differ from each other by the principle of action (their names, a brief description and examples of photo models are presented below):
- Magnetic. The principle of their work is the strength of the electromagnetic field. Due to the fact that in the kit for the device there are nozzles for various parts of the body, you can use such a massager for different purposes. It is believed that such devices strengthen the immune system and increase performance, as well as relax the muscles affected by magnetic force.
Magnetic version of a body massager
- Electric pulse. The principle of its action is a weak alternating current. Such massagers have more contraindications, since the basis of the work is electric current, and it should be used only as prescribed by a doctor or cosmetologist or after consulting a specialist (it is advisable that he also conduct the procedure).
Electric pulse massager. Usage example
- Electric vibrating. They differ from pulsed ones in the presence of a head to which current is transmitted. Due to the created vibration, they are more often used for weight loss of the hips. Such cellulite massagerIf used correctly and regularly, it gives good visible results.
- Mechanical. One of the most popular, but at the same time easy to use massagers. They are very cheap, so they are publicly available and have the greatest prevalence. Such massagers include various brushes, rollers, washcloths, and even wooden wraps on car seats. Despite its simplicity, the regular use of even such a device can give a visible result and improve the condition of the skin at the sites of exposure. At the same time, without much effort it will be very difficult to achieve a result, since a cloak thrown on a chair is not able to get rid of cellulite by itself. There are a lot of varieties of this type of roller massager, and there are specially made for the back, neck or hips. There are those that are intended for independent use or with the help of a second person.
Massage seat cover
- Whirlpool. These devices have a general strengthening effect on the body. The principle of their work, as the name implies, is the action of water. A jet of water under pressure acts on the necessary parts of the body, and thus the result is obtained. It is advisable to use this type of massage only under the supervision of specialists who will determine whether such a massager can or cannot be used and which points to influence. If you try to use this method yourself, you can do a lot of harm to the body. Most often, such hydromassages are prescribed in medical centers, sanatoriums and rehabilitation institutions.
Hydro massager in the form of a home foot bath
- Reflex. As the name implies, they affect reflexes. Such a massager are special slippers. They have relief insoles, due to which more or less pressure is exerted on certain points of the foot. Such an easy-to-use massager (you just need to put on slippers and walk in them) can be used at home. Contraindications to its use are only some diseases of the feet and legs.
Massage Slippers
- Laser. Like vacuum-roller, laser massagers are one of the most expensive types of massagers, but at the same time, the use of such a device is the most effective. The essence of this method is that a laser beam of light, with more or less power, acts on certain parts of the body or even points. Most often, this massage method is used in beauty salons or in medical institutions.

Massage apparatus LPG-70
Based on these data on various types of massagers, you can choose the best option for home use.
Overview of specific models
Below is an overview of 3 popular models of massager roller type.
Massage wrap Beurer MG295 (cream) for the body
Cape affects the area of the shoulders and spine. You can use this wrap on any seat. 3D massage is performed in several modes, in particular there is the possibility of alternately or separately turning on the rollers in the upper or lower back, as well as turning on the surface of the entire cloak at the same time. In addition, the rollers operate at 2 speeds. The cape of this model has a heating function, and the massage itself is reproduced within 15 minutes. After this period, an automatic shutdown is performed.
A hanger is included with this model for convenient storage of the device in the cabinet. The cape has a manual control mode, which allows you to independently choose a massage zone and speed.

Massage wrap Beurer MG295 (cream) for the body
The manufacturer gives a guarantee for this product for 2 years. The cape is powered by a 220 W home power supply. At the moment, the price of this device in Moscow and the Moscow region ranges from 15000-16000 rubles.
Infrared warm face massager FR-22R
This facial device is designed to gently cleanse the skin and improve blood circulation. This model comes with three nozzles.
A brush-shaped nozzle gently cleanses the face, which replaces the pilling session. After cleaning the face with the help of this nozzle, dead skin cells are removed and skin regeneration is stimulated.
A roller nozzle makes massage. It will be especially effective, including for the most sensitive areas of the face, if a vitamin lotion is applied to the skin before the session.
The nozzle in the form of a sponge applicator has an anti-aging effect, smoothes wrinkles and relieves muscle tension, stimulating their relaxation.
The main advantages of this model include a two-year warranty, as well as the fact that this model runs on a battery. A charger comes with it, but the convenience of using the device on the battery is explained by the fact that such a power system allows you to use it in any conditions. The device operates in two modes: with heating and without.

Infrared warm face massager FR-22R
At the moment, the price of this product in Moscow and the Moscow region ranges from up to 2,000 rubles.
Foot massager Beurer FM60
This model of a masseur is intended for legs. The surface of the device is made of breathable material, and on the surface of each stage there are 9 rollers according to the 3 * 3 pattern. The model allows you to individually set the angle of inclination, which makes the device even more convenient to use. You can adjust the height of the legs, in addition, all this can be done with your feet, which makes this device even easier to operate. The warranty is provided for 2 years. There is also a heating function, in addition, the timer automatically turns off after 15 minutes of operation of the device.

Foot massager Beurer FM60
At the moment, the price of this device in Moscow and the Moscow region ranges from 4000 to 6000 rubles.
As can be seen from the above material, do professional massage at home conditions has become much easier with the invention of roller devices, which greatly simplify the process of this procedure. Based on the information presented in this article, you can choose the most suitable device. It should be noted that battery-powered devices are more mobile, they can be taken with you on the road, and used regardless of the mains. At the same time, those powered by electricity are often more functional, have more power and scope. If the device is planned to be used for various types of massage, it is recommended to choose the one that has a larger number of nozzles and operating modes in the kit. Before starting operation, you should carefully read the instructions so as not only not to harm the body, but also not to spoil the often expensive device. Choosing a model is also recommended depending on the needs of the body and the intended scope of use.