With the advent of home use oral irrigator - a device designed to clean and care for teeth and gums by the means of supplying a powerful jet of liquid, it has become much easier to maintain it in a healthy state. But at the same time, various models of such irrigators appeared on the consumer market, taking into account the advantages of which and choosing the best one from them, it became very difficult. But if caring for and treating the gums is one of the stages of treatment or if a person constantly needs the most effective prevention of caries and gum diseases, then an irrigator with micro-bubble technology will be the best choice.

Micro bubble technology
What is a microbubble irrigator?
An irrigator is a modern device whose action is based on cleansing the oral cavity by the means under the pressure of the supplied liquid stream. The main structural elements of the irrigator are a compressor, a container for the used liquid composition for processing, a handle and removable nozzles in various designs. Most often, such devices have a special station on which all the elements of the device are conveniently placed, while ensuring its compact storage.
People with orthodontic elements in their mouth, such as braces or crowns, have an increased need for irrigators. It is simply impossible to clean out food debris and other foreign elements from inaccessible places in this case using a toothbrush. The irrigator will cope with this task as efficiently as possible.
The microbubble technology used in the irrigator consists in additional saturation of the liquid supplied to the oral cavity with oxygen. Due to this, the liquid stream is filled with a large number of air bubbles. The large amount of oxygen that is part of the liquid has a bactericidal effect, due to which the destruction of harmful bacteria and other microorganisms in the gum pockets is achieved.

Water jet saturated with oxygen
The microbubble irrigator is an innovation, and the devices that use this technology are considered the best among all that exist today. The liquid supplied under pressure, consisting of small streams of water mixed with a large number of air bubbles, encounters the surface of the mucous membrane, tongue and teeth, creating strong microhydraulic shocks. Due to this, the surface of the teeth and the areas located between them and the gums are effectively cleaned of food debris and hard-to-remove stone.

Using an irrigator prevents stone formation
Among other things, the kit of such irrigators very often includes a special nozzle for the nose, which allows you to successfully cope with various ENT diseases, washing your nasal passages and sinuses as efficiently as possible. Such an effect can be applied not only during the illness period, but also for the implementation of preventive procedures. That is why, buying an irrigator with microbubble technology, you can provide the opportunity to maintain a healthy oral cavity, but also to carry out preventive measures against influenza and other acute respiratory diseases.

Using a nozzle for the nose, you can prevent ARI and flu.
The continuously flowing jet, which was used in the very first models of irrigators, did not provide the positive effect on the gums, which it was possible to achieve with a microbubble and pulsating stream. By the effectiveness of the impact, it can be compared with the usual mouthwash using special solutions. The pulsating stream, in turn, will allow you to massage the gums and the rest of the mucosa, but to achieve a bactericidal effect with it will not work. For this reason, in the treatment of any gum disease, all dentists are strongly advised to purchase a device with precisely microbubble technology. The principle of operation, in which all pulsed irrigators function, is the flow of a liquid stream by point pulses with a frequency of 1200 to 1700 beats per minute. Thanks to this effect, a qualitative cleaning of the oral cavity is performed. Food particles do not accumulate on the teeth, between them and in the gingival pockets, which avoids the appearance of such formations as plaque and stone, which in most cases are the causes of all dental diseases.

Continuous feed
Features of the use of micro bubble irrigator
Despite the superiority of microbubble irrigators over their counterparts, this device also has disadvantages, namely, one clear contraindication is periodontitis. The explanation for this lies in the fact that the blows of a stream of fluid containing air bubbles are strong enough in this case, which can adversely affect the state of weakened and inflamed gums. To prevent this disease, the use of such an irrigator is quite appropriate.
Like any other irrigator, a microbubble device must be used only after brushing your teeth with a toothpaste. In order that the use of one or another composition does not cause harm to health, it is necessary to ensure the free exit of fluid from the oral cavity after its use. To do this, lean on the sink and tilt your head slightly to the side. Only this position will allow the liquid to drain down, preventing the swallowing of the solution.
Like other devices for this purpose, they can be both stationary and portable. Each of these species has its advantages and disadvantages. So all family members will be able to use stationary devices, since it is installed in any convenient place close to the source of electric current. portable irrigators are more convenient when a person uses it outside the home. Such devices require periodic recharging. Their disadvantages can be called only lower power, which determines the intensity of the jet and a small capacity for liquid. For thorough processing of all hard-to-reach spots, the amount of the composition that is used for processing is most often not enough even for one application.
As a liquid in such devices, compositions such as chlorhexidine, a solution of furatsilin, chlorophyllipt and herbal infusions can be used. To rinse the nose with the appropriate nozzle, you can use sea water or a weak saline solution. To choose and apply this or that composition without prior consultation of the dentist should not. It is also necessary to pay attention to the recommendations on the choice of composition, which is given by the manufacturer of this device. For greater efficiency, depending on the required exposure, it is required to choose and use the appropriate nozzle. In addition, when using the device simultaneously by several people, each of them must have individual nozzles.

The choice of fluid for the irrigator must be performed in accordance with the recommendations of the dentist
Depending on the condition of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity and gums, when using an irrigator, it is necessary to correctly select the power of the delivered jet. Dentists can also give specific recommendations in this regard.Elderly people and children should not use irrigators at high capacities, as their gums are as vulnerable as possible. In order to make power selection possible, there is a special regulator on the case of modern irrigators that allows you to adjust the operating mode to the necessary parameters.
The best models of irrigators with micro bubble technology
The main of the best models of irrigators with micro bubble technology today include:
- The Braun Oral-B Professional Care Oxyjet + 3000 is a stationary irrigator that can operate in two modes when applying a constant and micro bubble bubble. On the device’s body there is a special regulator that allows you to select the pressure intensity from 300 to 600 kPa, as well as a timer that controls the time of the procedure, the maximum duration of which can be equal to 15 minutes. The volume of the liquid tank is 600 ml, the water ripple frequency is 1350 pulses per minute. The uniqueness of this device is achieved by the fact that in addition to the irrigator, it can be used as an electric toothbrush, a handle and nozzles for which is also included. The cost of such a prior today fluctuates around 9000 rubles;
Braun Oral-B Professional Care Oxyjet + 3000
- Donfel OR-820D Compact is a stationary irrigator with micro bubble technology, which includes 7 nozzles and supports 10 operating modes. The maximum water pressure reaches 680 kPa, the minimum - 80 kPa. The water ripple frequency is 1700 pulses per minute, the volume of the fluid reservoir is 600 ml. The cost of Donfel OR-820D Compact is more than acceptable and is in the region of 3000-3500 rubles;
Donfel OR-820D Compact
- Panasonic EW1211A is a portable irrigator that is the best in terms of price and quality. The cost of such a device is approximately equal to 3700 rubles. The irrigator kit includes 2 interchangeable nozzles, the time of its continuous operation is 15 minutes, the jet pressure can be adjusted in the range from 200 to 590 kPa in the three available modes, the water ripple frequency is 1400 pulses per minute. The presence of batteries in the design of the prior allows you to use it in an amount of 10 times without the direct presence of a current source. The volume of the liquid container is equal to 130 ml.

Panasonic EW1211A