Oxygen inhalation is used not only for diseases of the lungs or cardiovascular system, but also for the prevention of diseases of the respiratory system in healthy people. This procedure became popular as a result of the fact that many experts came to the conclusion that the main cause of diseases of the respiratory system lies in the state of ecology, pollution and gas contamination. Therefore, an oxygen inhaler is especially popular now as an excellent device for prevention, which is primarily appreciated by residents of megacities.

Residents of large cities are especially lacking in pure oxygen, as a result of which they are more often sick with respiratory diseases.
Oxygen inhaler device
Oxygen enters the patient's lungs as follows. A person breathes with a mask into which oxygen enters through a special tube attached to the main body of the inhaler. Having opened the cylinder, oxygen is sent to the pressure regulator. Here you can set the desired gas supply. The patient inhales not pure oxygen, thanks to special holes in the nozzle, pure gas mixes with the air in the atmosphere. Essentially, an oxygen-enriched air mixture enters the lungs.

Oxygen inhaler is a real find for residents of large cities.
A person’s breathing can be tracked using a special float in the mask indicator. If nebulizer therapy is necessary, the latter is connected to the pressure regulator with a tube. Thus, having opened the oxygen cylinder, the gas is sent to the regulator, from there to the nebulizer. The medicine in the flask is mixed with gas and the resulting mixture is sent to the patient's breathing mask.
Operating principle
Oxygen treatment gives certain results, which become noticeable very soon:
- Increasing disability.
- Outwardly, a person looks much better, his face becomes fresher, signs of fatigue disappear.
- The immune system is noticeably strengthened.
- The state of stress no longer makes itself felt.
Many of the country's population, for the sake of such miracle therapy, are even ready to go to hospital treatment, but this procedure can be successfully performed at home.
Those who have certain health problems have already acquired a special device on the recommendation of a doctor. For preventive purposes, it is enough to purchase a compact ventilator in any pharmacy or online store.
The duration of the session takes no more than ten minutes. A special mask with a valve and nozzles for the nose are included.
In addition to such a device, special oxygen cylinders are on sale, the use of which does not provide for the use of special nozzles. In this case, the procedure can be repeated three times a day, or simply from time to time breathe aminocaproic acid.

A more simplified form of the inhaler.
Any type of oxygen inhaler will ensure good health and a cheerful state throughout the day.
How to use
Oxygen mixtures are the most popular way of ventilating the lungs. The inhalation procedure is carried out through a special mask for breathing by mouth, or through cannulas, if necessary, breathing through the nose.
For children's therapy, tent tents are used, thanks to which the child does not have to sit motionless for ten minutes. The oxygen reducer-inhaler is quite bulky, so you can’t always carry it with you.

Oxygen inhalations should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor, especially when it comes to children.
In most cases, such inhalers are intended for medical institutions. The device and principle of operation of such inhalers consists in supplying a large amount of oxygen directly to the devices through which patients breathe in the therapy room.
The recommended oxygen content in the gas mixture is 60%. Modern inhalers have a special device that makes up for the lack of air and a dosage indicator. But the exact gas content in the inhaler can only tell qualified specialists after examining the patient.
First of all, treatment with oxygen inhalation improves the condition of hypoxia, respiratory diseases and inflammatory processes of the respiratory tract.
How does oxygen work
The main effect of treatment with oxygen inhalation is to fill the lack of gas in the tissue membranes of the respiratory organs and pathways. These procedures are especially useful for patients suffering from shortness of breath and heart failure, contribute to the normalization of the patient’s health, and makes the treatment better and faster.
Oxygen Inhalation Precautions
When resorting to oxygen therapy, it is worth remembering some of the rules for its implementation, as well as the fact that, like all medical procedures, inhalation has its pitfalls. Therefore, it is worth observing some precautionary rules, since too long therapy, or an error in the dosage of drugs, can lead to drug poisoning or an allergic reaction. You can also provoke inflammation of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. This happens because oxygen displaces nitrogen from the body, thereby aggressively affecting internal tissues. Oxygen itself should also be handled with extreme caution. In case of overdose, respiratory organs can be seriously affected. Also, the result of an excess of oxygen can be a mental disorder and coma.
In order to prevent serious consequences, you need to undergo the procedure under the supervision of specialists, it is better to lie on a special orthopedic pillow.

You should often think about the state of your health and find time to visit a doctor.
Do not abuse self-medication. Unwillingness to visit a doctor once again, having spent a little of his time, can lead to rather sad consequences. Therefore, it is not worth starting inhalation procedures without a doctor’s recommendation, as well as conducting therapy, preferably under his supervision.