Inhaler from cough and runny nose, with sore throat: types, effectiveness, how to use.
Everyone is familiar with a condition where cough and runny nose do not give rest. These are usually symptoms of the common cold or other diseases of the respiratory system. This condition interferes with the usual way of life, and causes great discomfort. Tormented by these symptoms, day and night, there is one single desire - to get rid of the annoying disease as soon as possible.
The most effective and harmless way to establish normal functioning of the respiratory tract and cure the disease is considered to be inhalation. Even in ancient times, doctors treated colds with the help of vapors of herbal medicinal herbs. Fortunately, now everything is much simpler and for convenience, special inhaler devices have been invented, which are very popular in the treatment of the respiratory system.

Inhalation is a great way to get rid of cough and runny nose.
Most modern doctors recommend a cough and runny nose inhaler for patients. This procedure works especially well on the child's body, as it is harmless and painless. The inhaler allows you to deliver drugs directly to the respiratory system, which contributes to a speedy recovery. The patient also requires a minimum of effort, quite calmly, breathing evenly throughout the procedure. Perhaps the combination of simplicity and effectiveness conquered many patients who preferred inhalation procedures.
Inhaler device
Before you purchase the device, it is worth understanding how it is arranged and what types are. In general terms, an inhaler is a device that is powered by electricity. It is used for sore throat, cough, runny nose, in other words, a cold, and the inhaler is also able to cope with more complex diseases of the respiratory system, such as bronchitis, asthma, chronic sinusitis and others. Its effectiveness and safety have been proven by more than one decade of operation worldwide.

Inhaler device.
The device itself is arranged quite simply and consists of the following components:
- A compressor that converts a drug solution into steam.
- A tube through which air will flow.
- Mask, the final point of medicinal vapor.
In the foreign market, inhalers have been used for several decades, in our country they are only gaining popularity, and the majority of the population is not aware of the differences and characteristics of the types of inhalers.
Types of inhalers
There are several types of inhalers created for treatment at home:
- Steam. A device that acts by vaporizing a solution of potion and an acceptable cost. The procedure is very similar to that carried out with every Soviet child in childhood, when you had to breathe over a basin with boiling water, covered with a towel. This method is well used with dry cough, since steam allows you to get rid of sore throat, make the cough softer, so that sputum from the lungs and bronchi will also go away.

Ease of use and affordable price make this inhaler one of the most popular medical equipment on the market.
However, you can not apply steam treatment if a person has chills or fever, in other words, the temperature is above 37 degrees, and this phenomenon is quite common. In addition, there is a risk of a burn of the respiratory tract. It can also affect the healing properties of the solution, since many substances cease to produce a therapeutic effect when heated.Another disadvantage of steam inhalation is that particles of drugs cannot reach the lower organs of the respiratory system, and part of the vapor settles in the mouth, respectively, drug substances can enter the stomach, thereby disrupting the digestive system.

A steam inhaler can be used not only for medical procedures, but also for cleaning pores on the face.
As a rule, solutions based on herbs and essential oils, which have their contraindications, are used for a steam appliance. For example, such drugs should in no case be used for bronchial asthma or allergic.
- Compressor or jet inhaler. The main difference from the steam device is that the compressor does not heat the medicinal substance, so it does not lose its properties, and there is no risk of getting a mucous burn. Using it is very simple - the patient only needs to inhale the medicine. With compressor inhalation, the drug is much better absorbed and there is no side effect. An indisputable plus is the fact that you can pour any medicine that can be with oils, herbal decoctions, saline or mineral water.

A compressor-powered inhaler that combines price and quality.
Compressor will be the best option for the procedure, this and will be perfect. If we talk about the shortcomings, then due to the compressor, which turns the solution into an aerosol, the device has a fairly high noise level and considerable dimensions, which implies only home use.
- An ultrasonic inhaler has the same advantages as a compressor. These advantages can be added to the ability to use it not only in a sitting position, but also lying down, which is very useful for children or patients bedridden.

The ultrasonic nebulizer is convenient in that inhalation can be carried out in any position.
In this device, the solution is sprayed into the smallest parts by vibration. Thanks to this method, the drug enters the most distant parts of the respiratory organs. The treatment is faster and faster.
Ultrasonic inhalers are quiet and small in size. Therefore, it is convenient to carry them when necessary. Experts say this can be used for treatment, as well as for both adults and children.

Ultrasonic inhalers can be compact in shape, which allows you to take them with you on a trip.
- Membrane or mesh inhalers. These models appeared on the market recently, but many people prefer these devices. Mesh inhaler allows you to use a solution based on hormonal and antibacterial agents. The main advantage is the ability to work silently, and the ability to break up the substance into tiny particles that enter deep into the airways. If we talk about the cons, then they include the high cost of the device.

Despite the small size, the complete membrane inhaler has all the necessary nozzles.
Steam inhaler inferior to the others in a significant difference in the duration of treatment. More modern models require only a few minutes for the necessary substances to enter the body. If we talk about the benefits of inhalation over pills, syrups and injections, then this is a more gentle method that does not cause side effects or overdose.
The effectiveness of inhalation for colds
Inhalation devices are gaining such popularity because they immediately have a double effect on the body:
- The device works so that the medicine is divided into small parts and distributed throughout the respiratory system. This procedure helps to quickly get rid of the symptoms of the disease.
- Inhalation therapy is used for acute respiratory viral infections, because this procedure tidies up the inflamed airway, provokes mucus separation, blood circulation and metabolism become noticeably better.These processes increase immunity in confronting the disease.
In other words, inhaler treatment allows you to take the medicine directly to the inflamed organs, which greatly speeds up the treatment process.

Inhalation is useful for both children and adults.
Contraindications to inhalation
Experts highly recommend not using oil-based solutions. With such therapy, there is a risk that the oily particles will clog the bronchi, which in the future can develop into pneumonia, which is very difficult to cure.
Before you start inhalation, you should know when this can not be done. If there is at least one symptom of the above, the use of inhalation therapy is contraindicated:
- Fever, fever, chills.
- Purulent sore throat, diseases of the respiratory system with purulent and bloody discharge.
- The patient's predisposition to nosebleeds.
- Cardiovascular diseases.
- Individual intolerance to a substance in a medical solution.
How to choose the best model
In order not to waste money, but to get a really high-quality and effective inhaler, you should, first of all, pay attention to technical indicators, such as:
- Type of inhaler. Having carefully studied each type of nebulizer individually, we can conclude that the best option would be a compressor device or a membrane. If the choice fell on the compressor, then it is worth choosing with the activation function on inhalation, especially if the inhaler is bought for a child.
- Capacity volume. An important point, since the amount of medicine that can be poured depends on this. This is important, if the dosage is not respected, the medicine will not be sprayed, and, accordingly, the patient will not receive proper treatment.
- Performance. Here you should opt for a more powerful device. The higher its performance, the less time it takes for one inhalation session. For young children, this is especially important, since they are not able to sit for a long time in one place.
- The volume of residues. As a rule, the inhaler leaves part of the drug in the form of sediment. However, mesh inhalers do not have this property, and this is their great advantage. You can trick a little with the residual volume. As the solution evaporates, you can add saline. This will reduce the amount of residue, but it is worth remembering that the procedure will increase.
How to use
Most often, procedures with an inhaler are prescribed for children. It must be borne in mind that children are not very fond of, and sometimes they are afraid of any medical manipulations. Inhalation is no exception. Therefore, it is very important to prepare the child so that he is not afraid and calmly undergoes therapy.
When operating an inhaler, you should adhere to the following rules:
- The procedure is carried out before, or at least two hours after a meal.
- No conversations allowed.
- Breathing is carried out by the nose with a special mask, in case of inflammation of the upper respiratory organs.
- If the disease has already descended to the throat, then you should already breathe through your mouth.
- In the case of spreading the disease of the distant organs of the respiratory system, then inhalation is carried out using a special tube.
- As a solution, it is not recommended to use homemade herbal decoctions. They can clog and damage the device.
- During the procedure, the patient should be in a sitting position, if it is not about an ultrasonic inhaler.
- The medicine should be fresh, the solution should be prepared immediately before use.
- A syringe and a needle are used to fill the inhaler with a solution.
- In no case should the drug be diluted with tap water, even if it has been filtered. You can use saline or distilled water.
- The duration of the session is 5-10 minutes.
- At the end of inhalation, rinse your mouth and nose with water, wash your face.
- Smoke no earlier than an hour after the procedure.
In the case when the patient is far from home and for a long time will not be able to fall there.A stuffy nose situation will help ease the inhaler pencil specifically for the nose. Relieves congestion and headache, makes it possible to breathe freely.
What medicine to use
Usually, the drug that should be used for inhalation is prescribed by the attending physician. The medicine is mixed with saline in a ratio of one to one. In case of dry cough, preparations containing ambroxol are used. If it is necessary to expand the bronchi, then the specialist prescribes a berodual. Dosage is determined based on the age of the patient.

Berodual experts prescribe even to children.
If the patient suffers from laryngitis or pharyngitis, naphthyzin is used for treatment. It is mixed in equal proportions with saline. It will help get rid of the common cold of inhalation with mineral water, such as Narzan or Borjomi. The children's dose is determined to 5 milliliters of water.
Steam inhalations based on herbs or essential oils also help with colds. Chamomile will help get rid of a cold. Thyme and sage will help the immune system cope with the disease. Such inhalations are contraindicated in children under three years of age. It is important to remember that an oil solution must not be poured into ultrasonic inhalers.