Inhalers have long been loyal helpers in the fight against childhood respiratory diseases. The advantage of this method of treatment is the speed of receipt of drugs, as well as the speed of their absorption. Due to which the effect is achieved as soon as possible, making it easier for the baby the course of the disease.

A nebulizer will help the child ease the course of the disease.
Modern mothers are wondering what kind of device to choose among the entire proposed variety. Many pediatricians recommend a compressor inhaler for children, as the most successful option for use at home.
What are the benefits of a baby compressor inhaler?
The device operates on the basis of a compressor that creates powerful air flows. The system is considered to be very reliable in use, it does not require special professional skills: any mother at home will be able to provide her child with effective help with colds. The design does not require the purchase of individual accessories during use.

A compressor inhaler is ideal for home use.
The nebulizer allows you to use a variety of medicines to treat. The device converts substances into a special format for inhalation, without violating the structure and composition of the drug. If there is a cough for children, then a compressor inhaler is one of the main means of treatment: with the help of discharged pressure, the nebulized agent penetrates the farthest sections of the respiratory system.
Can I use an inhaler for newborns?
Unfortunately, an infection can overtake even a newborn baby. The methodology for combating the virus consists of complex measures, among which may be the appointment of inhalation. All parts of the respiratory tract of the baby are still in a state that requires special attention in any action. Since the inhaler increases the accumulated phlegm in volumes, you need to be sure that the baby will be able to cough it. To do this, any procedures on the device must be preceded by a mandatory examination by a pediatrician.

The appearance of nebulizers allowed to help children almost from birth.
Nebulizer is an inhaler suitable for newborns. Modern technology allows you to adjust the volume and power of spraying, which helps even the smallest children. Nevertheless, only the attending physician can prescribe such procedures: indicates the frequency of the sessions, prescribes the drug or herbal solution that will be sprayed. Inhalation is recommended for babies in the hospital, under the supervision of a specialist.
One of the disadvantages of a nebulizer is its volume during use, which is caused by the operation of the compressor. You should carefully approach inhalation sessions so as not to frighten an unprepared baby for procedures.
How to use?
There are a number of general rules on how to use the inhaler for children from cough and runny nose:
- all procedures must be agreed with the pediatrician (especially for children under 1 year old);
- medications for spraying should be prescribed by your doctor;
- it is forbidden to use the device if there is an admixture of pus and blood in the cold
- Do not use oil additives in the composition for spraying;
- not recommended for use at body temperature above 38 degrees;
- careful use in the presence of allergies, bronchial asthma, diseases of the cardiovascular system (be sure to consult your doctor).

Children under 1 year of age are recommended to carry out inhalation in a hospital.
Before use, you must carefully read the instructions. Properly performed procedures will not only effectively help to cope with diseases of the nose and throat, but also maintain the durability of the device.
The drug substance is dissolved in saline (sodium chloride, 0.9%) and poured into a special container of a nebulizer. When creating a solution for compressor inhaler cannot be used plain or boiled water. It is recommended to purchase special ready-made solutions for inhalation.
The procedure usually takes from 5 to 20 minutes. During inhalations, you should breathe evenly and calmly, do not take deep breaths or exhalations. If the child does not respond well to the procedure (cries, screams, breaks out), then the session should be stopped.
After working with the inhaler, it should be turned off, then remove and rinse all the parts that had contact with the medicine and the child. Wash in warm water with a disinfectant.

Many manufacturers specifically create nebulizers in the form of toys so that children are not afraid of this device.
What is the effectiveness?
The effectiveness of any procedure largely depends on the accompanying comprehensive measures. When coughing, it is not enough to use only a nebulizer, you should follow the drinking regimen, ventilate the premises, go for walks, etc.
If all the conditions for the recovery of the child are met, then the effectiveness of using the inhaler reaches its maximum mark: symptom relief is observed after the first session.

An older child should explain the benefits of an inhaler so that the procedures do not cause any negative.
What to look for when choosing a model and manufacturer of a nebulizer?
Buying an inhaler implies that the device will last a long time. Therefore, you should read the reviews and choose the best, ideal for the needs and opportunities of a particular family.

The nebulizer is the perfect solution for home use.
There are various options that allow you to carry out procedures not only for children, but also for adults. It is advisable to purchase effective inhalers for babies in bright colorful colors, as well as portable and easy to carry. Older children and adults are ideally suited to stationary models on a sustainable basis.
Many manufacturers offer for sale nebulizers with the possibility of use on trips. Such devices are not only compact in shape, but also have a well-thought-out system for recharging. You should pay attention to the presence of a child's mask with slots, this design allows you to breathe freely. In this state, he can calmly sit for 15-20 minutes and watch a cartoon.
It is also recommended to find out how practical the device is in use: is it easy to wash, does it need to replace any parts, etc.
What are some good baby copressor inhalers?
Your attention is invited to a small selection top nebulizersbased on customer reviews. All models are ideally suited for use by children, effectively help to cope with respiratory diseases, including from a cold.
Omron Comp Air NE-C28

Compact and easy to use.
The manufacturing company Omron is rightfully considered the leader in the market of medical equipment. Nebulizers were no exception: the devices of this company are in great demand among customers.
Main characteristics:
- the average cost is 5,000 rubles;
- two masks are included (for a child and an adult), nozzles and a long tube that allows you to carry out procedures while being at a distance from the device;
- high speed of work;
- quickly spraying drugs.
Microlife neb 100B

Ideal for use by the whole family
A worthy competitor of the previous manufacturer is the Swiss company Microlife. The product is always particularly practical and easy to use. The quality of the product is at a high level.
Main characteristics:
- the average cost is 3,000 rubles;
- the kit includes children's and adult masks, special nozzles for the nose and throat;
- able to work up to 30 minutes;
- fairly light weight (1 kg).
Omron Comp Air NE-C24 Kids

This option certainly does not scare the baby!
If the inhaler is planned to be used only for the child, then it is advisable to think about buying an option from a narrow line. One of the favorites in the market of children's nebulizers is again the company Omron. This model is simple and convenient to use, the appearance will help the child to perceive the inhaler as a toy, which is very important for the treatment of the smallest.
Main characteristics:
- the average cost is 4,000 rubles;
- compact in size and weight (less than half a kilogram);
- maximum noise isolation - can be used for the smallest children;
- original bright design, special nozzles in the form of toys (the child during the procedure can be distracted by playing with them);
- The package includes a special mask for babies.
B.Well WN-115K Train

A toy inhaler will help your baby not be afraid of procedures.
The design of the nebulizer is made as a toy train, which allows the child not to be afraid of the procedure, calmly sit out the appointed time for inhalation. But despite this embodiment of the case, the nebulizer is suitable for use at any age: it acts as an apparatus for the whole family.
Main characteristics:
- the average cost is 3,000 rubles;
- suitable for the whole family (including babies);
- simple and convenient to use;
- bright design in the form of a toy train.
Unlike Omron, this model does not have noise isolation - the compressor runs quite loudly. You can carry out the procedure on such a nebulizer no longer than 20 minutes, then you should leave it without work for about an hour.