Every year, the demand for electric toothbrushes is increasing and very soon this product can appear literally in every home. The assortment of products on the market is simply huge, which makes buyers difficult to choose the right model. A battery-powered electric toothbrush is an economical and convenient option.

Electric brushes
Characteristics of an Electric Toothbrush
Electric toothbrushes first appeared about sixty years ago. Over the years, functionally and externally, they have changed greatly and now new models have almost reached the peak of their perfection.
Main features of a modern toothbrush:
- the electric brush head makes about 30,000 circular or sweeping movements in one minute;
- all family members can use one toothbrush, as there is an opportunity to change nozzles;
- modern devices for caring for the oral cavity are equipped with different speeds, power, timer, nozzles and other useful accessories;
- the opportunity to reduce the time for the procedure of brushing your teeth and at the same time improve the quality of cleaning of tooth enamel;
- the use of the device every day helps protect teeth from caries, eliminate plaque and pigmentation, prevent stone formation and gum disease;
- in the process of cleansing the tooth enamel, the bristles contribute to the normalization of blood supply in the gums and massage them;
- some models emit ultrasonic or sound waves, thereby improving the effectiveness of toothbrushing.

Children's models
Advantages and shortages of toothbrushes on batteries and accumulator
Any electric brush is powered by electricity, regardless of its model and functions. The device operates either with batteries or with a battery that is integrated into the handle.
The main advantages of the device on the battery are:
- They are more modern and have a wider range of functions;
- There is no need to buy batteries, thus they come out more economical, since they do not require additional costs;
- The power of the battery device does not depend on whether the charge is full or not, in turn, the effectiveness of brushing the batteries before they become unusable decreases markedly;
- The tightness of the battery compartment, thereby protecting against moisture inside;
- Battery models have charge indicators, thereby helping to determine when the device needs to be charged on time in order to avoid unpleasant situations.
Battery-powered electric toothbrushes also have several advantages. The main advantages include:
- Price. The pricing policy for battery models is significantly less than battery devices. They are several times cheaper than their counterpart on the battery;
- Ability to take a trip. Battery-powered electric brushes are an excellent option for long trips when there is no way to connect the battery to the mains, for example, on a camping trip. Therefore, it is much easier to replace the batteries in such situations.
- In a suitcase does not take up much space. When traveling or traveling, the battery-powered device is more convenient since it takes up less space and its weight is much lighter.The base for charging the battery takes a certain place in the bag, and its weight is equal to the main device.
At the same time, electric toothbrushes on batteries are more simplified in terms of functions in comparison with battery models. Manufacturers who produce brushes in their series devote their place to battery-powered models as the most primitive option. Therefore, if a person wants to purchase a powerful device with many operating modes and functions, then he should stop on battery models.

Electric toothbrush with different nozzles
Advantages of Electric Toothbrushes
Conventional brushes are not inferior in terms of effectiveness of toothbrushing to electrical analogues, when used correctly when used correctly. However, most people do not follow all the rules of a hygiene procedure, so electric models are becoming more and more popular due to the following positive qualities:
- the quality of cleaning does not depend on skills and the correctness of their use. Small children can brush their teeth with high quality and at the same time, without making much effort;
- they are indispensable assistants in the fight against plaque, and they also reduce gum inflammation;
- with the help of electric brushes, children can overcome the fear of a visit to the dentist;
- all family members can use one toothbrush if everyone has their own individual nozzle;
- thanks to an electric toothbrush you can save money on the purchase of toothpastes. But there are models that are used with dental cleaners;
- modern models of electric brushes have special sensors that control pressure, thereby not allowing pressure on the teeth to avoid damage to the gums or tooth enamel;
- electric ultrasonic brushes are completely safe even if used for a long time.
Contraindications and disadvantages of electrobrushes
If a person observes all the rules for using an electric brush, then the chance of damaging his teeth or gums with it is minimal. But nevertheless, dentistry says that this device, like many others, has a number of warnings.
An electric toothbrush is not recommended in the following situations:
- if a person wears crowns or veneers, as they may become unusable due to vibration;
- if the child is under three years old;
- if a person has caries in the form of white spots on enamel. White spots on teeth arise due to poor mineralization, and mechanical stress can lead to their abrasion;
- if a person has a pathological abrasion of teeth or a low density of enamel. In this case, the electric toothbrush due to friction can only worsen the condition of the teeth;
- if a person has a wedge-shaped tooth defect, then with the use of an electric brush, the depth of the defect increases.
How to brush your teeth with an electric appliance
Using an electric brush, following certain rules, not only helps to clean the teeth, but also ensures safety when using it.
The basic rules of use are as follows:
- the brush should be kept on each tooth for more than a second. Literally in one second it makes about 67 revolutions, which is quite enough for effective brushing.
- if a person has cermet, then it is worth taking models that make fewer revolutions, but it is necessary to set the maximum speed;
- the size of the cleaning head can be smaller than a tooth, so you should move it up and down in the teeth or perform circular movements in order to fully cover the entire surface of the tooth;
- if a person wears special means for bite correction, then he should also acquire a special toothbrush;
- the abrasiveness of toothpastes should not exceed 150. This protects tooth enamel.
The technique of proper brushing depends on the type of brush.If the model has vibrating movements, then it needs to be used, as well as the usual one, if it performs reciprocating movements, then it should be slowly moved from one tooth to another.

Basic Terms of Use
Before use, rinse the device with clean, warm water. It is recommended to keep relative to the gums at an angle of 45 degrees.
It is not recommended to press while brushing your teeth, as this can damage the enamel or gums and the teeth will not be cleaned properly.

Dental care with an electric appliance
The basic rules for a battery-powered device are fairly simple. It is necessary to replace the batteries in time, change the nozzle once every three months and use the minimum amount of toothpaste in one session. After the procedure, wash the brush thoroughly.
Main models
On the market you can see a wide range of products from various manufacturers, the most popular models are:
Oral-B DB4. This is a simple model with one mode. This is the most budget option. Nozzles are designed for children from three years. Price from 1100 rubles;

Oral-B DB4
Colgate 360 super clean. The device is equipped with multilevel bristles, which have medium hardness. On the back wall there is a cushion for cleaning the tongue from plaque. Price from 600 rubles;

Colgate 360 Super Clean
CS Medica Sonic Pulsar Junior. This model is designed for children from five years. The device is equipped with soft bristles, illumination of the working head, timers. The kit comes with two interchangeable nozzles. Cost from 800 Russian rubles;

CS Medica Sonic Pulsar Junior
Panasonic EW-DS90-K520. A sound type model that improves the quality of tooth cleansing from plaque. Bristles are multilevel. The price of this model is 1500 rubles;

Panasonic EW-DS90-K520
CS Medica Sonic Pulsar CS-262. This device has a wide range of functions. The manufacturer is positioning this model as a sound one, that is, it more effectively removes plaque. It has two cleaning modes: for regular use and for more thorough cleaning. The presence of a timer that helps to conduct the procedure as carefully as possible. The cost is approximately 1300 Russian rubles.

CS Medica Sonic Pulsar CS-262
Thus, according to multiple studies, electric toothbrushes are much more effective than manual ones to help clean teeth. Thanks to their use, the development of caries and gingivitis can be prevented. There are different types of devices, some run on batteries, others on battery power. The difference between them in cost and availability of functions. Battery-powered electronic toothbrushes are the most affordable option and effective for plaque removal.