Varicose veins (HRV) are usually classified as the most common diseases that occur in patients of different ages and social status.
The main reason for the occurrence of such a disease is an inactive lifestyle, the lack of an adequate level of physical activity.
The use of the Darsonval apparatus for varicose veins guarantees the elimination of symptoms, regardless of the stage of the disease. With varicose veins, the efficiency of using the Darsonval device is determined by the disappearance of bright venous expression. Also, in patients, uncomfortable and painful sensations decrease or completely disappear.

Varicose veins create a lot of inconvenience and complicate life
The essence of darsonvalization
The darsonvalization procedure belongs to the category of physiotherapy therapeutic methods. The procedure significantly improves the condition of tissues, normalizes lymphatic drainage and microcirculation processes.
The principle of the treatment technique is to expose the nerve regions to a current of high frequency and weak strength.
It should be noted that if earlier the darsonvalization procedure was carried out exclusively in medical institutions, now you can be treated with the device at home, having bought the device yourself in a pharmacy. You can use the device for therapy or prevention of the disease.
Darsonval guarantees an improvement in appearance with a simultaneous increase in skin tone, leveling of edematous phenomena, elimination of pain and inflammatory processes. With the aggravation of the disease, the use of the device helps to prevent the occurrence of complications and pathologies, namely thrombosis, trophic ulcers, thrombophlebitis.

Darsonvalization can be done at home.
Mechanism of action
The Darsonval device is a device of universal importance. It is equipped with multivariate nozzles, which are designed for massage manipulations. These devices are called electrodes. Upon failure, it is assumed that they can be replaced by others.
As a result of the operation of the electrode, an effect on the affected area through contact with the skin is achieved. The undoubted advantage of the device is its versatility, which is why its use is possible to solve numerous medical problems.

The device assumes the presence of nozzles for exposure to various parts of the body
The action of the device consists in the use of high-frequency electrical pulses that penetrate into particularly deep layers of tissues. With a prolonged effect of current on the skin, results such as:
- restoration of the tone and elasticity of the walls of the veins, which underwent various kinds of damage;
- normalization of blood circulation in the lower extremities;
- decrease in the severity of venous nodes;
- elimination of discomfort and pain in the legs;
- restoration of the outflow of venous hemolymph;
- reduction of venous stasis;
- stabilization of blood circulation in the capillary region;
- prevention of stagnation of lymph in the tissue area;
- a decrease in the number of inflammatory foci in the legs;
- elimination of pain syndrome.
A feature of the darsonvalization procedure is the possibility of its implementation both in the early stages of the disease, and in especially neglected cases.Nevertheless, we should not forget about the feasibility of complex treatment with the use of drugs that will ensure a speedy recovery with the elimination of the symptoms of varicose veins.

As a result of the procedure, the elimination of pathogenic symptoms is noted
Procedure conditions
To achieve a positive effect from the procedure, it is recommended to fulfill the following conditions:
- the treated skin area must be pre-cleaned and dried;
- the movement of the apparatus must be carried out in the direction from the bottom up;
- the duration of exposure should be about 15 minutes;
- it is important to take a break between procedures - at least a day;
- upon completion of the procedure, the treatment site should be greased with a special cream with a venotonic effect.
Read also: use darsonval for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.
Indications for
Darsonvalization to eliminate varicose veins is the optimal procedure. Keep in mind that direct contact of the electrode with the skin is allowed in the affected area. The fulfillment of this condition is guaranteed to have a positive effect on the state of the vessels and veins of the legs.
In addition to varicose veins, darsonvalization will eliminate the symptoms characteristic of vein obstruction, thrombophlebitis, and trophic ulcers. However, if pain or discomfort occurs, the procedure must be stopped immediately.

Before the procedure, it is important to make sure that there are no contraindications
Before embarking on a therapeutic course of medical procedures for darsonvalization, it is important to remember the presence of contraindications. These include:
- the presence of progressive rosacea;
- the presence of individual intolerance to alternating current, which is quite rare, but occurs in medical practice;
- the course of diseases with the formation of malignant neoplasms;
- the development of diseases such as epilepsy, tuberculosis and lymphadenitis, which may be accompanied by a period of exacerbation;
- high body temperature;
- period of pregnancy.
In addition, the use of the device is not allowed in case of heart rhythm disturbance, as well as in the presence of a pacemaker in the patient.
It is also recommended to refrain from the procedure in the presence of papillomas or large moles in the treatment area. It is important to adhere to this recommendation when detecting subcutaneous formations. Also, the procedure is prohibited to carry out with skin lesions.