Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is usually classified as a particularly serious disease occurring in the spinal column.
This feature of the pathological condition is due to the formation of the phenomena of displacement and subsequent destruction of the intervertebral discs. As a result, the integrity of the vertebrae themselves also occurs.
A characteristic feature of the course of the disease is a gradual decrease in the distance between nearby vertebrae with their further closure, which results in pinching of nerves and blood vessels located in this area.
Due to the fact that every year this disease is exclusively “getting younger”, striking with its destructive symptoms of more and more young patients, the tendency of intensified research by doctors to search for possible methods of therapy designed to level the destructive processes in the body is natural.
Currently, in the field of osteochondrosis treatment methodologies, there are many possible ways to resolve the situation. In particular, the application of the procedure using the Darsonval apparatus for chronic osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is particularly effective.

Osteochondrosis provokes discomfort in the neck
Darsonvalization procedure
The procedure was named after the name of the inventor - the French physiologist and physicist A. Darsonval. For successful treatment, a prerequisite is the use of a device that has a physiotherapeutic effect on a specific group of tissues, this happens with the help of pulsed currents characterized by rapid attenuation.
The basis of the procedure is the impact on the body area with a glass electrode filled with a gas element, through which the influence of alternating current.
Using the procedure using the Darsonval apparatus for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine guarantees a positive result in the presence of the curative effect of a high-frequency pulse current with the obligatory invariance of a high voltage level and its relatively low strength.
Be sure to check out the use of the darsonval device for varicose veins.

Darsonvalization procedure reduces pain in osteochondrosis
Darsonvalization solves many medical issues in the field of gynecology, urology, surgery, neuropathology. An effective procedure for the treatment of osteochondrosis.
Pluses of the device:
- acceleration of the blood circulation and blood supply;
- activation of biochemical processes;
- a significant change for the better in the process of saturation and nutrition of tissues, along with the achievement of an optimal level of oxygen supply;
- reduction of the pain threshold characterizing the sensitivity of receptors, which is the basis for the formation of the effect of anesthesia;
- stabilization of the regulatory complex regarding the transmission of nerve impulses;
- improving the state of the nervous system with a simultaneous increase in sleep quality and level of performance;
- stabilization of vascular tone;
- elimination of headaches and a feeling of fatigue;
- increased immune function.
Benefits of the procedure
According to doctors, the problem of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is present in almost every third person, which indicates the presence of pathological alteration of the spine.
In particularly difficult cases, which are the consequence of the development of the disease before the formation of a severe form, it is proposed to implement a set of therapeutic measures, the duration of which exceeds a month.
In any case, to eliminate the root causes of the disease and the existing discomfort, you should not self-medicate. It is important to seek the help of a treating doctor - a neurologist in time, who will not only assess the condition of the body, but also select the most suitable treatment and prophylactic complex.
The fundamental positive aspect of the darsonvalization procedure is the possibility of its inclusion in the therapeutic system, regardless of the stage of the disease.
This feature is due to the presence of a minimum of contraindications. The use of an active electrical impulse to the affected area promotes complex stimulation and the achievement of positive results.
It should be remembered that the use of darsonvalization is advisable exclusively on a par with the prescription of medications.

Impact on the cervical spine
During the healing effect of Darsonval on the cervical spine, an effect on the vascular region with the potential of their expansion is achieved. This eliminates the headache, in most cases, accompanying osteochondrosis.
The device also has a positive effect on the vertebrae of the cartilage tissue. The device has a stimulating effect with the normalization of metabolism in the area of tissue damage along with the activation of the regenerative process of cartilage tissue.
The influence of the apparatus counteracts the proliferation of intervertebral discs, which prevents the appearance of intervertebral hernias.

If possible, the procedure should be carried out by a medical professional.
The principle of hardware exposure
In order for the darsonvalization procedure to bring the expected positive results, it is necessary during the manipulations to strictly follow the rules, including the following:
- for the procedure, the presence and participation of specialists with relevant theoretical knowledge and practical skills is required;
- the procedure should be preceded by a preparatory phase in the form of a check of the unit's serviceability, which includes the mandatory grounding of it to prevent burns and electrical injuries;
- the duration of exposure should be an average of ten minutes;
- a prerequisite is a break between sessions of at least a day.
Contraindications to the procedure
Despite the effectiveness of darsonvalization, it should not be used in the following cases:
- the presence of increased sensitivity of the skin;
- fever condition;
- benign or malignant neoplasms;
- pregnancy period;
- the presence of severe heart disease;
- the presence of a pacemaker;
- predisposition to epileptic seizures;
- individual intolerance;
- reduced blood coagulation.

Any treatment should be based on the advice of a doctor
The use of darsonvalization procedures is effective in the case of auxiliary use of drugs. It should be remembered that only the systematic conduct of therapeutic measures and following the recommendations of a doctor will contribute to a speedy recovery.