Darsonval is one of the most advanced methods of dealing with skin and hair problems. This device has proven effective in treating acne and baldness. However, many are wary of the device and still doubt its healing properties.
What is darsonval?
Darsonval is a medical tool that is used in physiotherapy. It was developed by the French medical scientist Darsonval. It was he who first investigated the possibility of treating diseases with low currents.
The principle of operation of the device is based on this idea: using a tool, the skin is exposed to electric impulses with high power, which is safe for humans and does not injure the skin.
Previously, the darsonval procedure was used only in hospitals, now the device is available for wide use: ordering it at the pharmacy is not a problem. It is often used in beauty salons to get rid of skin problems.
The device is aimed at saturating the skin with oxygen. Electrical impulses warm the skin and accelerate blood flow. Due to improved circulation, small wrinkles are smoothed out, the skin looks more fresh and moisturized. Electric currents accelerate metabolism, calm the nervous system. Often, darsonval is used to smooth out scars, remove age spots and regenerate damaged areas.
In medicine, darsonval can be used to treat certain diseases. Among them are varicose veins, asthma, sciatica, bronchitis, cystitis and prostatitis. Pulse current treatment is also used to get rid of skin problems. Dermatologists remove heavy acne, boils with it. Sometimes darsonval is prescribed for hair loss in men and women.
In cosmetology, darsonval is aimed at removing wrinkles, black spots. In some spas, this therapy is used to prevent and get rid of cellulite. Currents affect the subcutaneous fat tissue, accelerate the breakdown of fats and metabolic processes in the body.

Dasonval and nozzles to it
Is it possible to use darsonval and contraindications
Often people use darsonval at home. However, many doctors believe that the use of the device is not as safe as is commonly believed. Any electric currents, no matter how weak they are, are aggressive in nature. During this effect, the body experiences stress, which can adversely affect the nervous system and those areas where currents are applied.
It is also widely believed in scientific circles that the properties of darsonval contribute to the development of oncology. Sometimes such procedures are not treated, but, on the contrary, contribute to the occurrence of malignant tumors or the transformation of benign tumors into malignant.
To protect yourself from such consequences, before the course you should undergo a medical examination and consult with your doctor.
If the instructions are not followed, darsonval can cause burns and skin damage. Often, inept use of the device leads to the appearance of acne and excessive pigmentation, the device can provoke hair loss.
Contraindications to darsonval are:
- problems with blood vessels, vegetative-vascular dystonia, rosacea;
- heart problems, hypertension, the presence of pacemakers, arrhythmias;
- the presence of benign tumors and other types of cancer;
- pregnancy;
- fever;
- tuberculosis.
It is not recommended to use the device on children under six years of age. Before starting a course of procedures, darsonval should be tested. Often people have an individual intolerance to the apparatus, which is accompanied by rashes, fever and other manifestations of an allergic reaction.
Does darsonval help?
Opinions about the use of the device are contradictory, but many doctors still recommend it for the treatment of various diseases. Indications for darsonval are as follows:
- phlebeurysm;
- problems of the cardiovascular and nervous systems;
- trouble breathing
- disorders in the genitourinary system;
- digestive diseases;
- problems with skin and hair of varying degrees (from mild acne to ulcers).
Find out, how to use darsonval for varicose veins.
Darsonval for home use
Each unit contains instructions for use in the package. However, there are general rules that are used in any model of the device.
There are several principles by which darsonval can affect the skin. In the first case, the device comes into contact with the skin, in the second case, the procedure is non-contact. To achieve the desired result, it is recommended to carry out from 10 to 12 procedures. With less effect will not be, or it will be short-lived.
With varicose veins, wrinkles, cellulite and baldness, contact physiotherapy with darsonval is recommended. With the included device, they gently drive along the skin, acting on the cells and accelerating blood circulation.
The non-contact method is more painful. The device acts at a distance of up to ten millimeters from the skin, while the patient may feel tingling in the area of action of darsonval. This method is used for more serious injuries: hematomas, wounds, problems with neurology.
In order not to aggravate the condition of the skin and hair, you should first consult with your doctor. Currents can cause irritation, further worsening the patient's position.
Before use, the device should be prepared for the procedure. A special electrode is inserted into the apparatus, which should be disinfected before the procedure. In specialized stores you can find liquids for these purposes, or you can use ordinary alcohol or vodka. The electrode must be dried before use.
Skin and hair (depending on how you use the device) should be washed and dried. To do this, use ordinary soap. It is dangerous to use alcohol-containing substances for cleaning: they can cause skin burns.
Before the procedure, remove all metal jewelry and exclude the use of cosmetics that are incompatible with ultraviolet radiation.
How many times to use?
Many are interested in the question of how often darsonval can be used. Given the possible side effects, this topic becomes even more relevant. When using darsonval for hair, it is recommended to carry out the procedure no more than three to four times a year. In this case, the course should contain 20–25 sessions of ten minutes each. Attention should be paid to regularity: you need to repeat the procedure on a daily basis.
For hair treatment, a special nozzle in the form of a comb is used. Very slowly you need to comb the hair from the roots to the ends. The power of the currents is regulated: you need to start with light pulses, gradually increasing the readings of the device. In the end, you should feel a slight tingling sensation. The pain should be tolerated, if the procedure causes too much inconvenience, stop using the device or reduce the power.
We recommend you to familiarize yourself with: use of the Darsonval apparatus for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.
When using darsonval, you need to free your hair from all metal jewelry and hairpins. The effect of the procedure varies from body to body, but more often, hair growth is accelerated. For the best effect, it is recommended to supplement the course of currents with special masks for the scalp.
The same can be said about the use of darsonval to get rid of wrinkles or acne. It is recommended to use it a maximum of four times a year with a course of 20 procedures. The exposure time can vary from five to 20 minutes.
Before the procedure, you need to remove makeup, wash your face with gel or foam and dry it with a paper towel. For a tighter interaction between the device and the skin, you can apply talcum powder or a moisturizer. With the help of a special nozzle, you need to lead the device along the massage lines in circular motions.
The use of darsonval on the eyelids is contraindicated: the skin is too thin and microtrauma can occur. Gradually increase the power of the appliance until you feel warm.
If you want to make your skin tighter, use a non-contact method of exposure.
When is it not recommended to use the device?
For some problems, doctors advise using darsonval only within the walls of a beauty parlor. First of all, this applies to severe acne. Using the device on an inflamed face alone is dangerous: one wrong move, and the problem will only get worse.
With severe acne, foci of inflammation are cauterized with a special nozzle of high power. In this case, the device does not touch the skin. The remaining sections are processed for two to ten minutes at low capacities. To get rid of the problem, it is recommended to conduct 10-15 sessions.
If inflammations are located all over the face, then it is recommended to treat them for 15 seconds at high power, without touching the remaining areas. When the suppurations dry out a bit, use a mushroom nozzle and treat the entire face with a contact method. This helps to avoid scarring in the future.
Then the skin can be treated with special lotions or tonics. If you still undertook the procedure yourself, then make sure that the products do not contain alcohol, acids and substances incompatible with ultraviolet radiation.