An electric trimmer or elektrokosa is called a device whose main purpose is mowing and mowing grass. Its design includes an electric motor, a handle with a control mechanism located on it, and a head with a cutting tool. As the name implies, the device’s engine power is supplied from the mains. Summer residents are very fond of this device for its simplicity and ease of use, but at the same time, in order not to be disappointed in this device, you need to find out how to choose the electric trimmer and what parameters to pay special attention to.
The benefits of an electric trimmer
The advantage of an electric trimeter compared to a lawn mower, which is also designed for mowing grass, is the ability to use it to get a good result even in hard to reach places. An electric scythe will allow you to mow grass near tall vertical objects, which include fences, walls of houses and even trees. She will easily remove excess greens from the pothole.
Another advantage of the trimmer is the ability to mow grass of any length, while the lawn mower cannot be used for too high vegetation. In order to make the operation of the device more comfortable and convenient, it is equipped with a special belt designed for hanging it on the shoulder. Heavier models can be understaffed with wheels on the working body in order to roll over the surface during operation of the electric braid.
How to choose a trimmer for a summer residence?
If you take into account the relatively low cost, ease of construction and use, then understand the gasoline or electric trimmer to give preference to immediately become clear. A gas trimmer is more expensive, heavy and requires constant painstaking care. The electric option can be called a universal tool, which is necessary at each summer cottage. That is why everyone who loves and has a cottage in their use, try to purchase it either separately or in addition to a lawn mower. At the same time, the inconvenience associated with the presence of an electric wire is compensated by the ease of maintenance and low weight. And in order to increase the mobility of the device, you can simply increase the length of this wire. But so that buying a trimmer does not bring disappointment, you need to understand how to choose a trimmer, guided by knowledge of the main technical parameters and characteristics, the main of which include:
- type of working tool;
- weight;
- power;
- bar shape;
- handle shape;
- engine location.
Type of trimmer tool
Currently, there are two main types of working tools electric scythes, namely fishing line and knife. The fishing line attached to the bobbin, the inclusion and start of rotation field is drawn into a thin string, which cuts the grass. The thickness of the fishing line for the trimmer can vary from 1.2 to 2.5 mm, while the larger its diameter, the thicker the plants can be cut with it.
Electric braids are more practical, as a working tool they use a knife instead of a bobbin with fishing line. Such devices can mow not only grass, but also small shrubs and young trees. Such a knife can be 3 or 4 bladed, made of both metal and plastic.Ideally, it is best to buy a trimmer that comes with both a fishing line and a metal blade.

Fishing line

Three-blade knife
Trimmer Weight and Power
The more powerful the trimmer, the more its weight. Also, the material of which the device and its shape are made directly affects the mass value. Dear powerful models have a weight, the average value of which is 5 kg. Cheaper low-power models have this indicator much lower, and its minimum value can be 1.4 kg.
But choosing the right trimmer by weight, it will be very difficult to determine for sure, since this device that is most convenient to hold during operation will be ineffective. In this case, it is necessary to be guided by the result that should be obtained after the work is completed. So, if necessary, constantly mow tall grass over a large area, it is better to choose a more powerful device with an indicator from 1000 to 1200 kW. This will make it possible to process the entire area at a time without having to pause to cool the device. If the electric grass is bought for maintenance in the order of a small lawn or mowing vegetation in a small area, then the power of the device of 500 W will be quite enough.
Trimmer Bar Shape
The shape of the trimmer bar can be either straight or curved. The direct view is more reliable and is mainly used in powerful heavy models in which the rotational movements of the engine are transmitted to the gearbox by means of a rigid shaft made of metal. Thanks to this design, the performance and durability of the trimmer increases, but at the same time the weight increases.

Straight barbell
In electric braids with a curved rod, the torque is transmitted to the head of the working tool by means of a metal cable, due to which the design is less reliable, but at the same time lighter. These types of rods are usually used in low-power models. Knowing this, it is possible at a glance to determine whether a given trimmer is suitable for certain purposes or not.

Bent bar
In addition to the form, you also need to pay attention to the possibility of parsing the bar. In the event that the trimmer must not be used in one section, but transported, which is most often done in the trunk of a car, then a collapsible option cannot be dispensed with. If the electric braid is bought for a summer residence, and they will use it only there, then you can choose the non-separable option.
Trimmer Handle Shape
Most models of trimmers have a J-shaped or D-shaped handle, which is quite convenient for holding the device with one hand. At the same time, its maneuverability increases and it becomes possible to handle even the most inaccessible places. If the area of the cultivated area is not large and it takes a little time to mow grass, then such a pen is the most suitable option.

D-shaped handle
In the case when the weight of the electric braid is large, then it becomes very difficult to hold it in one hand, especially with prolonged use. Therefore, more powerful heavy models are equipped with a T-shaped handle, to hold the trimmer with which you can use both hands simultaneously. Such a handle resembles a regular bicycle wheel, and everyone can cope with it.
Trimmer Motor Location
In order to understand how to choose the right electric trimmer based on the location of the engine, you need to know that it can be located both in the upper and lower parts of the device. Not only the convenience of working with it depends on it, but also safety, as well as the maximum possible performance. Therefore, this characteristic needs to be paid attention in the first place.
With the lower position of the engine in the trimmer, its design is more balanced, and therefore convenient for work.But due to the fact that it is in close proximity to the mowing process, and the possibility of getting cut grass getting into it increases, the risk of quick clogging increases, which will inevitably lead to the need for cleaning or repair. It is also worth noting that such an electric scythe cannot be used with wet grass, as there is a possibility of electric shock.

Engine bottom position
Most often, low-power models of up to 650 W have a lower engine location, having a small weight, so they can be used even by children and elderly people, while observing all safety rules. They are completed only with fishing line, therefore they are suitable only for mowing grass. And if you need long-term use, every 20 minutes you need to give the summer cottage unit a rest for the same time, as otherwise the device will break.
See also: how repair grass trimmer yourself.
In the trimmer with the upper engine, all the disadvantages that the electric braids had with its lower location are absent. But it is worth noting here that such devices are already less balanced, and it is much more difficult to manage them. Even more difficulty in the work appears because in most cases their power reaches 1400 W, and they have a lot of weight. But at the same time they are very practical, they can cut grass of any height, humidity, and it is also very easy to cut shrubs and young trees, as they most often have

metal blade knife.
Top engine
Additional nuances when choosing a trimmer
In addition to the main technical parameters, when choosing an electric braid, it is necessary to pay attention to other nuances, an example of which is the possibility of rotation of the mowing head by 90 degrees. This will provide the opportunity to cut the edges of the lawn. Also, the fact that in the process of use there is a quick wear of the fishing line, makes it necessary to replace it. In more expensive models, this operation is performed automatically after each turn on of the device or after hitting the head on the ground.

Possibility of turning the mowing head allows mowing the edges of the lawn
The presence of a belt designed to carry electric braids during operation helps to make this process less time-consuming. It is worth considering the weight of the device. So powerful heavy models when placed on the shoulder will put a lot of pressure on him. In this case, it is better to choose a backpack-type belt, which will more evenly distribute the load on both shoulders.

Backpack belt