Non-stick marble coating of pans. A great advantage is the exclusion of soot from kitchen utensils and the high strength of the surface layer
A new era in the production of kitchen utensils, using innovative technologies, is pans with a unique marble coating. Everyday cooking in the kitchen becomes easy, not taking much time for mixing products and staying close to the stove so that the dish does not burn. After all, a special protective layer of marble composition is applied to the pans. Ergonomic properties are on one of the highest places, in comparison with analogues. Varieties of dishes for any heat treatment are many.
The method for developing frying utensils was developed using test tests of an improved Teflon layer. Manufacturers experimented with the composition of the coating to increase wear resistance, mixing various materials, and a new type, model of frying pan, appeared.
Such kitchen utensils are in demand all over the world, the availability of compliance with all environmental standards, safe operation in the household industry, with super-strong surface properties of pans. A wide range of marble products can be found in every good store, with a good reputation, which means a guarantee of the quality of the presented range of frying dishes, it is worth paying attention to when choosing a frying pan.
Marble is applied to dishes made of various basic materials, such as lightweight and strong aluminum. Which increases several times the properties of heat conduction, with the most uniform heating of the entire area of the pan. The thicker the layer of applied marble chips, the longer the service life of the kitchen utensils, the ideal ratio of the bottom and sides of the pan is 6: 3.5 mm.
In this article you can learn about the distinctive features of marble-coated frying pans, their advantages and disadvantages, how to choose frying utensils, tips for gentle care and cleaning, and which manufacturer is the most famous today.
Marble-coated pans - differences and features of the coating

The technology of using marble chips for frying pans. In fact, spraying with particles of marble is a successful design solution that contributes to the absence of
- Marble Roasting Unlike teflon panhave a more stable protective film (layer) from external, undesirable factors (scratches, detergents with the addition of solid microparticles and so on). They have proven their best side with long-term operation and preservation of a presentable appearance. Unusual exterior design of pans can compete with the most expensive frying products.
- Marble chips benefit in many respects, in contrast to ceramic coating, which has a “fear” of falling even from a small height, exposure to chemical alkaline or abrasive products during cleaning.
- This type of pans, for the most part, is produced in factories in China and Korea.
- The price of marble pans is quite affordable, affordable not only for the privileged class, but also for the economy, which ensures accessibility and popularity among consumers.
- Ceramic, Teflon coating is not recommended by manufacturers for use on cooking surfaces with induction type of work, but this does not apply to marble pans.
- There are models of frying pans with marble chips, the appearance of the coating of which resembles a hive (honeycomb of bees), a diamond-shaped and cellular surface. This increases the quality of the cooking process, the same coverage area of the heating of the pan. Such pans are appreciated by lovers of frying over high heat, with the formation of a crisp in such dishes as: pancakes, toasted slices of bread, potatoes, fried eggs and many others.
- It is easy and easy to wash the dishes, a small child in the kitchen will also cope with this. Let us dwell in more detail on the minuses, pluses of marble pans, which are at the peak of their popularity.
Advantages and disadvantages
There are no things that have only one side of the “coin”, how many housewives, so many opinions about the quality, properties of the product, in particular a frying pan with a marble coating. But judging by consumer reviews, the popularity of certain types of cookware can highlight the main pros and cons.
- Maximum security, excellent strength indicators of cookware from mechanical stress;
- The minimum amount of time for a full heating of the frying utensils (huge cost savings for paying for electricity when using this type of stove);
- The diversity of the use of these pans on different types of stoves, hobs;
- A modern approach to heat treatment of food, with maximum preservation of all useful substances in products, without the use of oil in the cooking process. Ideal for people who advocate a healthy diet;
- The marble coating is developed using modern multi-layer technology to increase the durability of the non-stick coating. In different model variations, their number is 2, 3, or 5;
- Passed multiple tests, scientific studies confirm the environmental safety of frying pans, with the application of marble chips when cooking;
- The properties of marble and the metal used in frying dishes make it possible to capture the entire surface during heating, with an even distribution of heat from the burner;
- Hassle-free washing, cleaning the pan. With the permitted use of ordinary washing gels, powders, but with the desirable use of a soft cloth or sponge;
- Lightweight and manoeuvrable in the hand, cooking on such an oven is a pleasure.
- Some manufacturers allow the use of iron spatulas, sharp cutlery directly in the pan, but to preserve such a “helper” in the kitchen for a long time, it is worth treating dishes more delicately using more gentle contacting objects with a pan;
- It is unacceptable to fall from a high height, tap on the pan during cooking or cleaning, in order to avoid disruption of the structure of the non-stick layer;
- One of the most significant drawbacks that occurs in almost all non-stick pans is their sensitivity to temperature conditions. A sharp jump from cold to hot, and vice versa, will only cause damage to the coating, forming unwanted microcracks. The result will be a loss of strength, and in the near future - the forced replacement of a kitchen appliance with a new one;
- The presence of models of products made of "stone" with a missing cover in the standard set from the manufacturer initially. The price is much lower, but with a further desire to purchase a separate part of the pan, you will have to give 1/3 of the amount from the purchase of kitchen utensils, sometimes this decision is unreasonably expensive.
Marble Life and Maintenance

Marble kitchenware. It is unpretentious in maintenance, and the service life is quite long, compared with Teflon pans
There are a number of recommendations from the manufacturer that will reduce the natural wear of the frying product, as well as tips from the owners of this wonderful cookware, we will get to know them closer:
- The main condition for leaving, keeping the pan clean, to increase the operating life, you need to regularly lubricate the pan cleaned dry with a little oil, rubbed with a paper towel that absorbs excess fat;
- It is better to leave the assurance of manufacturers of the permitted automatic washing with a dishwasher as a last resort, manual cleaning mode will be much safer to cover;
- Soak the cookware too often and for a long time is not worth it, so as not to destroy the marble layer;
- Scratching, scraping off dried food residues with cutlery or other objects is not the best idea, pouring warm water with a drop of ordinary detergent for a short time will help solve the problem;
- It is undesirable to store cooked food in such pans; place food in a container;
- Warming up the pan “idle” leads to deformation of the kitchen appliance and wear of the coating, the formation of small cracks in the marble layer;
- The use of special spatulas for non-stick coating of pans will be quite out of place and more effective than an iron spoon;
- Hard brushes are not suitable for washing pans of this type;
- For storage of dishes, it is better to allocate free space (a separate shelf, a hook for a handle), it is not necessary to apply the principle of a "tower" building with other kitchen utensils to a marble pan;
- Observe temperature limits of 250 degrees (max) when operating “stone” dishes.
How to choose a good one. Well-known manufacturers
The choice of a frying pan for any housewife is not the easiest, the difference in price, a huge number of models and manufacturers makes you seriously think which of the marble dishes is the most solid. Be sure to check out the key points that you should pay attention to when buying a pan:
- Specifications. The ratio of weight and overall dimensions will be the best solution when choosing dishes, it should be conveniently located in your hand. The weight value is influenced by the thickness of the sides and bottom of the product, the denser the structure, the greater the mass;
- Visual inspection of the coating. When buying, it is worth making sure that there are no chips, a rough surface, dents on the cookware;
- Pen type. There are several varieties: molded (often made of copper alloy) handle, removable (suitable for intensive use in the oven) and coated with rubber (not subject to heating, slipping in a wet hand);
- Diameter. This selection condition is considered exclusively individually by each consumer, depending on the number of family members and the future amount of food for cooking;
- The presence of a cover. Perhaps there is not a large percentage of buyers who, due to habit, limited budget, will purchase a pan without a lid. But subsequently, the purchase of a single part will be expensive, the best is glass for a visual assessment of the readiness of the dish.
In the market of kitchen utensils, there is a large selection of not only the non-stick pans themselves, but also the brands and developers of marble utensils. Methods and technologies for creating high-quality marble coatings belong to many companies in European countries, but the automated production itself is often located in China and Korean factories. Take a look at the list of the most famous manufacturers:
- Danish brand Fissman. It has its own online store, in which a huge selection of kitchen accessories and tools, stainless steel cutlery and pans with marble coating;

- German recognized quality worldwide represented by Stoneline. The manufacturer makes a bias on the production of "stone" dishes with non-stick coating;

- Another company from Germany Fissler. It has established itself as a manufacturer of pans with marble coating at a professional level, including;

- Japanese manufacturer Noryoku. A distinctive feature of its marble, non-stick pans is a unique manufacturing method. Products are made by hand, and like any non-automated work, they are valuable and differ not only in higher cost, but also in the quality of the products;

- One of the oldest, time-tested Italian manufacturer of marble dishes Art granit. The dishes of this brand are widely known in the Russian market;

Art granit
- Domestic manufacturer of marble dishes - Kukmara. Convenient, practical and durable products, with thoughtful technical properties for Russian consumers;

- Marble Spray Pans SCOVO. They occupy a leading position in Russia, due to the quality of materials, a high degree of protection against wear;

- A relatively young pans company using marble particles - Gevura. For the high-quality performance of non-stick coatings, a huge number of housewives have won the hearts.
