The article will discuss which pan is best used for frying, describe several types of frying pans and figure out which of these pans is the best for frying without oil. Compare the pros and cons of the dishes to choose the best option.
Frying without the use of oil is an urgent issue. Cooking oil emits various harmful substances and impurities, so it is not very suitable for those who adhere to the principle of a healthy diet.

Frying without oil is gaining in popularity
Depending on what material is the basis, pans are divided into 3 main types:
- cast iron;
- aluminum;
- from stainless steel.
Cast iron skillet
Due to the porous structure of cast iron, after repeated cooking using oil, the surface of the pan is literally soaked with oil, as a result, the pan acquires a certain non-stickness.
On the such a pan the meat will be well-done, soft, juicy, appetizing. Many housewives consider a cast-iron skillet the best for cooking this dish.

Standard cast iron frying pan
However, cast iron cookware has considerable weight and is quite fragile, so you need to handle it carefully, do not drop it.
Pros of a cast-iron pan:
- evenly warms up over the entire surface;
- as a result of low thermal conductivity, the surface cools slowly;
- the material is resistant to scratches and other similar influences;
- you can use hard shoulder blades when cooking;
- natural material absolutely safe for health;
- dishes suitable for any oven;
- the formation of non-stick coating during application, which allows you to do with a minimum of oil;
- not afraid of natural acids.
- cookware may be subject to corrosion;
- heavy weight;
- brittle material, may crack from impact;
- periodically special care is needed - piercing with salt and lubricating with oil;
- can not be used in the dishwasher;
- Damage is affected by detergents.

Frying steak in a cast iron pan
After buying such a frying pan, the first thing you need to do is to properly calcine it. To do this, rinse it with hot water, wipe it dry, grease the inside with vegetable oil and put in the oven for 60 minutes. It is recommended to apply this procedure every month. If we discard the features of caring for such dishes, then this type of pans is almost an ideal option.
We describe how to properly carry out this procedure:
- Prepare ordinary table salt in advance; the variety does not matter.
- Rinse the pan under warm water using detergent.
- Wipe dry.
- Pour the salt into the bottom in a continuous layer so that it completely covers the surface.
- Place the frying pan on a small fire and calcine for an hour, occasionally stirring the salt. Over time, the salt should darken.
- Remove dishes from heat and allow to cool to room temperature.
- Sprinkle salt and wipe the bottom with a dry cloth, no need to rinse.
- Leave the dishes in this condition for a couple of days.
- Rinse the bottom and wipe before use.

Preparing a cast iron pan for first use
There is also another method of calcination - using fat. The procedure is as follows:
- Prepare any animal fat.
- Rinse the pan and wipe dry.
- Heat it a little and grease the inner surface of the dishes.
- In this condition, place in the oven.
- Warm up for about 40 minutes at a temperature of 160 degrees.
- Remove, let cool to room temperature.
- Wipe with a dry cloth without rinsing.
- Leave in this condition for a couple of days, after which the pan will be ready for use.
Performing such procedures allows you to create a protective layer on the surface of the pan with non-stick properties, since cast iron absorbs oil and not food residues due to its porosity.
Periodic application of this procedure will ensure a good non-stick coating.

Annealing a cast iron pan with salt
Improper use of cast iron results in poor coating performance. For example, when washing a pan in a dishwasher, it may begin to rust. Similarly affects cast iron and prolonged soaking. This is due to the properties of the material, into the porous structure of which moisture begins to penetrate, as well as various alkalis used in dishwashers.
There are many ways to clean a pan from plaque and rust, from baking soda to various chemical agents.
It is also worth noting that it is from cast iron that grill pans are produced for frying meat.
The best cast iron utensils are made by Fiscars Brasserie. The manufacturer uses natural cast iron, the walls and bottom of such dishes are thick, which is especially appreciated by professional chefs. Among the features of the pans of this brand are a removable handle and a chapel, this will help to avoid burns when removing dishes from the oven. However, the price of kitchen items made of cast iron from the company Fiscars Brasserie is quite high and starts at 1000 rubles.

Cast-iron pan "Biol"
We also note the domestic manufacturer Biol. Such pans cost about 400 rubles, among the advantages are also thick walls and the bottom, porous cast iron.
The model from the manufacturer Petergoff can be used with any stove - at least cooking, at least induction. But the fixed handle does not allow the use of the pan in the oven.
Aluminum pan
Suitable for frying a variety of dishes aluminum pans. They heat up quickly enough, therefore such dishes can be used when frying vegetables, fish.
Without a special non-stick coating for frying meat, an aluminum copy is better not to use. The coating may be Teflon, or even better, ceramic. The bottom should be of sufficient thickness, from six millimeters, which will ensure uniform frying and juiciness of the prepared dishes.
Pros of aluminum pans:
- cheapness;
- light weight.
- the possibility of deformation under the influence of high temperatures;
- very weak non-stick properties - the food will burn even when using a sufficient amount of oil;
- harm to health in view of the physical and chemical properties of the material - toxicity and metal microchip affect not in the best way.

Aluminum cookware
Aluminum is a great option for frying fried eggs or potatoes. When buying this option, pay attention to the thickness of the bottom. If you decide to opt for a model from this material, choose a cast option with thick walls and a bottom. Also keep in mind that the critical temperature for such pans starts after 240 degrees, at high degrees the release of toxic substances begins.
Rondell Zeita RDA-117 has a price tag of 1200 rubles and a bottom thickness of 4 mm, which warms up quickly enough. Riveted handle. It can be used both in the oven and in the dishwasher.
Zanussi Siena has a fairly robust design, easy to maintain and versatile. Quality is also on top. The cost is high - about 3,000 rubles.
“Neva-Metal Special” of a St. Petersburg manufacturer costs around 1200 rubles, has a thick bottom - 6 mm, which is rare enough for aluminum pans. However, it is impossible to use it in the oven due to the plastic handle.
Stainless steel frying pan
The bottom of such pans warms up evenly and well, this is especially important for prolonged frying of food.In addition, the bottom is usually multi-layered. However, not the best thermal conductivity of the material will affect the fact that the food will burn.
Advantages of such devices:
- it is possible to use any cutlery when cooking, including metal;
- high strength material;
- very easy to care for;
- not affected by water;
- maximum preservation of the natural taste and color of products;
- very large selection.
- the ability to deform and darken under the influence of high temperatures;
- it is necessary to constantly interfere with food;
- fakes are very common.

Stainless steel frying pan
Good for those people who like to eat without extraneous tastes and smells. But if you leave such a pan empty on a hot stove, then stains may remain on the dishes.
Manufacturer Fisscars Essential - one of the best in this category. Pans serve up to 10 years, while the non-stick coating is of very good quality. The bakelite handle does not heat up at all, one of the pluses is high sides.
BergHOFF Ron 3900035 - hung utensils, but its price is several thousand rubles, which is offset by a long service life. Unpretentious to external influences - can be used both in the oven and in the dishwasher.
Silampos Europa 22 has a multi-layer bottom up to 6 mm thick, heat-resistant comfortable handle, can also be used in the oven. The only negative is the cost of up to 5000 rubles.
What to look for when choosing
- Ideally, the diameter of the pan should match the diameter of the surface of the burner.
- Consider the type of plate. If the stove is gas, suitable products from any material. If the surface of the glass ceramic plate, do not use aluminum stamped specimens. The same applies to electric stoves. For induction cookers, aluminum and steel pans can be used.
- Depending on how you plan to use the pan, choose the appropriate shape and wall thickness.
- When choosing a product, beware of fakes. Trust only reliable manufacturers. In cheap specimens, very thin walls and the bottom can be used, as well as a non-stick coating of unknown origin and of dubious quality, which will become unsuitable after a sufficient quick time.
- In large pans, you can cook a larger volume of food at one time, however small ones are more convenient to store. Consider this when choosing.
- Of great importance is the ergonomics of the pan. An undoubted advantage will be the presence of interchangeable handles, which are also not subject to heat. It is advisable to immediately buy a frying pan with a lid, subsequently problems may arise with its selection.
- Use the principle: the harder the better.

Cooking on the grill pan
But the required attributes for the pan used when frying are:
- thick bottom;
- non-stick coating;
- heat resistant handles.
Summing up the rating, we can say that the best frying pan for frying without oil is a non-stick pan. Suitable for these purposes. ceramic coated pans. When cooking on them, oil is not necessary at all. The coating consists of natural substances that are absolutely harmless to health.
Recently, this type of pans is gaining more and more popularity. The democratic price tag also contributes to this. Today, there is a huge selection from both domestic manufacturers and foreign ones.

Ceramic coated frying pan