A double boiler is a modern household appliance with which you can cook steamed vegetables, meat, fish and any other dishes. It differs from traditional cooking in that it does not require even the smallest drop of fat or oil. Food in a double boiler does not burn, and all the useful properties of the products are preserved.
How does a modern steam cooker work?
Food in a double boiler cooks quickly. The whole process is based on a water bath. The device is equipped with a special container with water that evaporates during cooking.
Cooking any food does not take much time. The heating element quickly heats the water and turns it into steam, which in turn affects the products during cooking.

You do not need to add oil to the bowl - this factor is very important for people who monitor their health and proper nutrition
Hot steam enters the bowl of food from all sides, providing a quick and uniform effect. You do not need to add oil to the bowl - this factor is very important for people who monitor their health and proper nutrition.
Why do housewives need a double boiler
Steamed dishes have always been prepared for those people who suffer from certain serious illnesses. A low-fat diet has always had a beneficial effect on the health of the body as a whole. People who were absolutely healthy prepared food in the traditional ways: frying, cooking, stewing, baking.
Currently, a healthy diet has become the basis of life for almost every person. Everyone strives to maintain the body in good shape and eat only the right and wholesome food. Therefore, now the double boiler has become a popular product that does not lie in stores.
Using a double boiler can save time, because the whole cooking process occurs without human intervention. In addition, all trace elements and vitamins are stored in the products.
For example, for cooking fish, it is enough to load the main product in one bowl, vegetables in the second, and rice for the side dish in the third. After a set period of time, the double boiler will signal that the dish is ready. For young children, this is the most acceptable way to cook.
How to choose the right quality double boiler for home
Before you buy a double boiler you need to familiarize yourself with its characteristics. The most important thing is to choose the perfect option for yourself, which will suit all indicators.
So, first you need to decide on the view. Steamers are:
- Electric.
- Gas (ordinary metal pans).

Gas and electric model - which one to choose?
The most popular are electrical devices. But products for gas stoves have also earned a good reputation. They are stainless steel pans.
What is remarkable for a gas double boiler:
- Saving electricity.
- You can cook several dishes at once, as it is equipped with several tiers.
- You can quickly warm up food.
- Possibility of using the lower bowl as a regular pan.
- It can be easily washed after use.
But, at the same time, the hostess cannot leave the cooking process unattended. And this is a significant minus.
Electric models are:
- Recessed.
- Freestanding.
The built-in double boiler will have to be installed in a niche in the kitchen, it will not be possible to move it freely. But it has a huge number of various functions and a decent amount.In addition, it is equipped with a self-cleaning function, which will make life easier for housewives.

Water enters the built-in double boiler through the water supply system
It is designed in such a way that water gets into it through the water supply system. Therefore, you do not have to constantly worry about the liquid in it running out.
It is worth remembering that built-in appliances are always much more expensive than stand-alone models, which include the following items:
- Capacity for water.
- Baskets for loading products.
- Capacity for accumulated condensate.
- Work zone.
The working area can be mechanical or electronic. The mechanics look like a timer switch. And the electronic zone is a display that shows the cooking time and time until it ends. Also on it there are buttons that are responsible for a particular mode. Choosing a double boiler based on these indicators is not difficult.
Electric steamers can also differ in the presence or absence of useful functions in them:
- A reminder that it is time to descale.
- Independent shutdown in the event that the water in the tank is over.
- An additional mode of "Fast Steam", which ensures maximum preservation of nutrients in food.
- Memory function. A double boiler remembers recipes that have already been cooked in it.
If you have decided on the type of steam cooking device, then it's time to move on to other selection criteria.
This indicator is responsible for the time it takes to cook. If there are many bowls in it, then the power should be the greatest. This indicator ranges from 400 to 1800 watts. It all depends on how many people the dish will be prepared. If there is one bowl in a double boiler, then 400 watts is enough. If there are several bowls, you will have to choose a double boiler with a capacity of 1200 watts.
Number of baskets
In standard models there are 2-3 baskets. In such devices, you can cook several dishes at once. Great for those who have a large family. A separate rice bowl should also be included. If it is not, then you can choose another model.

Standard double boiler with 2 baskets
The shape of the baskets also matters. If the diameter of the bottom of all the bowls is different, then it becomes easier to store them, they are simply inserted into each other and do not take up much space. But during their operation it will not be possible to swap them with each other. Such a need may arise if the bottom of the food has already been prepared, but the top is not yet.
The hostess can monitor how the cooking process goes, as the steamer baskets are transparent.
If the baskets are small or medium in size, you can easily wash them both in the sink and in the dishwasher. They are also more convenient to store, which is an important condition for a small kitchen with a minimum number of cabinets. Large bowls are convenient for preparing whole fish or chicken. For such cases, oval-shaped baskets are used.
Also in the bowls can be collapsible or non-separable bottom. It can also have a different coating: non-stick or stainless.
Number of pallets
Most models come with only one pallet. In this case, the juice from the products and the condensate flow into one container. As a result, the lower products are saturated with the juice of the upper. This does not always emphasize the taste of the dish.
If the sump is deep, you will not have to turn off the appliance once again to drain excess fluid. It is better to choose a double boiler, with a pallet height of 2 cm. During the operation of the device, it will not even have time to completely fill up and thus will not make unnecessary problems to the hostess.
If the pallet is equipped with handles, then this is an additional plus. Especially if the container itself is not deep, about 1.5 cm. Pouring water out of it is much easier, the probability of getting burned with hot water is reduced.
Water indicator
On many, not even expensive models, such an indicator is installed.This is very convenient, because you can control the process and determine when it is necessary to add water. If there is no function of adding water, then this is a significant minus, especially when the double boiler is equipped with several tiers or meat or fish dishes are prepared in it.
The benefits and harms of using a double boiler
Nutritionists talk a lot about the benefits of steamed food. This is a food that does not contain harmful fats that adversely affect human health. But there are not only advantages, as always there are disadvantages.
Useful qualities:
- Products in a double boiler retain not only their natural taste, but also color. Not to mention vitamins and nutrients.
- No need to use vegetable oil while cooking. Also, no broth is needed. For example, brown rice contains a large amount of vitamin B1, which is preserved only when steamed.
- The body receives a diet food filled with vitamins. Accordingly, the human condition improves and immunity increases.

Steamed foods retain vitamins and minerals better than fried, steamed, or boiled foods
Harm from a double boiler:
- Plastic is a material that, when heated, can enter food and thus adversely affect the human body.
- The older the plastic, the more harmful its decay products are for humans.
But at present, manufacturers use only high-quality materials, otherwise the goods simply will not get on the market. Therefore, the harm from plastic is at the level of speculation. But if you exclude the slightest possibility of harming the body, you can use a bowl of glass or metal.
Browse Popular Models
Inexpensive double boiler is the most sought after product. The first acquaintance with this device begins with a cheap model.
Excellent double boiler for a budget of up to 2000 rubles.
- DELTA DL-38. Baskets have the same diameter, so they are not difficult to swap. There is a separate basket for cereals. Also, despite the low cost, there is a function of adding water in the cooking process. The baskets are made of transparent plastic, it is very convenient for housewives who are used to controlling the entire cooking process, from start to finish. The double boiler is made in a rather interesting design. It will look great in the kitchen and fit into the overall interior.
- ENDEVER VITA 170/171. It is a three-tier device. Pretty powerful model - 1000 watts. Management occurs mechanically. Three plastic transparent bowls are included. There is a water level indicator and the function of its topping, which is a big plus. No need to remove the heated bowls and add water, stopping the cooking process. If the water runs out, the double boiler turns off automatically. It also has a number of additional functions: shutdown occurs automatically, delayed start, thermostat, Quick Steam function, timer.
- ATLANTA ATH-1651. The power of this model is 400 watts. It has two tiers with a total volume of 4.8 liters. The model is equipped with a timer, as well as an automatic shutdown function.
The most popular models are Scarlett, Polaris, Braun, Tefal. The most expensive double boiler have more functionality. Also, brands of well-known companies affect in many ways the cost of the device.
In the range from 900 to 1300 rubles, the following are distinguished: SUPRA FSS-201, Ladomir 502K, Smile SC 1703.
More powerful models: Tefal VC 3008, Braun FS 5100, Zauber X-570.
Products that are cooked or cooked are devoid of all the vitamins they contained when they were raw. In addition, fried foods are very harmful to the body and cause a number of different diseases.
For those who are not familiar with this subject and do not know the device of a double boiler, you should carefully read the contents of this article. If the selected model meets all the requirements, then no doubt the purchase will be a joyful event. In use, this product is quite simple. You need to pour a little water into it, put food and click on the "Start" button.Everything, within an hour, you can be completely free. It is not necessary to stand at the stove and control the whole process. It is not necessary to stir the products, they will not stick anyway and even steam treatment will occur.
After the dish is cooked, the steam cooker emits a signal, which means that it is time to serve food on the table.
Another feature of the double boiler is that it can defrost food and sterilize them for canning.