The meat grinder has densely entered our life. With its help, you can cook minced meat or mashed potatoes. First, manual ones appeared, then electric ones, both types are equally used for grinding meat, vegetables, fruits and crackers. There is only one function - to grind, but in preparation for work, sometimes the question arises: how to insert a knife correctly? Without this, the meat grinder will not work correctly.
In today's article, we will take a closer look at how to assemble and disassemble a manual and electric model. The main emphasis will be placed on how and where to install knives in a meat grinder. Such instructions should help you master the equipment and use it for cooking minced meat, mashed potatoes and other dishes without any problems.

Typical manual meat grinder
Types of meat mincers
There are two types of meat grinders. Electric, large and medium power. The former successfully process any type of product - meat with veins or even frozen meat, which is why they are much more convenient than hand-made ones - you do not have to wait until the meat unfrosts, you can immediately start shredding. In addition, an electric grinder can not only grind meat into minced meat, but also cut it into small cubes.
Several types of nozzles allow you to set a certain amount of forcemeat obtained at the output. With a detailed study, it will be possible to understand that the fundamental differences in the scheme meat grinder devices no - both are similar in their scheme. Having understood what and where is attached, you can easily install all the screws, knives and fasteners for your device without any difficulty.

Electric meat grinder "Mulineks"
The main details of the meat grinder
The difference in the structure of the devices, although small, but it still exists. To begin with, we will analyze the manual model device circuit. They have the following elements in their device:
- Main building
- Fixing screw to fix the pibor to the table
- A special screw that propels the meat inside the case and helps to get it under the knife blade. This is one of the main elements.
- Lattice fixing element
- Ground Grill
Most often, the case is made of steel with an admixture of aluminum. Older models are smelted from cast iron, therefore they are heavier and more often subject to corrosion. The knife is convex on one side and flat on the other. It is on the second side that the edges grinding the processed food into small pieces are located. The hole perfectly follows the shape of the square tip of the screw, so that the knife, put in its place, is firmly fixed to the screw. The screw also secures the grille, which is fixed using a special ring screwed to the outlet tube.

Spare parts from the manual model
How to install a knife
The operability of a kitchen appliance largely depends on the correct installation of components. In order not to make a mistake during the collection, follow the instructions below.
- To begin, place the auger inside the housing. Its longer threaded end should exit through the rear wall hole
- Screw the scroll knob to the screw
- Lock the handle with a special clamp
- Now proceed to install the knife directly. Attach this element with the flat side outward and the convex side inward. Thus, the knife will be installed exactly as it should stand
Done! Now it’s all about the small: install the grill and secure it with the fastening ring. By attaching the meat grinder to the table, you can start work.
If installed incorrectly, the knife will not grind meat.Of course, the screw will push everything to the grill, but since the blades cannot chop the meat, it will remain inside and, in the end, will clog, so try to observe the correct installation of the knife.

The order of installation of all elements
Rules for the assembly of an electric meat grinder
The electric model is more bulky equipment. Before getting into the chopper, the meat passes through the funnel, and then, using special pushing mechanisms, passes into the hopper. Some models are able to not only make minced meat, but also cut the meat into cubes. The equipment is assembled according to the following scheme:
- As in the manual model, a screw is initially inserted into the housing
- The next step is to insert a ring with several holes
- The double-sided knife is also set flat out
- Now fasten the grid with medium-sized holes
- Set another knife
- Now we put a smaller lattice and fix everything with a special ring
Thus, meat undergoes double processing. In general, the circuit is almost identical to that used in the assembly of a conventional, manual model. The knives here must also be installed on the right side, otherwise they simply will not cut anything. Electric meat grinders with high production capacities have a huge supply of energy, therefore even frozen pieces can be crushed. If the power of the devices is low or medium, then only fresh products will be crushed.

Electric meat grinder and components
Each model has its own individual characteristics. Manual ones are practically no different from each other. Electric models have different capacities and capabilities. All of them will work stably provided that they are correctly assembled - the mechanism of the device is as sensitive to assembly failures as any other. If you keep the order when installing the knife, then you will not have any difficulties when processing meat. The main thing to remember is that the knife should be installed with the flat side outward, and the convex one - inside the case.