Almost every modern housewife in the kitchen uses a unique miracle of technology - a crock-pot. The device allows you to easily cook soups, cereals, casseroles, pastries, yogurt and many other dishes. When buying equipment, the owner is faced with a minor problem - an unpleasant odor from her cavity. We will tell you how to eliminate the smell in a multicooker for the first use, what means it is best to clean the surface after cooking.
First start
Anyone knows the smell of a new thing: the tart aroma from leather shoes, spicy from jeans. Undoubtedly, the crock-pot also has its own special bouquet at the time of purchase. This feature is associated with the production technology of the device, factors of transportation and storage of the device in warehouses.

Device packaging
The device for a long time remained in the closed position, the silicone gasket does not allow air circulation, leads to its spiraling, the formation of an unpleasant odor. As a rule, a new multifunctional device smells of rubber, plastic, a little paint. Therefore, manufacturers recommend carefully rinsing the bowl, seals, valve with warm water and detergent, drying the product or wiping dry.
The most popular way to get rid of extraneous odors from household appliances is to use a soda solution. Take a tablespoon of baking soda, dissolve in two liters of water. Wet a soft cloth or sponge, wipe all open parts of the multicooker. After that, rinse the removable parts with running water without using chemicals and wipe dry. It is enough to leave the device open for a couple of hours, and the odor will disappear.

Dry the appliance
Disinfection of the walls of the device, elimination of the disgusting spirit is also carried out using a weak solution of potassium permanganate (several crystals per 1 liter of water), table vinegar (1: 2), hydrogen peroxide (1: 3).
The use of lemon juice or acid shows high efficiency in the fight against pollution and odors. Take a half of the lemon, place it inside the slow cooker, pour a liter of boiled water. We start the device in double boiler mode with a timer of 20-30 minutes. Cool the mixture, pour and wipe the appliance dry.

Odor control lemon
Carefully familiarize yourself with the device before buying, do not hesitate to inspect each removable part, smell it. If the slow cooker smells sharply, repels and causes nausea, do not buy it. The device heats up during operation, the unpleasant spirit will be amplified many times, poison the air in the room, food, harm to health. Among the hostesses, models of the brands Redmond, Polaris, Philips, Mulinex enjoy positive reviews.
Hygiene after work
Devices of any design, functionality should be stored in a ventilated room in the clear or with the steam valve removed. You can not pack a crock-pot in a box after cooking, since the likelihood of putrefactive, acidic odors is very high. Choose for the assistant an individual place on the countertop or shelf, clean after each use, and it will last for many years without complaints.

Hygiene rules
Quite often there are situations when the owner of the device does not extract food after cooking, stores it in a bowl for a long time. Leaving food inside the multicooker is allowed only in heating mode or until cooling. Food should be stored in a different container: cup, saucepan, container. This rule is based on the fact that dietary fiber is oxidized naturally, damaging the walls of the bowl.In addition, all odors penetrate and persistently absorbed through the cracks between the seals, the valve.

Sealing rubber
How to quickly remove the smell of edible from the slow cooker? The previously listed funds are actively used in the fight against odors of cooked food. It is easy to get rid of the aroma of spices, milk, vegetables. Fish will require a little more effort. For example, toothpaste can easily cope with fish amber. Apply a hygiene product to the sponge and wash the parts with warm water.
We recommend washing the multicooker after each use, wiping and drying for at least an hour. Inside the cooled cavity, you can put a few grains of coffee, a couple of tablets of activated carbon, a bag of black tea or five tablespoons of salt. These components absorb unpleasant odors, do not harm the device, human health.

Universal odor absorber
How to get rid of the smell of burning in a slow cooker? The biggest problem of housewives is burnt food. This stink is very difficult to handle, but possible. First, you need to clean the entire surface of the device from food plaque. Add a couple of tablespoons of salt or soda to the bowl, one and a half liters of water and turn on the cooking mode for 20 minutes. After cooling, the burnt layer is easily removed. Wipe the surface with tea leaves, lemon juice or just rinse with water.

Nagar in the slow cooker
Herbal ingredients can remove odor burnt food from a multicooker. We brew peppermint, thyme, ginger or cloves in a glass of boiling water. With a cooled infusion, wipe the details of the washed device and dry for an hour. In some cases, a napkin moistened with alcohol or vodka will help to eliminate a persistent aroma. After the manipulations, let the device ventilate.
In order for the multifunctional device to please the hostess, not to exude unpleasant odors, it needs special care. We list some useful tips for operating a multicooker:
- Do not store raw and cooked food inside the device for a long time, since oxidative processes destroy the coating and lead to the formation of extraneous odors.
- Be sure to clean all accessible parts of the device after each use with detergent and a soft cloth (sponge, fleece, felt). Do not use abrasive particles (melamine, metal brush, cleaning mixtures) to remove carbon deposits. It is better to fill the container with water and leave to soak for a while.

Important details
- Keep the device in the air access area with the cover ajar or the valve removed. It is allowed to store assembled with a saucepan, as well as separately.

Instrument storage
- If you do not plan to use a multicooker daily, put odor absorbers inside: special capsules, coffee, soda, tea.
- Do not use the device for making dough, marinade, whipping cream.
- When the unit is used daily, it is best to purchase replacement o-rings for preventative cleaning and reduced wear.

Replacement seal
- It is not recommended to pour cold water into a dry heated bowl. The temperature difference negatively affects the surface of the pan.
A crock-pot is a universal appliance in the kitchen of a modern hostess. The device will last for many years, it will delight you with delicious dishes, if you properly care for it. Follow the recipe, cooking time, food storage to prevent burning and unpleasant odors. Do not forget that the multicooker is a device for cooking, not storing food.