Multicooker Dishes
Manufacturers of household appliances took care of the convenience and comfort of the consumer, greatly facilitating the processes of food processing and cooking. A separate place among kitchen units is occupied by such products as double boiler, pressure cookers and multicookers. Relatively recently, a special variety of multicookers has appeared - a multicooker-pressure cooker. We will understand the features and differences of these devices.

Double boiler
A slow cooker or pressure cooker - which is better: advantages and disadvantages of devices
Buying appliances for the kitchen, many housewives face a choice: what is best for the home - a crock-pot or pressure cooker. Why buy two devices if they can be combined into one?
Each device has its advantages and disadvantages, features. Cooking in a slow cooker is carried out by heating elements that provide a certain temperature inside the bowl. The maximum temperature values can reach 250 degrees Celsius, and the minimum - 30.

Be sure to read the instructions!
Unlike a conventional multicooker, a pressure cooker-multicooker affects food using high pressure and temperature, which speeds up cooking.
However, the pressure injection takes time (on average 15-20 minutes), and therefore the actual cooking time may not differ for both devices.
In a pressure cooker, it is easier to cook dishes that require a lot of time, for example, aspic. A feature of the cooking process at high pressure is the inability to look into the pan during cooking without violating the operating mode. When the lid is opened, the internal pressure will equalize with the external, as emergency pressure relief occurs.

Pressure cooker
Detailed differences of multicooker and pressure cooker
In terms of the number of functions, a multicooker has an advantage over a conventional pressure cooker, and a multicooker pressure cooker has more options than a conventional multicooker.
If we consider the similarities and differences in the consumption of electricity, then it is comparable, since the consumption depends on the power and time of use, and not on the method of preparation.
From a financial point of view, such an option as a pressure cooker is an additional element, therefore, the cost of such a device will be higher than a simple multicooker.
Another difference between a pressure cooker and a multicooker is the presence of some restrictions in the preparation of dishes that the multicooker does not have.
It is believed that food prepared using overpressure is more healthy because it has undergone less heat treatment.
Some users note that despite all the advantages and high-tech cooking methods, the taste of the finished product differs from that cooked on the stove in the traditional way. It takes some time to get used to the slightly changed taste of your favorite food.
What types of multicookers and pressure cookers exist
A huge number of multicooker models are on the market, including those with pressure cooker functions. To choose the best product for home use, you need to understand for what purpose the device is purchased.
The first difference is in the volume of the bowl. There are models where the volume of the bowl is 3 liters, and there are seven-liter options. Large bowls are suitable for cooking for 4-5 people, and for one or two three-four-liter bowls will be quite enough.
If an accelerated cooking process is required, then it is also worth taking a closer look at small-sized bowls. Before the multicooker begins to work in one of the programmed modes, it heats the contents of the bowl to the operating temperature. Heat a small bowl faster.
Teflon, ceramic and marble spraying are found in the bowl coating material. Teflon is considered to be more durable, but at temperatures above 250 degrees it releases substances harmful to health. Ceramic and marble coatings require more gentle handling than Teflon, they last about two years. But such coatings are environmentally friendly and perfectly tolerate heating up to 400 degrees Celsius. Use detergents for ceramic coatings with extreme caution.
High-quality ceramic spraying is quite expensive, which is not always acceptable for the buyer.

Slow Cooker Features
According to the power of multicookers, there are from 600 to 1200 kW. The more power, the more energy the product consumes, but the cooking process is faster.
According to the type of control, multicookers with mechanical, electronic and touch panels are distinguished. Mechanical control is considered the most reliable and durable. The disadvantages include the impossibility of complex programming, for example, deferring a start.
The total number of functions for a cooker with a mechanical control panel is usually less than for models with electronic or touch control. In mechanics, a screen is often missing.
Electronic and touch panels are similar to each other in terms of feature set and screen availability. The difference is that the electronic buttons need to be pressed, and the touch buttons must be touched. The downside is the need for more delicate use and purification. With electronic and touch control, the display can be located both on the cover of the device and on its side wall.
Also, devices differ in the presence of additional functions. In slow cookers, even inexpensive ones, at least five cooking modes are preinstalled.

Smoke mode in the multicooker
The main ones include cooking, frying, stewing, a double boiler, and baking. Among the additional:
- pressure cooker - the ability to cook dishes under high pressure;
- multi-cook - allows you to independently set all the parameters of the prepared dish;
- yogurt maker - allows you to ferment milk into yogurt;
- baker - a modernized function of baking, used for the preparation of butter products;
- smokehouse - suitable for meat, fish and similar products. Allows for a short period of time to achieve a result;
- warming up - a slight increase in temperature, sufficient to heat food;
- self-cleaning is a technical function that allows for basic cleaning without human intervention.

Cooking French Fries
In addition to the above, multicookers differ in manufacturer and design. The final price of the product depends on the presence or absence of functions, assembly place, source materials.
Panasonic products are far from the cheapest, they are distinguished by durability and quality materials. Philips focuses on safety of use and a large number of functions, the quality of products is quite high.
Polaris occupies a niche in the lower price segment, which makes the products of this company quite popular with buyers. Redmond is located in the middle price zone.
A sufficient number of functions and relatively good quality of raw materials used in the production of multicookers provide stable consumer demand.
Bork brand products have a very high quality bowl coating. Naturally, the cost of such products is quite high.

Bork multicooker bowl
Which slow cooker to choose
When choosing a product for the kitchen, you need to focus on your preferences and tasks.Cheaper multicookers with an average set of modes are perfect for a student hostel or a young family, while expensive multicooker pressure cookers with many additional functions will be indispensable helpers in the kitchen in a large family.

Slow cooker for home
Choosing a pressure cooker, if you do not plan to regularly use this mode, does not make much sense.
It’s worth taking a slow cooker with a large bowl if you need to cook large volumes of food, otherwise it is more profitable to purchase a medium-sized device.
If older people will use the unit, it is better to purchase a multicooker with mechanical control. The control of such a device is simple and straightforward.
In addition, any multicooker requires careful handling and careful operation and cleaning, both inside and outside the product.