The “3D” prefix clearly hints at something innovative and very good: 3D films, 3D printers, 3D pens, 3D floors ... Manufacturers of household appliances are also on the alert. Since 2013, the crock-pot has been a cult table device. We can’t imagine our kitchen without this assistant. The first generation models had one heating element at the bottom of the device. Today, crock-pots that can provide 3D heating are gaining more and more popularity. What is it, and is there any real benefit from it, you will learn from our article.

Slow cooker - the most popular electrical appliance of the last decade
What is 3D heating or heating element in 3D in multicookers
In the very first models of multicookers, only one tubular electric heater was used, located at the bottom. Therefore, with some dishes, in particular, with baking, I had to perform additional manipulations: pull out the cupcake, turn it over and put on additional baking.
In modern multicookers with the function of 3d-heating, there are no such problems. There are more heaters in them, they can be located on the side and top. Thanks to this, the food is heated not only from below, but also on the sides and under the lid of the appliance. In more expensive and advanced devices, instead of heating elements, magnetic fields of inductors are built-in. In such devices, the cooking stage begins instantly without spending time and energy on heating, and is reduced by about a third.
However, crock-pots with induction 3D-heating are quite expensive: “eminent” models - from 17,000 rubles, “no-name” models can be bought for 10,000 rubles.

This is the process of 3D heating
Features of multicookers with 3D heating function
In a large family of multicookers, it is models with 3D heating that attract the most attention of buyers, because this type of device is more progressive. And if we talk about the induction heating method, then it is completely innovative.
The new generation of devices is equipped with 15 programs, the ability to cook food under pressure or without it, working containers are covered with many layers of non-stick coatings with increased thermal conductivity, which successfully cope with various injuries.
The same temperature inside the device allows you to evenly cook not only biscuits, casseroles, charlotte, but also meat and poultry, and at the same time get a delicious ruddy crust. After the dish is cooked, it can remain hot for several hours due to the fact that the container continues to heat, but less intensively.
Models with the presence of an induction type of heating consume an order of magnitude higher electricity, but at the same time they cook food 30% faster in cooking, stewing and frying modes, due to targeted heating and the absence of heat loss.
The central processor directs the cooking of food in induction devices, it is he who selects the optimum temperature, the amount of liquid in a particular dish. Also, in each certified induction multicooker, a Russian-speaking voice assistant is built in, which comments on the cooking processes and gives valuable advice.
A 3D multicooker is characterized by such a feature as special protection against overheating of heating elements or food in the form of automatic shutdown of heating elements.
Most 3D multicookers are equipped with a delayed start mode, as well as a function of gradual increase in temperature at different stages of cooking. The dish is to taste, as if it had been languishing for a long time in a pot in an oven or in a Russian oven.
Another protective bonus is that if you have not loaded products into the container, the smart device will simply not turn on.

Baking in a 3D multicooker always turns out with a delicious crust
Advantages and disadvantages of 3D heating
Advantages of 3D heating:
- The ability to cook food 30% faster in cooking, stewing and frying modes, thanks to the uniform three-sided heating.
- If there are no products in the container, the device will not turn on.
- Additional protection against overheating of food and heating elements - automatic shutdown of heating elements.
- Baking, meat and poultry in a 3D multicooker always turn out with a golden brown.
- Uniform heating during use eliminates the burning of products to the bottom of the device.
- Uniform cooking regardless of its place in the bowl.
- Induction devices are safe to use.
- After cooking, the appliance goes into heating mode, that is, the food stays warm for several hours.
- According to user reviews, the food cooked in such a multicooker is tastier than that prepared in the usual one.
Disadvantages of 3D heating:
- The cost is an order of magnitude higher than that of conventional multicookers - branded appliances start at 4,000 rubles, while ordinary ones start at 2,000 rubles. Prices for models with induction heating start from 10 000 rubles.
- Some people think that three-sided heating consumes more energy. This is not true - a 3D multicooker with a power of 900 W will consume exactly as much electricity as an ordinary multicooker with the same power, but it will cook in 40 minutes, not in an hour.

3D heating is not in every mode, the “Porridge” mode does without it
Is it worth it to overpay for an option like 3D heating?
Now you know all about the pros and cons of this modern kitchen gadget. It is difficult to unequivocally answer this question. If you do not have a slow cooker and you are thinking about purchasing it, it is better to take it with 3D heating. If you want to be surrounded only by technical innovations - a 3D multicooker with induction heating for you.
If you have a faithful assistant, albeit not in 3D, do not rush to throw it away. Household appliances become morally obsolete quite quickly, after 2-3 years, something else new, innovative and very useful will come to replace 3D multicookers.

A multicooker with 3D heating will make life easier for any cook
Before buying, you should read the reviews and comments of the owners of the models you are interested in, weigh whether you need this or that function, whether you will use it and how often.