Which refrigerator is better
Two compressor in the refrigeratorIs this good or bad for the consumer? Let's try to find out.
Single or double compressor refrigerator: the main differences
As the name suggests, the differences in the models of the refrigerator begin with the number of compressors in the device. This is the main part in the refrigerator, which is responsible for cooling and circulating the coolant. The use of two units makes sense if the refrigerator has several chambers in which it is necessary to maintain different temperatures. In most cases, a two-compressor means two different circuits, or, more simply, two refrigerators in one case.

Two compressors
The presence of two doors on the refrigerator is not evidence that two compressors are installed in the device. Some single-compressor refrigerators perfectly combine the work of two circuits using an electromagnetic valve. The two-compressor unit has a large number of additional functions.
Separate shutdown, temperature setting for each chamber separately, emergency freezing - these and other functions indicate that your refrigeration equipment has two compressors.
Two-compressor refrigerators: pros and cons
One of the advantages of a two-compressor refrigerator is efficiency. This household appliance consumes much less power than a single compressor unit. Low consumption is explained by more ergonomic design. The refrigerator compartment opens much less frequently than the main food store and therefore it is easier to maintain the temperature in it. The amount of cooling work is reduced and savings are obtained. It depends on the model.
When buying, pay attention to the marking "A +++". The more advantages, the lower the power consumption.

The scheme of the two-chamber refrigerator
Two-compressor units are much quieter than conventional refrigerators. The freezing compressor turns on rather rarely, but two small devices still make less noise than one big one. In quantitative terms, numbers can vary by 5-10 dB, but the level of comfort rises by an order of magnitude. The operation of the unit behind the wall becomes completely inaudible. Vibration is significantly reduced. Even at night, the sounds of the chiller are not heard.

Convenient freezer
Separation of the two circuits allows you to easily change the temperature in an independent mode. Compartments can be turned off for long periods. It is especially convenient to use such a function during departure to the country or on a business trip. The refrigerator can be turned off and the freezer left. In some models, there is even a "vacation" or "weekend" mode. By pressing just one button, the refrigeration unit enters super-economical mode. It is suspected that no perishable food remains in the cell.
Additional advantages and functions of two-compressor refrigerators
The temperature separation function is associated with superfreezing. Super Freeze mode allows you to sharply lower the temperature in the refrigerator and allows you to freeze foods, fruits, vegetables with the full preservation of vitamins. Super-freezing preserves the taste and color of berries without tearing them into jelly. In addition to fruits in the freezer, you can instantly cool drinks.

No Frost Defrost System
The use of two compressors allows you to implement a system defrost No Frost. Translated, the phrase means "without hoarfrost." The absence of ice accumulations is achieved by using a fan to circulate air inside the chambers. Air flows to the evaporator, which is installed between the body of the refrigerator and freezer. In a non-working cycle, water from the evaporator flows into the tray under household appliances. Mechanical cleaning of chambers in such models should be done no more than once every six months.
Another great feature implemented in refrigerators with two compressors is the zonal division. This function is realized by models with separate doors or several tight compartments. In some areas of the refrigerator maintains its own climate, optimal for this type of product. Side-by-side models have up to six doors. They have zones for freezing ice cubes, for storing wines, vegetables, dairy products. Smells of products do not mix and do not spoil the taste.
Cons of two compressors in refrigerators
A model with two coolers is very expensive.
A compressor is the most expensive part in a refrigeration appliance. The cost of a household device depends on the number of units. Two-compressor equipment will cost 25-30% more than a similar one with one compressor. If we take into account the addition of electronic filling, then the cost of the model series varies from one and a half to two times.

Pit stop
The presence in the household appliance of a large number of parts leads to the probability of their breakdown. The reasons may be different: poor assembly, defect in the part, non-observance of the operating rules, power surges. An increase in the number of parts in the worst case leads to an increase in the probability of breakage. The average number of faults in devices in both systems is the same. But it is necessary to take into account that two-compressor refrigerators are produced by more responsible manufacturers who try to maintain a high level of guarantees.
What factors determine the choice of one or two compressors
A large refrigerator causes the buyer appetite, but whether this item will be used by you in full. How often do you buy products, in what portions? If you are used to filling your refrigerator to the limit with various foods, then buying a two-compressor unit will be justified. If you only store milk and jam in the refrigerator, then you can easily get by with one compressor.

Which refrigerator to choose?
Storage of a large number of products causes an increased load on the refrigeration unit. The door often opens, a large volume of warm bodies requires more intensive operation of the cooler. All this leads to an increase in the load on the components and assemblies of a single-compressor refrigerator. When energy is used up, the device fails.
A two-compressor refrigerator is especially useful for housewives who like to harvest berries and vegetables from the garden for the future. Even a full freezer will consume a tiny amount of electricity from such a device. Maintaining the temperature in the pressurized compartment is not a costly affair, and frozen foods are rarely needed. An additional bonus will be the function of superfrost and whole live berries in the winter.
If your electricity is often cut off, then buying a refrigerator with two compressors will be unprofitable for you. Constant shutdowns can interfere with the performance of refrigeration units, and you will have to repair them at your own expense. You will also have to forget about savings and other benefits, since constant defrosting will require frequent activation of the freezer.
The second compressor in the refrigerator is without a doubt a very useful invention. These models are more powerful, easy to use, economical.