It is now difficult to imagine everyday life without a microwave. Almost everyone in the kitchen has this familiar attribute, since it is thanks to him that it is possible to simplify the preparation or even the usual heating of many products. At the same time, like any household appliances, the stove requires proper attention and care, because during operation it is naturally contaminated and starts not to smell very good.
In this article you will learn how to eliminate the smell in the microwave at home, resorting to folk remedies or household chemicals.

Microwaves washing
Why do odors occur?
Before you decide on a particular tool to get rid of the unpleasant odor from the microwave, it is worth determining why it has arisen. So, there may be several sources:
- food debris that stuck during cooking;
- foods that have a difficult to remove or pungent odor (such as fish or garlic);
- if the food is often overheated, a smell of bitterness may occur;
- products that burned at the time of heating or cooking;
- in the microwave oven there is a weak cooler.

Working microwave
How to eliminate an unpleasant odor using folk remedies
We suggest considering the most lightweight and environmentally friendly methods for quickly eliminating unpleasant odors from a microwave oven.
How to eliminate the smell with lemon
Citruses perfectly eliminate unpleasant odors. This rule applies to all microwave ovens. You can buy lemon without any problems and this method can be safely called budget. By the way, lemon will help eliminate not only the hated stench, but also relieve burning.
So what needs to be done:
- Using a foam sponge dipped in water, all the walls of the kitchen appliances are wiped from the remnants of dried-up products.
- Lemon is cut into slices and placed in a container with water (you need to take 250 ml).
- The container is placed in the oven at maximum power. It is required that the water with lemon boil, after which it should stay inside for about 7 minutes.
- After the time has passed, the oven is turned off and a container of water is carefully removed.
- Then all the ingredients are changed to new ones, and the procedure is repeated.
- After finishing, it remains only to wipe the microwave with a sponge dipped in plain water.

Lemon odor elimination
Get rid of bad smell with citric acid
It is also possible to replace citrus fruit with citric acid, which will also cope with a bad-smelling kitchen appliance. In this case, it must be diluted in water, at the rate of 2 teaspoons per 100 ml of water.
Taking even the most ordinary orange zest, you can get rid of sugary aromas. For this purpose, it is slightly dried or a steam bath is arranged in a kitchen appliance.

Removing odor with citric acid
Acetic acid in the fight against odors
Lemon, along with acetic acid, is also able to cope with a nasty smell, for which it is necessary to take hot water, 1 teaspoon of essence and half of pre-ground lemon.
The prepared mixture is sent to the oven and heated for 5 minutes at full capacity.Then, the oven must be wiped and allowed to dry.

The use of acetic acid
The tool is often not recommended for those who have an enameled microwave.
For the mixture, you need to take half a liter of warm water and 1 teaspoon of vinegar. All ingredients are mixed and the oven is wiped with this mixture. After 3 minutes, the walls of the kitchen appliance are washed with clean water. This mixture can also be used with the steam cleaning method. Keep the mixture in the oven for 5 minutes.
Eliminate the smell of baking soda
Baking soda is also used in microwave cleaning. This method will require 1/4 cup water and half a tablespoon of soda. All components are mixed in a container for complete dissolution, and the entire furnace is wiped with the resulting mixture. The microwave is left for 1 hour, after which the whole procedure is repeated with a new mixture. When two steps are completed, everything is washed with warm water.

The use of baking soda
Using coffee
Coffee can also remove odors. For this, it is best to give preference to a natural or ground drink. It is necessary to take 100 ml of water and dilute 2 teaspoons of coffee in it. The resulting solution is rubbed inside the chamber and after 2 hours it is washed with clean water.

Remove odor in the microwave with coffee
Toothpaste Elimination
Oddly enough, you can eliminate the unpleasant odor from the microwave in such ways that no one even knows about. So, for example, an ordinary toothpaste, which everyone definitely has in the house, will help to make the smell of the stove the same as when buying.
Ideally, of course, if the paste is mint with menthol. So, a small amount of it must be squeezed onto a damp sponge and wiped with such a mixture the walls of the furnace. Leave it for a couple of hours, and then clean it with water and leave to dry.
How to clean microwave odors using household cleaning products
So, we figured out the folk remedies, it's time to find out how you can get rid of the smell in the microwave using household chemicals. For such purposes, it is not recommended to take funds in the form of powders, since they are capable of leaving scratches on the surfaces. It is best to use sprays or gels. So, we suggest considering the following tools:
- Spray Sanita.
- "Anti-fat" Synergetic cleansing gel.
- "Mr. muscle" spray for cleaning electrical appliances.
All of these tools are used the same way, the only thing to consider is that before using, you should take care of protecting your hands by wearing gloves.
If there are no specialized means at home, you can also use ordinary household chemicals:
- Dishwashing liquid. 100 ml of water is collected in any container and 1 teaspoon of the product is added. The mixture is placed in a furnace set to the highest power for 2 minutes. After the end of time, the soapy solution is left to cool, then everything is washed.
- Glass and mirror cleaner. 3 tbsp. Are dissolved in 50 ml of water. tablespoons of funds. The mixture is wiped with a mixture and left for 10 minutes, after which the oven is wiped dry.
- Laundry soap. A small bar of soap is ground on a grater (it should turn out a tablespoon) and filled with half a glass of warm water. When the main ingredient is completely dissolved in the liquid, the mixture must be sent to the microwave, which is set to maximum power for about 3 minutes. After finishing work, the door should not be opened for another half an hour. Then everything is washed with a soap mixture, and then with a clean liquid.

Odor Removal Using Household Chemicals
Microwave Care Tips
There are many ways to clean the microwave, however, if you follow the rules of operation of the device, this can be done much less often:
- A couple of times a month should be given time to sanitize, wet cleaning should be carried out 2-3 times a week.
- When heating products, it is best to use a special cover that will protect the walls from splashes and drops.
- After use, leave the lid of the kitchen appliance open.
- If the appliance becomes dirty during use, it is worth immediately taking measures to clean it so that the food remains do not dry out, because then it will be much more difficult to remove them.
- In the process of cleaning, use a minimum amount of water so as not to harm any particular parts.
- Do not use abrasive particles to clean.
- Stains from fat are best wiped off with a rag dipped in vegetable oil, especially if you make any steam bath before doing this.
- When cleaning, do not use metal sponges, especially those that consist of loose components, since this can cause the device to fail.
Having decided why there is a smell in a microwave oven, and how it can be removed, the process of caring for a kitchen appliance does not cause any particular difficulties. What exactly means to use - the choice is yours. However, experience shows that experienced housewives still prefer natural methods that are always at hand.