Household appliances make our life easier. We are so used to the everyday use of modern technology that we have long forgotten about such a thing as heating food in a pan. But it happens that a fuse blows out in a favorite microwave and it fails. How to return it to work with your own hands without contacting a repair service? Why does this breakdown occur? This is exactly what we are now trying to figure out.
How does a microwave work?
The process of microwave ovens is simple and has long been known to everyone. Food in the microwave is heated due to the influence of microwaves inside the chamber, which are formed when you turn on the desired mode. Of what is microwave bake?

Microwave microwave
A microwave consists of elements such as:
- Lamp.
- Ventilation.
- Magnetron.
- Antenna.
- Waveguide.
- Capacitor.
- Fuse.
- Transformer.
- Control Panel.
- Pallet.
- Drive unit.
- Roller cage.
The generated microwave fields are converted into heat, which produces heating of the food.
In a small chamber, the food heats up very quickly. It is because of this property that microwave ovens have gained enormous demand and entered our everyday life, making it easier. This thing has definitely become one of the basic needs for good housewives due to its convenience and speed.
About fuse operation
One of the most common causes of a microwave failure is a blown fuse. When diagnosing, it is first necessary to check this particular part. What is this element?
A fuse is an element of an electrical circuit that performs a protective function. There are several types of fuses. Microwave ovens are equipped with fuses, which is why we will take them into account.

Working fuse
The element is a metal thread in a glass case with two metal contacts at the ends. When an increased voltage is applied to the circuit, the metal thread melts, which leads to an emergency shutdown of the entire system. At normal voltage, the thread withstands and is used as a conductor of electric current. All elements of the electrical circuit in the microwave are arranged in a serial connection circuit.
Thus, only he fails. All subsequent chain parts remain operational. In order for the stove to work again, it is necessary to replace the blown fuse. If, after replacement, the microwave does not work, then it is necessary to look for a burned out element.
Reasons for the failure of an element
There are two common causes of a fuse blowing:
- Power surge. When the microwave voltage is exceeded, the fuse fails and turns off the entire system.
- Door closing switches. Their main goal is to close the camera to prevent microwaves from exiting. When you turn off the microwave, they work and open the door. In this type of household appliances, three such devices are often used. In the event that the springs of these parts become unusable or a layer of fat has accumulated on them, the function does not work properly and this causes a breakdown.
How to change the fuse?
In microwave ovens that have a simple package, three fuses are often found. To replace is not difficult. Since the case is transparent, failure is easy to determine.

Bad fuse example
Before starting the procedure, it is imperative to protect yourself from electric shock and turn off the device from the network. Next, remove the back cover. The cover is well fixed in order to create insulation and not to let out waves.

The control board of the device. The transformer is yellow, the capacitor is red.
After opening the case, you will immediately find them in such places:
- On the control board of the device.
- Near the power supply.
- Between a capacitor (an element resembling a keg) and a transformer (an element with a copper winding).

Microwave without back cover
For replacement, it is recommended to select an analog. Another view may not come up and fail immediately. Before checking the operation, it is necessary to close the case back. Do not turn on the appliance without a cover. The radiation from the device is dangerous to health and other equipment and should not go beyond the enclosure.
If after replacing the fuses anyway continue to blow, you must:
- Make sure that the voltage in the network meets the standards and the flow is stable.
- Another breakdown. Among the faulty parts, a high-voltage diode, a transformer (short circuit between the windings) and a magnetron are most often found.
If you do not have sufficient knowledge and skills in electrical engineering, as well as the necessary diagnostic devices, such as a multimeter, then it is recommended to contact a service center. It is better to entrust such work to experienced specialists.
Summarize. There is nothing complicated in the replacement process. Replacement can be done independently, choosing the same type. Type can be identified by special markings written on the part.
It is quite easy to identify and replace a burned-out element due to the fact that they are often produced transparent. The fuse on the shaded fuses also indicates that it is not suitable for use. Before the process, be sure to disconnect the device from the mains in order to avoid an electric shock, and close the case before use.
In order to prevent damage, follow all the requirements for proper and safe operation specified in the product instructions. Make sure that all necessary conditions are met for work. Follow all safety precautions.