Those who at least once tasted a milkshake in Soviet times will no longer be able to forget its taste. It would seem that today a variety of household appliances and the availability of high-quality ingredients make it possible to make any cocktail of milk, but to achieve that taste of action does not work. The thing is in a special mixer, which in the Soviet Union was used for mixing and whipping.
Features of the Soviet cocktail mixer
The Soviet mixer, standing in cafes and dairy bars, as well as in grocery stores, amusement parks and other places where you could enjoy a milkshake, was called "Voronezh".
Depending on how many beating horns and glasses were included, a number was added to the name. The most popular in catering establishments was the Voronezh-2 model. She was designed for two horns and at the same time prepared drinks in two glasses. Voronezh-1 and Voronezh-3 were used less frequently.
The mixer was produced by a plant belonging to the space concern. That is why the technology for manufacturing units is still relevant. The devices are powerful, easy to operate and inexpensive to maintain.
At the time, these mixers were progressive models. The speed of rotation of their corollas was 12 thousand revolutions per minute. The whipping element also had a special structure: whisk knives, thanks to their shape, ideally turned milk and ice cream into a delicious foam.

Appearance of the Voronezh-2 mixer
A unique recipe for the most delicious milkshake from the USSR
Mixer by mixer, but the drink had its own recipe. They didn’t make a secret of it, but there were some nuances that you need to know about:
Milk should not be very fat, optimally 2.5%, maximum - 3.2%. It should be well chilled, not higher than 5 degrees.
Ice cream should be taken without fillers. The fatter the milk, the less ice cream will be needed, otherwise the cocktail will turn out to be too thick.
Syrup in the USSR was used mainly orange, but there could be other options. Now it’s better to take a store product, as it has a uniform structure, unlike home-made products.
Sellers of milkshakes in those days adhered to the following proportion: for 4 servings they took 400 ml of milk, 4 tablespoons of syrup and 100 grams of ice cream. But you can adjust the amount of an ingredient to your liking.

Milkshakes - a taste from childhood
Using the Voronezh mixer and this simple recipe, you can recreate everyone’s favorite taste of milkshake in a bar or restaurant, and even at home.