Glass-ceramic electric stoves are gaining great popularity among consumers of household appliances for the kitchen. During the operation of the stove, like any other equipment, malfunctions and breakdowns can occur. Sometimes the DIY repair process is much cheaper than the services of a specialist. For this reason, you need to know how to properly repair a stove having an electrical circuit.

Electric stove
Design features of the electric stove
An electric stove is a complex appliance in its design. Before proceeding with the repair yourself, you need to familiarize yourself with the main components of the working elements of this device:
- Control Panel;
- electric burner;
- power contacts;
- temperature sensor;
- insulating material;
- grill heating element;
- fan motor;
- power cable;
- oven heating element.

Electric cooker
Modern models of induction cookers are available with built-in heating elements. The standard hob has 4 burners, the budget option is 2 pieces.
The main types of burners are distinguished:
- Rapid - the most common and widely used types of burners. The heating element is based on the chemical elements of nickel and chromium (nichrome). The advantages of these components allows you to quickly warm up the cooking zone to maximum limits within 10-12 seconds.
Rapid heating spirals
- Tubular heaters - have a high coefficient of performance (COP). Energy costs are minimized, since all power consumption is directed to heating the element. The disadvantage of this device is the inability to independently resolve operational problems.
Tubular view of the heater
- Halogen burners - equipped with lamps containing gas (halogen). This type is widely used in modern stoves, the energy saving of which does not exceed 1.2–1.5 kW. If the emitter is damaged, repairs are possible only in specialized workshops.

Halogen heating element
Modern electric stoves are equipped with an oven and electric grill. Design features are more complex than a stand-alone built-in hob. In the event of a breakdown of the grill engine, the system automatically stops supplying voltage to the heating element, which avoids excessive overheating of the stove.
Step-by-step troubleshooting guide
The algorithm for identifying the most common equipment failures:
- Check for voltage at the terminals of the supply cable using a voltmeter. After making sure that the power is supplied to the control panel, press the "Sand" button. Sound and light indications are triggered on the touch panel.
- At the introductory machine located in the power distribution board, the voltage at the upper contacts is checked. This process is carried out using a multimeter, a low voltage indicator (UNN) and a single-pole indicator.
- The voltage supply to the mechanical and electronic control mechanism is carried out using a special unit.To check the health of the cooking zones, it is necessary to alternately measure the electric current with an ammeter.
- Tubular electric heaters, temperature sensors, electrical switches, making and breaking contacts, all kinds of regulators are checked for malfunctions and to detect the causes of device failure.
Faults and malfunctions in the operation of the electric stove
The following most probable causes of breakdowns and malfunctions of the electric stove during operation are identified:
- A faulty cord and plug are the main cause of this defect, which is a kink or fracture at the junction of the cord with the plug. Another most common mistake made by the owners of the plates during use is that when the device is turned off, they pull the connecting wire, and do not pull out the plug of the plug. As a result, there is a violation of the electrical connection between the contacts.
- Ignition of the wiring or short circuit - most often occurs when the plate is connected incorrectly and the operating rules are not followed. When using dishes of the wrong diameter or having an uneven bottom, the included glass-ceramic surface is left without dishes.
- The electric stove has ceased to turn on - it occurs when the contacts in the junction box of the device are broken, the heating element is completely or partially burned out, violations in the power source.
- There is no light indication on the electronic control panel - it occurs when a cable breaks on the LCD and on the LEDs. Also, when the oven and burners are turned on at the same time, the control unit generates an error, resulting in a malfunction in the control program.
- The malfunction of the burner on the ceramic hob is the main factor of the drawback, is the switches, with prolonged exposure to high temperatures, their elasticity is lost and the contacts break.
- The oven of the appliance is heating up unevenly. This problem may occur due to poor-quality heating elements coating, which is made of fusible materials. They have low resistance to corrosion and high temperatures. If the outer coating of the heater is damaged, the devices quickly fail.
- After turning on the oven, the electric stove turns off - damage can occur when the supply wire is poorly insulated, the circuit resistance is low, the fuse blows, the input circuit breaker fails.
- Cooking time on the hob has increased - a technical malfunction is the wear of the heat-carrying conductor (nichrome), as a result of which a breakdown occurs between the burner and the grounded stove body.
DIY electric stove repair: diagnostics and troubleshooting methods
If the electric stove does not work or functions poorly, then it is possible to repair it yourself, if you have the necessary set of tools and skills for working with electrical appliances. You must know and follow the safety rules when carrying out the repair process of this device.
In order to repair a correct and high-quality electric stove, it is worth preparing the following devices:
- voltmeter;
- ammeter;
- clamp meter;
- screwdrivers "pen" and "sting";
- shrink tape, with a diameter of 8-12 mm;
- pliers;
- round pliers;
- low voltage indicator (UNN) voltage class up to 1000 V;
- multimeter.

A set of necessary tools for repairing electric stoves
The process of repairing the stove begins with the dismantling of the main components of the structure and the dismantling of the glass ceramic hob. A universal algorithm for carrying out this process does not exist, since modern models differ in design features.
The first step is hob dismantlingwhich is attached to the countertop with 4 fixing bolts.

Removing the fasteners when removing the hob
Models of electric stoves manufactured by VEKO are produced with a ceramic hob. Dismantling the case consists in carefully removing the panel, it is not allowed to skew and strike with foreign objects in order to avoid complete failure.
Types of malfunctions and their elimination
Often during the operation and use of appliances, some malfunctions can occur that can greatly damage the operation of the electric stove. To save the device, it is worth considering the main breakdowns.
Hot plate breaks
If there is an electric stove with hobs, then if a malfunction is detected, proceed as follows:
- unscrew the mount and grounding conductor from the plate body;
- under the burner there is a snap ring or spring, for removal it is necessary to remove the spring and pry off the structure itself with a sharp object;
Classification of burners by diameter and power
- After checking all burners for operability, if they were not found to be defective, the problem may be hidden in the control unit, power regulator, fuses and switch.
Switch breakage
If the switch breaks down and the breakdown is insignificant, it is possible to repair it yourself:
- if there is no characteristic sound when turning the switch clockwise, this may indicate a failure of the switch;
- checking the condition consists in applying voltage to the stove; the automation of the control unit must operate after a certain period of time;
- Before removing the control handles, carefully study the documentation for the repair of the device;
- to gain access to the regulator, the front panel and the metal plate on which the regulator is mounted are removed;
- a faulty step switch is being replaced.
Electric Grill Problems
Some modifications of Gorenje gas stoves are equipped with an electric grill. Moreover, they may have different malfunctions:
- if the electric grill screw does not rotate, then we can say with confidence that the engine has failed;
- if jamming is not observed during mechanical forced rotation of the screw, this means that the stator or rotor winding is overheating from exposure to high temperature. To fully verify that the engine is damaged, it is necessary to measure the insulation resistance of the stator.
Another reason for the malfunction in the circulation of hot air in the electric grill may be the drying of heat-resistant grease in the "rolling - sliding" bearings and in the bushings.
To carry out repairs it is necessary:
- unscrew the nuts that secure the front and rear engine covers;
- remove the anchor from the stator, check the free movement of the bearings;
- if the stroke sticks, it is necessary to apply a new heat-resistant grease, which is indicated in the factory instructions, or notice it on “Litol 24”.
Malfunction of the electronic module
To repair an electronic control module, you need to have some knowledge of electronics and microprocessor technology. If there are no such opportunities, it is recommended to contact the service center for the repair and maintenance of household appliances.

The process of removing the electronic control unit stove
Problems with the power regulator
Sometimes a power regulator breaks down. If it is set to the extreme right to the maximum, and heating of the electric burner or cooking zone of the panel does not occur, this means a malfunction of the controller. This electronic device cannot be repaired - it needs to be completely replaced.

Power regulator
Thermostat problems
Thermostat breakdown happens in two cases:
- wear and burnout of bimetallic plates inside;
- the absence of metal contact with the housing of the device, as well as the oxidation of contacts at the input to the thermostat.

Temperature regulator
Electric stoves have a lot of advantages over gas devices, in addition, they are much safer, simple to operate. Repair of electric stoves in domestic conditions can be done with your own hands, without resorting to the costly services of specialized organizations. It is enough to have a minimum of knowledge in electrical engineering.