Cookers for the kitchen can be different: they can differ in type, method of control. Particular attention should be paid to induction cookerswhich have many positive features. They have a stylish exterior design and simple controls. For many, these devices are unfamiliar, for this reason it is worth considering in more detail their main qualities.

Induction cooker model
Induction cooker instruction manual
Induction cooker is used for comfortable cooking. It is important to be able to use such a device correctly so that it can last a long time.

Control Panel
For many, a device with an induction device is new and unfamiliar, but there is nothing complicated in it, most importantly, you need to consider its instructions, application features and the general scheme. But the installation is still worth entrusting to a specialist.
How to turn on the induction hob
Connecting the induction cooker can be done independently, in this case there are no special difficulties. But if you are a beginner and have never encountered devices of this type, it is better to entrust this task to a specialist.

For induction models, it is worth using dishes with a flat and thickened bottom
After delivery of the device, you should not unpack it yourself and touch its important elements. This work should be done by a specialist in front of you. The fact is that the stove may have some damage or be in malfunction. If you identify all the problems yourself, then you may lose the warranty on the product.
The standard induction hob is equipped with a cord and a plug for a conventional outlet. This means that you do not need to buy additional cords and plugs to connect the equipment to the network. But nevertheless, it is recommended to choose the correct outlet into which the device will be connected.
Many often connect to one of the free outlets, without taking into account its load capacity. Namely, the indicator of its load, which is allowed to be used for this outlet, is not taken into account.

4-burner model
If this important factor is not taken into account, then this can lead to several problems:
- in the best case, one of the circuit breakers that is installed in the area of the electrical switchboard will go out of operation. This usually occurs as a result of a high load on one of the sections of the electrical wiring;
- if there is no protection for the electrical wiring, then when several lines are connected in one circuit breaker, an overload will occur, which will cause a wiring malfunction.
In order to avoid all these problems at the time of using the induction cooker, it is worthwhile to carefully study the principle of its operation, as well as find out the indicator of the highest power. It is also worth making sure that the device can be connected to one of the available outlets.

Principle of operation
It must be borne in mind that a standard power outlet is designed to include household appliances with a rated power of not more than 3.5 kW. This indicator corresponds to a load current of 16 A. It follows from this that if the indicator of the rated power does not exceed this value, then the device can be safely plugged into a conventional outlet.
You need to make sure that the section of electrical wiring that powers the outlet can withstand the load of the device.To do this, several important conditions must be taken into account:
- First of all, you need to find out exactly which cable is connected to the outlet, and how it is connected to the rest of the home electrical wiring;
- the cable that feeds the outlet must have a cross section of at least 2.5 square meters. mm;
- if the cable is connected in the home distribution panel, then this type of wiring is able to withstand the current of the home outlet. In these cases, to protect the wiring line, you must install a circuit breaker with the required rating;
- You can use the cable to power the outlet. It is connected in a junction box. It is necessary to take into account the degree of load of other outlets that are connected to this junction box;
- the cable that goes from the main switchboard to the junction box must calmly withstand the total load of the outlets powered from it. If the connection of the induction cooker in this section will cause overload, then it is better to choose another outlet for it;
- it is necessary to evaluate the technical capabilities of electrical wiring. If it is old or is in a malfunctioning state, then connecting a household appliance can lead to serious problems;
- it is desirable that the wiring was made of a cable with copper conductors. If the house uses an aluminum cable, then there will be a high probability that the wiring will not be able to withstand the load exerted on it;
- Be sure to pay attention to the state of the contact connections in the area of the cable connection in the home switchboard and outlet.

Cooker use
In order to connect the induction cooker to the electrical network, do not use extension cords, tees. For safe and secure use, the device must be grounded.
How to use a grill oven in an induction cooker
When studying induction cookers, it is worth paying attention to products with a grill. They appeared not so long ago, but managed to gain high popularity among consumers. With this device you can cook meat, fish, vegetables with a delicious and golden crust.
Standard models with a grill usually come with the following items:
- induction tabletop;
- grill roaster;
- grill stand;
- power cord;
- instruction for use.

Grill Induction Cooker
When using this device, it is worth paying attention to important features:
- devices with a grill are usually produced in a small size, so their use usually does not cause any special difficulties;
- the first thing is to remove the film, stickers from the surface and all the components of the device;
- Next, you need to wipe the hob from the glass-ceramic base, as well as clean the roasting pan;
- then the device must be put in place and plugged into a power outlet;
- the product is recommended to be installed in an area in the kitchen in which normal air ventilation is observed, otherwise the smell will accumulate in the room, and soot will form on the furniture;
- after the device is installed, you can start using it;
- on the instrument panel has buttons that control the device.

A hob with a grill has a high advantage - with it you can cook various treats from meat, fish, vegetables. In the oven, tasty and rich soups are obtained that retain all their nutritional and beneficial properties. All food is evenly heated and does not burn.
Grill induction models must be properly maintained. To do this, follow these recommendations:
- due to the fact that almost all devices are equipped with a non-stick coating, the grill can be washed manually;
- the surface is not recommended to be immersed in water;
- grilling should be done with non-abrasive cleaners;
- the hob should be washed with a soft sponge or cloth using a cleaning gel;
- Always clean the ventilation hole. From it you need to blow out the garbage with a vacuum cleaner.
Remote control
Induction devices are often found on sale, the switching on and off of which is carried out by a remote control. It greatly facilitates the use of appliances, makes the cooking process comfortable and enjoyable.
Regulation of the working panel and oven is simple. Switching on and off is carried out using special buttons on the remote control. There are also other buttons that are designed to control power, temperature and other additional functionality.

Induction device care simple and easy
Induction cookers are convenient and multifunctional devices. They perfectly fit the modern design of the kitchen, but at the same time they fully fulfill their mission. The main thing is to study the entire process of their application in the instructions.