For those who truly love coffee, not only its qualities are important, but also the method of preparation. You can use a coffee machine or coffee maker to create an invigorating drink.
Each of the devices differs in the method of cooking, has a number of advantages and disadvantages relative to the other, and, of course, has a difference in price.
Let’s figure out what is best for preparing your favorite drink - a coffee maker or a coffee machine.
Coffee machine features
The main thing that modern coffee machines differ from coffee makers is the complete automation of the coffee preparation process.
A coffee machine is a sophisticated device designed for brewing an invigorating drink at a professional level. Each user of this device can enjoy the taste, perfectly verified and tuned to individual parameters, by pressing a single button.
The principle of operation of the coffee machine can be automatic or semi-automatic. In the first case, the device performs all the actions on its own, without human intervention, the task of which is only to load the grains, then the device will do everything itself.
With semi-automatic control, the user has the opportunity to customize the taste of the drink by adding different amounts of milk when preparing latte and cappuccino.

Professional Horn Coffee Machine Rancilio Silvia
The coffee machine can:
- grind coffee beans;
- control the degree of grinding;
- prepare several servings of the drink;
- dose boiled water;
- adjust the strength of the coffee;
- create milk froth;
- prepare a variety of drinks (macchiato, cappuccino, espresso, latte, lungo, etc.);
- preheat cups before filling;
- boil water for a drink.

Gaggia Professional Coffee Machine
Due to the high price (several tens of thousands of rubles), coffee machines are rarely bought home.
Types of coffee makers and their features
The very first type of coffee machine was a Turk. Its other name is Cezva, or Ibrik. The device is a bucket with a thick bottom made of copper metal, having a long holder-handle. The process of preparing a drink in such a coffee machine requires special skills that everyone can master after a little practice.
The coffee maker, unlike the coffee machine, works only with ground coffee, and for brewing a drink you will need direct human participation.
Coffee makers include:
- classic turk. Ladle for making a drink on fire, with a thick bottom made of copper;
Classical Turk
- pump-action coffee maker. The device, through high pressure brewing espresso;
- carob type: ground grains are tamped into a horn, after which boiling water is fed into the coffee under pressure, pouring the finished drink into a glass. The device can make milk froth for cappuccino;
- capsule and pod machines. The peculiarity of such coffee makers is the preparation of a drink using capsules with rammed ground grains or challah (paper bags);
Philips Hd7810 65 Single Cup Coffee Maker
- geyser look. Such a machine runs on fire or electricity, consists of two compartments - for water and coffee. After boiling, water passes through the ground grains and through a tube enters the upper part due to the geyser effect;
Geyser coffee maker (option for a gas stove)
- drip format. The most common type of coffee machine among ordinary users. The work is as follows: water is poured into the container, where it boils.After reaching the maximum temperature, the liquid is sent to a paper or metal filter filled with ground grains. The finished coffee is poured into a container at the bottom of the coffee machine.
What is better to buy for the house - the coffee maker or the coffee machine?
When choosing in favor of a particular device, in addition to a significant difference in price, you need to pay attention to the necessary functions of the device for use at home.
When buying a device you need to consider:
- dimensions: the coffee maker can be compact or have average parameters, the size of the coffee machine will always be large;
- preparation method: manual or semi-automatic for a coffee maker and fully automated or with the addition of a little human help for the machine;
- the type of coffee in the embodiment of the brewing device is always ground, only beans can be used for the machine;
- the number of beverage recipes in the case of a coffee maker reaches one or two, coffee machines can cook more than two varieties of coffee.
Advantages of the coffee maker over the coffee machine:
- low price;
- easy procedure for preparing a drink;
- low power consumption;
- a wide range of;
- small dimensions.
Disadvantages of a coffee maker:
- a lot of effort to clean the device;
- the ability to prepare only one type of drink;
- inability to reflect the true aroma and taste of the drink.

French press for brewing coffee
Benefits of a coffee machine:
- coffee-making process easy for the user;
- fast cooking;
- convenient digital display;
- the possibility of personal settings;
- wide selection of recipes for drinks;
- automatic cleaning of the device;
- does not require additional care;
- high quality drink.
Disadvantages of a coffee machine:
- high price;
- big sizes;
- high degree of noise during the work.
Each type of device has its pros and cons. To choose the device you need for your home, you need to decide on the purpose of the purchase.
A coffee machine is recommended for those who love a daily ritual with a cup of fresh aromatic coffee without a lot of time and physical expense. The buyer's kitchen should have space for a sufficiently large unit.
Modern coffee makers are becoming more and more similar in functionality to a coffee machine, so if there is not enough space, or finances do not allow the purchase of an expensive device, it is better to turn your choice to a coffee maker.
Rating of popular models
It is worth paying attention to the best representatives of their categories according to the popular ratings of 2018. The two best models of coffee machines and coffee makers that combine the best qualities with the best price are described below.
Coffee machine Delonghi ETAM 29.510 SB / B Autentica
One of the most popular coffee machine models on the market, perfect for both home and modest office. The device is designed as an improved model of the previous car of the same line. Now added features that allow you to make a double espresso, Americano and personalize your coffee beverage settings: coffee strength level and heating temperature.

Coffee machine Delonghi ETAM 29.510 SB / B Autentica
- type of coffee machine - espresso, automatic;
- uses ground and grain coffee;
- power is 1450 W
- water volume - 1.4 l;
- pressure - 15 bar;
- container for grains - 150 g;
- customizable parameters: drink strength, boiling water volume, steam speed;
- several methods of grinding grains;
- entering and storing individual user parameters;
- manual control for making cappuccino.
The cost of 26,000 rubles.
Coffee machine Philips HD 8649
Small Philips HD 8649 coffee machine, has a stylish ergonomic design, can produce two types of coffee drinks based on 5 different degrees of grinding. The device is easy to clean and care, remembers the personal parameters of users regarding the strength and volume of the drink. It has a manual cappuccino machine to add a gentle milk froth to the coffee. A small minus of the device is noisy work and a low speed of preparation of the drink. It has a lightweight automatic cleaning system for the brewing system.

Coffee machine Philips HD 8649
- type of coffee machine - espresso, fully automatic;
- uses whole grains;
- power - 1400 W
- liquid filling volume - 1 l;
- pressure - 15 bar;
- grain tank - 180 g;
- adjustable parameters: volume of boiled water, preliminary soaking is possible;
- 5 ways to grind grains;
- the possibility of manual preparation of cappuccino.
The cost in the store is 17,000 rubles.
Coffee maker Bosch TKA 3A031 / 3A034
Inexpensive classic drip coffee maker. Prepares quality Americano. It has a stylish, convenient design and intuitively simple controls. Filters are easily changed in the device and a protective system is built in to prevent droplets from falling onto the case after use. The only minus of the device is a fragile plastic case, which does not cause any problems with careful handling.

Coffee maker Bosch TKA 3A031 / 3A034
- type of coffee maker - drip, automatic;
- uses ground coffee;
- power - 1100 W
- water volume - 1.25 l;
- integrated anti-drip system.
The cost in the store is 2000 rubles.
Coffee maker Delonghi EC 680 M / R / BK DEDICA
The device makes delicious Italian espresso. The coffee maker operates in a semi-automatic mode, has a thoughtful beautiful design and is compact in size. Using a manual cappuccino machine, it is possible to make a cappuccino. It is possible to introduce individual parameters in the form of control of the volume of coffee per serving, the level of heating of the drink and pressure. As with large automatic coffee machines, it is possible to heat cups with a drink. The downside is to use only low coffee utensils due to height restrictions.

Coffee maker Delonghi EC 680 M / R / BK DEDICA
- type of coffee machine - espresso, semi-automatic carob type;
- uses ground grains or pads;
- power - 1450 W;
- pressure - 15 bar;
- customizable parameters: volume of the finished product, degree of heating and pressure;
- built-in cup heating;
- manual cappuccino is possible.
The cost in the store is 10,500 rubles.
A large number of coffee makers and coffee machines are on the market. Coffee machines are considered an expensive high-quality apparatus for obtaining a real aromatic drink. They are suitable for gourmets who want to enjoy coffee every day. Coffee makers - an option for lovers of an invigorating drink, having a need for constant use, but not critical to taste nuances. A coffee maker is the best option for home and small office, due to the cost and ease of use. Coffee machines are better suited for connoisseurs of the drink or large premium offices, where there is a need to serve a high-quality drink of various kinds.