Not every connoisseur and lover of a coffee drink can afford daily visits to coffee shops, restaurants and other institutions involved in the professional preparation of coffee. Modern technology allows you to prepare a tart, fragrant drink at home. Consider the difference between a coffee maker and a coffee machine, and which of these devices can prepare a drink of the highest quality and taste.
Features of work
For many consumers, the preparation of a coffee drink seems to be brewing soluble granules, freeze-dried particles with hot water. Unfortunately, coffee prepared in this way has only a distant resemblance to the real product. The most natural drink will be obtained by brewing shredded roasted coffee beans in a special bucket - Turk. In this case, the mixture is not brought to a boil, cooked for several minutes and served hot.

Fig. No. 1: The classic way of brewing coffee.
Turk allows you to brew only the classic version of coffee, exclusive and beloved by many options (espresso, cappuccino, Americano) it is impossible to make it. To the help of connoisseurs come professional devices: coffee machines, coffee makers.
As noted earlier, the classic version of creating a coffee drink is brewing beans with boiling water. Simple and cheap devices produce a large amount of sludge in the final product, and advanced ones decant thicken by filtration.
The horn coffee maker works according to a special principle: crushed grains and water are placed in special tanks. Under high pressure, thick steam passes through the particles of coffee, saturated with their taste, aroma. A separate chamber collects coffee condensate. Next, the drink is poured into the thickets and served on the table.

Fig. No. 2: The principle of operation of the carob coffee maker.
In the classic version of the preparation of coffee, you must first grind the grains and warm them in a hot pan. All types of coffee machines do not require the preparation of raw materials, all these stages are included in the operation of the apparatus. The device at the start of work conducts automatic testing of the system: the clean water enters the heating boiler, the indicator light lights up.
It is important that the water poured into the tank should be boiled and moderately hot. The device independently heats the liquid to the desired temperature in accordance with the selected mode. Whole grains of coffee are poured into a special hopper. On the control panel, the desired product is selected and the start is pressed.
The grinding is transferred to the flask, boiled over with boiling water. Saturated liquid passes through the filter, is fed to the outlet valve. Waste raw materials are disposed of. The procedure in total takes from one to several minutes. After the first use, the coffee machine can be restarted.

Fig. No. 3: Principle of operation of an automatic coffee machine.
Characteristic features, differences
Consumers have a difficult choice: buy a carob coffee machine or an automatic coffee machine. It is necessary to evaluate in advance the expected result and the frequency of use of the device. For one person or a small family, the best option would be to buy a carob coffee maker. If the device is intended for a small cafe, crowded office, give preference to a coffee machine.
Despite the high quality of the final drink, both devices work according to different schemes, have a different technical structure, operating principle, and cost. So, a cheap coffee machine allows you to reduce the preparation time of the drink, but it uses ready-made grinding of raw materials.More expensive specimens are equipped with a mill and independently grind grains.

Fig. No. 4: A coffee maker in a set with a mill.
The device is characterized by a completely manual supply of raw materials, water or a semi-automatic action, when the liquid intake, shutdown are automated, there is a heating function. An additional device - a cappuccino machine, allows you to experiment with the final drink.
Horns are called “Espresso” for their high-speed coffee preparation and structural features. The model allows you to prepare three types of drink: Latte, Cappuccino, Espresso.
Boiler coffee makers are sold at a price of up to 3 thousand rubles, give out low pressure. Pump-operated apparatuses have a large impact of steam on raw materials, their cost exceeds 5 thousand rubles. Regardless of the technical characteristics, the horn coffee maker is easy to operate.
The main difference between coffee machines and mugs is that the process of preparing a drink in the first type is fully automated. The machine produces a drink from whole grains or special capsules. Capsule devices have an affordable price, but the final product comes out much more expensive than the grain counterpart. This feature is caused by the high cost of the capsules themselves, the production of which is carried out by specialized companies.

Fig. No. 5: Capsule coffee.
The average cost of semi-automatic and automatic machines is from 20 thousand rubles. Professional, programmable devices will cost users from 40 to 200 thousand rubles.
Which is better to choose: a coffee machine or a carob coffee maker
Real connoisseurs are ready to give even the most precious minutes to the process of preparing a drink. Therefore, the horn coffee maker becomes the best option for them. The device allows you to independently choose the strength of the product, gives the owner the opportunity to show imagination. Direct participation in the cooking process brings a person pleasure and delight.
For those who value their free time, but prefer to use a quality drink, an automatic coffee machine is ideal. The process is fully automated, it requires the consumer to exclusively load raw materials and remove waste residue. Multifunctional devices will prepare a drink for every taste and request. Digital panels and displays show cooking steps. Special functions allow you to adjust the process manually.
Both types of devices will make a wonderful drink. The key to success is the pressure level when treating coffee beans with water or steam. Obviously, the coffee maker has an affordable price compared to the machine, but the latter will allow the professional to make a drink from exquisite varieties of coffee without losing a bouquet, a special taste.
Selection recommendations
First of all, pay attention to the cost of the product, manufacturer and technical specifications. Do not immediately give preference to branded goods. Often on sale there are full-fledged analogues of domestic or foreign production with identical characteristics, but lower cost. The price difference is due to small amounts of advertising, low demand.
When buying a horn coffee maker, give preference to models with metal horns. The material fully reveals the taste of coffee due to enhanced heating. For a married couple, a friendly company, a dual-nozzle device will be convenient.
Using coffee machines, evaluate the possibility of regulating the process of preparing a drink, the number of recipes, and the ability to self-clean. A significant advantage will be the function of cleaning water and cavities from scale.
Top 5
The first place among elite coffee machines is occupied by the Krups model EA907D31 with a variety of recipes, the function of soaking beans. Thanks to the high power of the fuser, the drink is prepared in seconds. The price of the product exceeds 80 thousand rubles.

Fig. # 6: Quattro Force Barista coffee machine.
In second place in popularity is the Scarlett brand espresso machine.Model SL-CM53001 has a simple mechanical control, a small housing diameter, an additional filter. The cost of goods is about 5000 rubles.

Fig. No. 7: Scarlett horn coffee maker.
The third step is occupied by the Bosch TAS 3202 capsule coffee machine, which will prepare not only coffee according to several recipes, but also make tea, make hot chocolate. Interesting design, functionality and low cost (about 4-6 thousand rubles) made this model popular among buyers.

Fig. No. 8: Tassimo capsule coffee machine.
The fourth place in the ranking is occupied by the Philips HD 8654 coffee maker. It will prepare four types of drink, beat soft milk foam, and will help to keep the size of servings and coffee strength in memory. The cost of the product exceeds 23 thousand rubles.

Fig. No. 9: Philips Carob Coffee Maker.
On the 5th place is the REDMOND RCM-1503 model, capable of preparing a rich, aromatic drink as soon as possible. Heated cups, protection against overheating, adjustment of the temperature of the drink - this is not all the functions of the device. The cost of the device: 8-12 thousand rubles.

Fig. No. 10: REDMOND horn coffee maker.
To summarize
The parameters for choosing a coffee machine depend on the request, the level of income of the buyer. Based on the results of a comparative analysis of the coffee machine and the carob coffee maker, we can say with confidence that the second version of the device is most optimal for domestic use. Fully automated devices have many features, but their price is not available to many customers. It is important that the quality of the beverage prepared in the machine and the coffee machine does not have significant differences.