More recently, there was no alternative to an ordinary teapot on the market. Today, the situation has changed dramatically with the release of such a device as thermal sweat. What is it, what is better - a thermo sweat or an electric kettle - these are the issues that consumers today care about. To answer these questions, you need to understand each of these devices and compare their characteristics.

What is better than a thermal sweat or an electric kettle
What is a thermal sweat?
This household appliance is something between a thermos and an electric kettle. However, there is one main difference between the thermal sweat and the electric kettle - the water in the new device remains hot for a long time. In addition, a larger volume of liquid is contained in the thermal stream and less energy is consumed during its boiling. And now, in order:
- Spaciousness. Some models of thermal sweat are designed up to 5 liters.
- The convenience of use. To pour water into the cup, you need to raise the kettle and tilt it. An improved kettle is much more convenient to use: to fill the dishes with liquid, just press the button and bring it to the spout of the device.
- For a long time, the thermal sweat keeps the liquid temperature high. After boiling, the advanced kettle is able to retain the heat of the liquid for a long time.
- Some models are equipped with a special sensor to maintain a certain temperature. That is, the device can independently turn on and heat water if it has cooled down.
- Power is calculated up to 0.8 kW. The first boiling of the liquid can last several minutes, depending on the volume.

Thermopot is more economical and more convenient to use
An advanced electric kettle with the function of heating water - works on the principle of a conventional kettle and combines all the advantages of a thermos.
Electric kettles and their features

Features of electric kettles
Absolutely everyone is familiar with an ordinary teapot. Without it, the process of boiling water for coffee or tea is already difficult to imagine. There are several main features:
- An electric kettle can boil up to two liters of water in just 1 minute.
- Household appliances are compact and convenient to use.
- Its cost is low, which allows you to purchase the device without unnecessary costs.
- It consumes a lot of electricity, especially when it comes to frequent use. The power of devices, depending on the models, can reach 3000 watts.
- The models have an attractive design, a wide range is offered.
Today, many find it difficult to abandon the usual technique and give preference to a new product. In addition, vigorous discussions are underway on the Internet about thermal sweat and its cost-effectiveness.
What is more profitable to choose and why?
To determine what is best to purchase, it is necessary to disassemble the main nuances of operation. The determination will be carried out by the following criteria:
- What is the number of power consumption of these two models.
- Convenience of operation.
- The need for boiling water.
Today, many are concerned about the financial side of the question, what works more economically - a thermal pot or an electric kettle?
So, the thermal sweat allows you to boil more water, and for 10 hours the temperature of the liquid does not drop below 70 degrees. At the same time, the heater consumes little energy - from 40 to 100 watts, depending on the model. That is, approximately during its operation, the device consumes 200 watts. The consumption for heating water is not more than 30 W / hour. Thus, within 10 hours, the device will consume 300 watts. Thus, an improved kettle spends about 500 W per day with the “water heating” function.This calculation is correct, if you do not take into account more powerful models.
An ordinary electric kettle only boils water. It lacks the function of heating and maintaining the liquid in the required temperature regime. The energy costs of conventional kettles are slightly higher. For example, the power of the kettle will be 1700 watts per cycle. Daily electricity consumption can be calculated independently. It depends on how often you use this device. But the approximate figures for the month are 9 kW.
With regard to ease of use, the thermal sweat wins significantly. It does not need to be tilted to pour water. It is enough to bring the cup to the nose and press the button. In addition, its walls do not heat up, so the risk of getting a burn is significantly reduced. Also, one cannot fail to note the fact that within 10 hours you can make yourself hot tea or coffee without heating. It has a special flask inside that retains heat, and the heating functions keep the water in the right temperature mode.
Are there any downsides to the thermal sweat?
Despite all the positive characteristics of this device, the disadvantages of thermal sweat are still significant. They largely play a role in the selection of a particular device:
- the main drawback is the large dimensions. Many cannot afford to install a bulky, advanced kettle in their kitchen. A compact kettle can be used everywhere, carry with you;
- high cost of the device. It can be bought from 2000 to 10 000 rubles. Moreover, the cheapest models do not have the function of heating and holding a certain temperature;
- in budget models it is impossible to heat water to a boiling point;
- the device needs a constant power source.
Conclusion: which is better?

What is the thermal sweat convenient to use?
These parameters are different for these two devices designed for heating water. Thermopot, like an electric kettle, has its both positive and negative sides. But if the family needs constant warm water, then a device with maintaining the desired temperature regime is simply irreplaceable. It will also be cost-effective for offices where a large number of people work. For a small family, this device is almost useless. When choosing, you need to consider all the features of these devices and only after that you can make a purchase.