Now there is probably no such person who would not know about the existence of such a drink as Coca-Cola. This delicious soda is loved not only by children, but also by adults. There are already many legends about her, some of them are true, and some are outright fiction. In this article we will look at how clean the kettle from Coca-Cola scale and can this be done at all.

Coca-Cola Anti-scale
What is scale and why should it be disposed of?
Everyone probably knows that the water that is supplied to our apartments is not ideal. It contains a large amount of salts and minerals. For kitchen utensils, carbonic salts are of particular danger. To correct this state of things, many people install expensive equipment that can purify water from these harmful impurities. But not everyone can afford it. Therefore, many are faced with such a problem as the appearance of sediment inside the surfaces of the kettle. Over time, it only increases, forming dense stones of a yellow, brownish or milky hue.

Scale in the kettle
Such deposits are difficult to eliminate with conventional detergents used for washing dishes. Therefore, more and more often on shelves in stores you can find special tools that are designed to remove scale. Some of them have a high cost, so it is not surprising that many housewives are looking for other options with which to successfully deal with this problem. One of the most common and effective is the use of the usual Coca-Cola.
Why you need to remove scale:
- Scale, which is deposited on the walls of the dishes, reduces the rate of heat transfer. This leads to increased costs for electricity and gas.
- If heavy deposits occur - this leads to the combustion of devices.
- Scale can not be consumed, since it can lead to an excess of minerals in the body.
- Exfoliated particles can enter tea or coffee.

Effective sedimentation
How to clean a Coca-Cola kettle
To clear the kettle from the Coca-Cola scale layers is quite easy. To do this, you need to buy 2 liters of this drink. Instruction:
- In the kettle you need to pour soda. The volume of liquid should cover the plaque formed on the walls.
- If it is an electric kettle, it must be plugged in. If normal - put on fire.
- "Cola" should boil for several minutes. The electrical appliance will have to be turned on several times in a row with an interval of several minutes. An ordinary kettle should be put on a small fire and boiled for 10 minutes.
- Kitchen utensils should be set aside for about 30 minutes. This time will be enough to start a chemical reaction inside, which will contribute to the destruction of deposits.
- After processing, the scale becomes soft, and to remove it, just wipe it with a sponge inside the dishes.
- After the procedure, you need to wash all the walls with a sponge with a washing solution.

Coca-Cola and the raid: who will win?
In such an easy and quick way, you can remove all deposits on the walls of the dishes. However, with very advanced stages, one procedure may not be enough. To remove strong deposits with the help of “Cola”, add one teaspoon of soda to the solution and leave the liquid in the container for 60 minutes. After that, rinse everything thoroughly.
Not only with the help of this soda can get rid of plaque in the kettle.How to remove limescale in the Sprite, Fanta kettle? These drinks have the same properties as Coca-Cola. In addition, it is better to use light drinks for electric kettles made of plastic or enameled - they do not leave a dark coating that will need to be removed after the cleaning procedure.
Recommendations for preventing scale formation
Despite the fact that the formation of scale in teapots is an inevitable process, it can be prevented by using a few simple tips:
- it is undesirable to boil water repeatedly;
- it is better to pour a little cold water after each use of the kettle;
- try to clean dishes as often as possible;
- you can use a slice of lemon after boiling.
Of course, such methods will not help to permanently get rid of the layer that forms on the dishes, but they will help keep it clean. It will also protect her from overheating and breakage.

How to get rid of plaque in a teapot?
What else can be used to remove plaque
The most effective means to clean the kettle. First of all, you need to isolate citric acid. It will quickly and effectively eliminate plaque and clean any surfaces from it. Vinegar and soda also help to cope with this problem. They need to be mixed 1 to 2 and poured into 1 liter of water, boiled for 5-10 minutes.