In ordinary drinking water, there are a large number of different trace elements. But if magnesium and calcium salts prevail in its composition, then when boiling such a liquid, scale forms in the electric kettle. Solid deposits are collected at the bottom and walls of the device, which significantly impairs the quality of the water.

How to get rid of scale?
What is scale?
Drinking water with a small amount of magnesium and calcium salts is considered beneficial for the body. If there are a lot of such microelements in a liquid, then when it is heated to 40 ° C, the carbotant compounds are transformed into a solid precipitate. As a result, all kitchen utensils are covered with an unattractive coating.
What can the color of lime say:
- a yellowish tint often appears inside the dishes. It is formed if tap water is saturated with calcium and magnesium;
- the white color indicates that the water that is used is saturated with chlorine. It is harmful to the body;
- a reddish hue indicates that the deposit is filled with iron.
The use of plaque devices affects health. Therefore, it is not surprising that many are interested in how to clear the kettle from scale?
How to get rid of scale effectively?
There are many ways to get rid of scale in a kettle. However, some of them can damage the surface of the product, which will lead to the formation of even more deposits. In stores, various products are sold that are designed to clean surfaces.

Limescale Chemicals
Among them it is worth highlighting:
- "FSR CIP" - detergent and cleaning agent (concentrate). It is used to remove deposits and other contaminants. Effectively copes even with strong petrified deposits. Suitable for any dishes, including enameled.
- "Anti-scale." It must be used in approximately the same way as folk remedies. It must be poured into a kettle and boiled for 30 minutes. Then let stand for another 2 hours. After use, thoroughly rinse the container.
- "Cinderella" - the product copes with scum. It must be poured into the kettle, add water, boil for 20 minutes. After the procedure, rinse with dishwashing detergent and bring to a boil again with plain water.
- Aist Nast scale descaler effectively removes deposits and other contaminants in water heaters. It is safe and quickly copes even with a touch of rust.
- "Silat" is a famous product that works well with any raids. It must be used strictly according to the instructions. Otherwise, the surface may be damaged, especially when it comes to a plastic kettle. The composition contains substances harmful to health, therefore, after use it is necessary to thoroughly rinse the container.

Cleaning chemicals
It is strictly forbidden to use abrasive substances, brushes and other devices that can scratch the walls of the kettle. It is especially necessary to clean devices made of plastic and enamel.

How to get rid of deposits in a teapot?
Folk remedies for scale
In addition to the finished products that are sold in stores, you can use simple home methods. A correctly selected option will quickly and efficiently remove all deposits without spoiling the coating of electrical appliances. So, how to remove scale in a teapot with folk remedies.
Vinegar and water
Ideal for processing the walls of a kitchen appliance made of metal.This method will help get rid of even strong scale in the kettle. For cooking, you need 9% food vinegar. It must be diluted with water, observing a proportion of 1: 10 (1 liter of water and 100 ml of vinegar). The resulting solution must be poured into a container and put on low heat, bring to a boil. If the layer of deposits is insignificant, then it is necessary to boil for 5 minutes, and if a strong scale - 15-20 minutes. After the procedure, thoroughly wash the surface of the device with detergent and water. With this cleaning, there will be a strong smell of vinegar, so you must first open the windows.

Vinegar and water to clean the kettle
Carbonated drinks
"Coca-Cola", "Fanta", "Sprite" will help clear the dishes from scale. The selected drink must be left open for a while to rid it of gases. Then it is poured into the kettle, filling them with half the volume of the device. The liquid must be brought to a boil. It is better to use light-colored soda so that there are no traces of the drink on the dishes.

Soda from plaque
Soda and Citric Acid
This method will help remove limescale in the kettle even in the most severe cases. Processing Steps:
- Pour water into the appliance, in which solid deposits have formed, add soda and boil for two minutes. After cooling, pour the solution.
- Repeat the procedure by adding water with citric acid to the kettle and boiling for 5-7 minutes. Then drain the liquid.
- The third time we fill in water with the addition of 100 grams of vinegar. Put on fire and simmer for 10 minutes. After such an impact cleaning, all deposits will leave the walls and there will be no trace of them.

Remedy for chronic plaque
Soda Processing
This method is suitable for metal and enameled surfaces. It is gentle and is used in cases where the coating is insignificant. It can be used as a prevention of plaque formation. It is possible to clean the electric kettle in this way, but you will have to repeat the procedure several times. Work Stages:
- you need to pour water into the kettle, about 1 liter;
- then you need to pour a spoonful of soda;
- bring to a boil and leave on low heat for half an hour. If this is an electric kettle, then you need to turn it on twice with a break of 1-2 minutes.
After cleaning, thoroughly rinse all surfaces and boil again with running water.

Plaque pickle
One of the known ways to cleanse plaque is cucumber, tomato, squash brine. Pour the selected product into the kettle and boil for 10 minutes. He copes with that plaque, which was formed relatively recently.
Each of the methods will be effective if it is correctly applied and all recommendations are followed. Particular care must be taken when handling electrical appliances.
How to prevent scale
Regardless of the quality of the water used, a plaque will always form in the kettle. To prevent its occurrence, you need to follow a few simple rules:
- water must be used filtered or settled;
- the liquid must be boiled once;
- periodically it is necessary to flush the internal walls of the device. To do this, you can use a weak solution of vinegar or citric acid. Lemon juice is also an excellent plaque preventative.

Proper appliance care
Why do I need to clean?
Solid formations on the teapot not only negatively affect the taste of tea, but also significantly harm health. If the scum could not be prevented, then it is necessary to carry out the procedure for its removal. In addition, such a plaque affects the operation of devices:
- boiling time of water increases, which leads to excess consumption of electricity, gas;
- if the device with a large number of scale layer, then the heating element will quickly fail;
- the electric kettle will turn off even before the water in it boils;
- the liquid will be cloudy and tasteless.
Timely prevention of scale will help to protect your health and equipment.