The most common breakdown of the thermal sweat is a violation of the functionality of the water supply button. There may be several reasons: wear of the mechanism, debris, mechanical damage. Whatever the reason, fixing the breakdown is easy enough. Let's consider how to repair the water supply button on a thermal sweat with your own hands.
Thermopot device
Thermopot is an innovative modern device that combines the functions of a kettle, filter and thermos. Prices for such electrical devices are relatively high, but justified by the quality and durability of the product. However, even the most expensive equipment can break.

Thermal sweat in working condition
Thermal sweat in working condition
Before talking about possible malfunctions and their causes, it is worth understanding the device thermal sweat and its working principle. The main components of the thermos kettle are:
- housing;
- heating elements;
- electronic board;
- DC motor;
- control board;
- thermal switch;
- thermal fuse.

Thermopot bottom panel
To inspect the internal parts of the device or repair it, the first thing you need to remove the case. It can be ceramic, glass, plastic or metal. Sometimes there are thermopots made of combined materials. The shape of the water tank can be semi-cylindrical and rectangular. Regardless of this, the disassembly scheme of the device is the same for all models.
In the lower part of the electrical device there are heating elements. They can be either disk or spiral, similar to an electric kettle. However, the thermal sweat is always equipped with two heating parts: one brings the water to a boil, the other maintains a constant temperature in the device. Practice shows that spiral thermo kettles fail more often than disk ones. Therefore, the second type is considered the most optimal choice.
Thermopots also differ in power, which determines the rate of water heating and maintaining a stable temperature regime (from 60 to 90 degrees). In the assortment there are devices with a power of 600-2000 watts.

Disassembled thermal sweat
The thermal sweat is considered to be a completely safe electric device for children and very convenient for pensioners to use, since it does not need to be lifted and tilted to pour water into the cup. It is equipped with a special element for water supply - a pump. This part can be of two types: electrical and mechanical. Water begins to flow into the cup after pressing the “Water supply” button, with which thermal flow malfunctions can very often be associated.
Frequent thermal breakdown
The following inconsistencies in the operation of the device may indicate a breakdown of the thermal sweat:
- The device does not turn on, there is no backlight indicators.
- The main boiling does not work, but only heating is turned on.
- Heating does not work, while the main boiling functions as it should.
- There is no water supply.
- Water heats up for a long time, while the thermo kettle itself quickly turns on and off.
- When heated, the device makes a loud noise.
The cause of electrical equipment malfunctions for this purpose can be such details as: heater, electrical cord, capacitors, diodes, microchip, microcracks on the board and many others. other
After some time, the thermopot begins to slowly bring the water to a boil. In this case, the malfunction may be due to excessively formed scale.This problem is usually eliminated with the help of special products that can be bought in stores, or using a homemade citric acid solution.
It happens that water gets onto the device itself, after which problems begin that may indicate failures in microcircuits, boards. It is recommended to check the boards for microcracks, as well as burns. It is not recommended to solder any elements, especially with an unsuitable soldering iron.
In the case when the device ceases to boil water, the first thing is to check the heating elements, the heater may have failed. To begin with, special tools need to ring all the details that are responsible for boiling water. But experts do not recommend replacing burned-out heating elements, as the price policy shows - this is not at all cost-effective in this case, it is better to buy a new electrical appliance.

New thermal sweat
Illumination of indicators can be the result of a malfunction of fuses, thermal switches or the power cord. The cord of the device must be checked together with the block, which is located inside the case. You need to ring it with a multimeter and, if unsuitable, replace it with a new one.
What to do if the water supply button on the thermal sweat does not work
The control panel of a thermo kettle usually has two buttons: one is responsible for supplying water, the other for heating. Failure to operate first may indicate serious damage to the electrical appliance. When the water supply button on the heat pump does not work, you can think about a power failure of the pump, burnout of the spiral, as a result of which the voltage supply to the motor stops.
If the device does not work when you press the “Water supply” button, try moving it, the water that suddenly appears may indicate that the cause is contacts.

Thermal sweat control panel
If there are problems with the water supply to the thermo kettle, the pump of the electrical appliance is dismantled and all its components are checked:
- connecting tubes;
- supercharger;
- electric motor;
- buttons themselves that are placed outside.
Connecting tubes require checking for dirt, scale, etc. The motor itself needs to be ringing using any external voltage source. For this, even the most ordinary batteries will do. Some craftsmen use a car battery. A breakdown of the device when the thermopot button does not work indicates that the electric motor does not respond, the normal operating voltage of which is 8 - 24 volts. In the case of a thermo kettle, independent repair does not always pay off; it is better to contact a service center.
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