Household appliances have firmly entered our life and greatly simplified it. There are pluses and minuses in this at the same time. On the one hand, household operations have become much more convenient. On the other hand, if a refrigerator, a washing machine or a stove fails, most will not know what to do.
Problems can arise with any household appliances. A kettle is no exception. Cases are different. But one of the most common - the kettle does not turn off when boiling. Let’s figure out why.

Electric kettle
Kettle Design
To deal with a breakdown, you need to understand the principle of operation of the technique.
The device is extremely simple. After pressing the power button, electricity is supplied to the heating elements. They are called TEN, or tubular heating element. The heater is located either in a special stand or in the bottom of the device itself - it depends on the model.
Water gradually heats up. After overcoming the threshold, hot steam begins to form. Since the lid is closed, the pair needs to go somewhere. A channel is adapted for this, which leads to the shutdown button. In front of the switch is a bimetallic plate that acts on it. This mechanism also disconnects the equipment from the network.

The scheme of the device
Breakdown reasons
Now that the operating principle is known, it’s much easier to understand why electric the kettle has stopped working and when boiling does not turn off on its own. There may be several reasons:
- The most common reason is the lid is not closed, or it is not tightly closed. Instead of the steam moving along the channel, it will exit through the cracks. Because of this, the shutdown mechanism will not work.
- There is no filter, or it is not installed properly. Because of this, the lid is not too tight against the edges. Gaps are formed through which the steam escapes.
- If you do not take care of the kettle, scale will form over time. This will be immediately noticeable on the fly inside.
- Clogged steam channel. This can happen in older models. In newer creators, this shortcoming was taken into account.
- Breakage of the switch. Changes without fail without exception.
- Damage to the plate, which, when heated, blocks electricity. Of course, in this case, you can turn off the kettle and manually. But it is advisable to fix it in order to avoid fire or smoke.
- Sticky contacts. It is enough to wipe and clean the contacts with sandpaper to solve the problem.
Part of the reasons is solved by prevention and proper care of the kettle. Scale, close the lid tightly, turn off the kettle during power surges and do not heat it many times in a row. With other malfunctions, DIY repair is possible. You just need to know what to do.
How to fix a kettle yourself, which does not turn off when boiling
First of all, the device must be inspected for visible damage. Are there any cracks, chips, from which steam can escape, is the lid tightly covered.

Open lid
If everything is in order from the outside, then you should look inside. The filter may not be inserted too tightly and sticks out. Because of this, the lid does not close - this is one of the most common reasons.
Next, you need to examine if there is limescale below. If it is, it makes sense to rinse thoroughly and clean the insides.
In older models, the steam channel may clog. Check the hole. It can be found on the side of the handle of the kettle.In new models, such a problem should not arise, but it will not be superfluous to check.
If you examined all the visible parts, but there are no problems with them, then it's time disassemble the kettle and get to the switch and the bimetal plate. To do this, carefully unscrew all retaining screws.
It is advisable to record the dismantling process on the camera. So subsequently it will be easier to collect parts in their places.
- If the switch fails, it must be replaced. It is no longer possible to repair it yourself.
- If the contacts are stuck to each other or burnt, then you need sandpaper. Wipe each contact carefully for several minutes. Then remove the scratches with thick felt and you're done!

Disassembled device
After fixing the problem, reassemble the kettle. But it’s too early to include it in the network. Even if you assemble it according to the instructions, you can make a mistake.
To eliminate this probability, you need to put a towel under the bottom and wait about half an hour. If the towel does not get wet during this time, then the kettle is assembled correctly. And even then it can be included in the network without any problems.
Fire safety
Why is it worth paying special attention to the equipment if it does not turn off on its own? The point is the risk of losing your property. And this is not only a kettle.
Pampered users are accustomed to the fact that almost all equipment works in automatic mode. And many can put the kettle to bask, and go into another room themselves or even leave the apartment.
Water gradually begins to evaporate. In the end, the process will reach the point where there is absolutely no water left in the technique. And if the kettle just fails - it will be a great luck. After all, this is a risk of fire.
Therefore, with such a breakdown, special attention should be paid to the electric kettle. And either immediately fix it, or not use the device.
When to carry a specialist?

Instrument Repair
Breakdowns are not so simple. Then do it yourself with your own hands. If the microcircuits are completely out of order, the switch is covered, and the plate does not work, it means that the equipment was not used correctly.
Now you need to calculate whether it makes sense to restore the kettle. What is its value? How much will the repair and purchase of new equipment cost? What will be more profitable?
If it is more profitable to repair old kettle, then it should be attributed to the master. He knows how to fix it.
The most economical thing will be not only to buy good branded equipment with a guarantee. But it’s also correct to operate it: pour clean water, clean it in time and not overheat. But if you still have problems, the instructions above will help restore the device.