An electric kettle is very popular today. It can be found not only in the home kitchen, but also in offices and various production bases. The device allows you to boil water for coffee or tea in a short time. But any even the most reliable and high-quality electric kettle can fail sooner or later. In this case, it is very important to establish the cause of the failure, which led to the fact that the electric kettle does not turn on.

Electric kettle in the office
How does an electric kettle work?
Before proceeding with an independent repair, you must first understand the principles of operation of the equipment. Despite the fact that today a huge number of different models of dummies is presented, they work almost all according to the same scheme.
The equipment is connected to the power supply via a wire. From the outlet, voltage is supplied to the electric kettle. The kettle itself is placed on a massive platform on which there are special XP1 contacts. At the bottom of the kettle there is a special connector through which interaction with the contact group of the thermostat is carried out.

Electric kettle plugged in
Each electric kettle is also equipped with a SA1 thermal switch. He can turn off the device in manual or automatic mode, after boiling water occurs. In order to ensure the safety of the device, a special switch for thermal protection is installed in it. It must always be in working condition, and if the kettle is switched on without water, turn off the device automatically to prevent it from overheating.
After the kettle is connected to the power supply, the current will move towards the tubular heating element. A special indicator light will indicate that the equipment is in operating mode. On different models of equipment, it can be on the body of the kettle or on the platform.

Indicator light
Important: as soon as the water boils, the light turns off. This is due to the fact that steam begins to collect between the water and the lid of the kettle, that is, in free space.
Then it enters through a special channel to the bimetallic plate. It is made of 2 different types of metal, therefore, after heating occurs, the plate with the contacts begins to bend, which leads to the opening of the contacts. As a result, the kettle is turned off. This is the correct operation of technology.
The reasons why the kettle does not turn on, and how to eliminate them
But there are several common reasons due to which the device does not automatically turn off after the water boils. These include:
- The lid of the kettle is not completely closed. That is, a large gap remains between it and the body. To solve this problem is quite simple: for this you should always carefully check how tightly the parts fit together.
Open cover
- There is no filter in the device, or it is not installed correctly. Each model has its own instruction. Therefore, if you have problems installing the filter, you should check how it should stand correctly and correct it according to the diagram.
- The scale began to form on the walls of the equipment from the inside. To remove it, there are special tools in stores. In addition, you can use various folk methods.
- Bad switch or bimetal plate.You can replace these parts yourself. If there are any doubts about the correctness of their actions, then it is best to take the broken equipment to a specialized service center.
In addition, the automatic kettle protection could work in the electric kettle. As a result of this, any attempts to turn on the device will fail. Usually this option works automatically in the following situations:
- if there is no water in the included electric kettle or its quantity is too small;
- with complete evaporation of water.
Disabling this feature is not difficult. To do this, remove the kettle from the stand and draw water into it. When the device is installed back on the platform, it will be able to resume howling in the usual mode.
Important: when the kettle does not turn on, what to do in this case, everyone wants to know. In some cases, the equipment can be repaired independently, subject to certain rules and safety precautions. But before proceeding with the repair, it is necessary to correctly establish the cause of the breakdown in order to know what to do.
Why doesn't the electric kettle turn off after the water boils?
One of the most common defects in the operation of the device is that it turns off prematurely. Equipment is not able to bring water to a boil. As a result of this, the owners begin to think that the kettle has completely deteriorated and cannot be restored. Before you throw out the equipment, you need to understand the reasons that lead to the fact that the electric kettle does not turn on or constantly turns off. Among them:
- Faulty bimetal plate. Since the metal of which it is made undergoes constant expansion and contraction, after some time the plate will begin to deform, which will lead to the loss of its original properties. That is, the kettle does not heat water and turns off even before it boils. Usually this problem is observed in teapots that have been working for more than one year, or in poor-quality Chinese models. The breakdown can be fixed by bending the plate to the correct position. But this problem will make itself felt again in a short time, so the best solution is to buy a new device. Replacing a bimetallic plate will be very expensive.
Old model of electric kettle
- The appearance of strong scale on the bottom or walls of the kettle. Usually this malfunction is typical for models in which the heating element is in the open state. As a result of this, the heater overheats very quickly, which leads to the inclusion of the automatic protection function of the equipment, that is, its premature shutdown. To fix this problem, you can draw a small amount of water into the kettle, add one bag of citric acid to it and turn on the device. If the scale is strong, then for maximum effect, you can repeat the boiling process several times, after adding a few tablespoons of vinegar.
Disposal of scale
- Damage to the thermostat. It must be replaced, but it is unprofitable to do this, so it’s easier and cheaper to buy a new electric kettle.
- Faulty switch. It may break from time to time or initially be of poor quality. This breakdown is diagnosed very simply: first, the equipment turns off without bringing the water to a boil, and after 15 minutes it turns on spontaneously.
- Leakage. If the electric kettle began to let water through even in the form of several droplets, then this will turn it off. Typically, the problem lies in the body of a glass or plastic product. Microcracks appear on the walls of the kettle as a result of a sharp temperature difference.
- The heating element is loosely attached to the body of the electric kettle. If the heater is open, then check for this problem is not difficult. With the heating element closed, it is best to immediately contact a service center.
Disassembling an electric kettle yourself at home is possible only to that person who is at least a little versed in electrics. Otherwise, you can finally break the technique. If there are doubts about the correctness of their actions or the reasons for the failure are not clear, then it is best to take the equipment to a repair shop. There, qualified specialists will help to quickly find the breakdown and will make every effort to eliminate it as soon as possible.

Self-repair of equipment