The choice of household appliances in the market is great. Many housewives experience the torment of choice among a huge number of devices and their models. One such torment is the choice between a slow cooker and a bread machine.
It is better, of course, to have both devices in your kitchen, since the purpose and set of options are different for them. Let's try to find the answer to the question of which is better to choose.
Instrument Functions
What to consider when choosing between these two devices. Each of them has wide and fairly extensive functions. But each of them has its own direct purpose, priority.
A bread machine is used for baking various types of bread, baguettes, and kneading dough.
The slow cooker is primarily used for cooking soups and main dishes, side dishes and other things. Other functions, like steaming, multi-cook, baking bread is already an additional function.

Bread oven and slow cooker with the function of baking bread
Breadmaker and its features
The set of functions and options depends on the device model. Each model has its own set of programs. Using a bread machine you can:
- knead the dough for dumplings, manti, pancakes, pies, rolls;
- bake bread, various muffins, Easter cakes;
- make jam and jams from various berries;
- make baked milk.
A bread machine works like an oven. Her bowl does not come in direct contact with the heating element. The heat is distributed evenly inside the device, which allows you to get a delicious and fluffy bread with crispy and crispy crust.
The most basic plus, the dough does not need to knead by hand. The user is only required to place the right amount of ingredients in the appliance bowl, install the program, close the lid and after the signal that the product is ready. Just take it out. Kneading is very high quality, no lumps are observed in the dough, which improves the quality of bread.
Almost all models are equipped with a delayed start function. This is a very convenient option, in the evening you can load products and get up to freshly baked bread in the morning.

A bread machine designed for a specific task
Slow cooker and its features
The area of use of multicookers is more extensive than bread makers. What is she capable of?
Almost all models are able to maintain the temperature of the prepared dish, until the function is turned off, the housewives sterilize and pasteurize food products with the help of a multicooker. Using the delayed start function, you can warm the dish to a specific time.
The slow cooker has many functions and programs with which you can not only bake muffins, cakes, bread, but also cook first courses, a variety of soups, cook steamed foods for proper nutrition, fry meat and vegetables, in general, you can cook an incredible amount of any and various dishes.
One device includes functions:
- bread makers;
- steams;
- cookers;
- pressure cookers.

A slow cooker has a wider range of functions than a bread machine
The device will help to prepare even the most complex dishes. From the hostess, you just need to put the necessary products in the bowl, select the management, set the desired function: pilaf, soup, stewing, cooking, yogurt, jellied meat, even soufflé. Porridge never burns in the multicooker, again you need to select a mode and just press the button.
At present, in this crazy rhythm in which we live, it’s just a salvation - to have such an opportunity, to throw food and go about our business. You can go out with your children for a walk and not waste time cooking, and when you return, lunch is ready. Or go to work to set the cooking program.
But why then, if this device is so good, people go to the store and purchase more bread maker? A slow cooker is not able to cook light, lush, toasted pastries. Bread is heavy, often unbaked. It is best to use a slow cooker for stewing and languishing dishes.
But, nevertheless, crock-pots are much inferior to bread machines in their use when baking bread:
- the slow cooker is not able to knead the dough itself, so you have to do it by hand;
- the device is not able to give a loaf of bread with a toasted and golden top. The bowl of the multicooker is a heating element, so the temperature will not be distributed evenly throughout the product. As a result, you can get a negative experience in baking bread. The bottom will be very fried, the crust will not be crispy, the product itself may not bake.
Manufacturers offer their customers this kind of multicooker: Multicooker with the function of kneading dough. This model will be more expensive than a conventional multicooker. Complete with it are two bowls, one for cooking, the other for baking and kneading. But is it so convenient and really will turn out delicious toasted bread, like in a bread machine? We will see:
- the heating element, as in an ordinary multicooker, is absent from above, the quality of bread will suffer from this;
- the dough is kneading automatically;
- you can knead several types of dough for different breads;
- if the model is more expensive, then it will still spread the dough before baking.

Slow cooker with separate bowl for kneading dough
Which device should I prefer?
Many options and functions of the two devices are similar, but, nevertheless, there is a huge difference between them.
It is impossible to say with certainty whether you buy this or that, you must first decide what the hostess expects from the device, what functions she needs, she only wants to bake bread or cook more.
Bread oven - a device of a narrow focus. With it you can get great bread, of the highest quality, much better. than in the store. This is a device that primarily works with kneading dough and baking.
A crock-pot is a device of greater multifunctionality. By the number of options and features, it is much ahead of the bread maker. But in the preparation of bread, it is much inferior to bread makers.
Therefore, before you go shopping, you need to think about what functions you are going to use: oven or cook. Based on this, a steamy choice will be made.
The choice of equipment is wide.
Manufacturers try to take into account the interests of everyone. For those who are fond of healthy food, a double boiler is suitable, lovers of baking will buy a bread machine, practical consumers will buy a slow cooker for themselves, possibly with a pressure cooker function, which will also help them save cooking time.