Using the oven always leads to the formation of soot on its walls. If it is removed immediately after cooking, it remains clean, but rarely does anyone do this procedure. Most often, the sink is left for later. This leads to the formation of old fat and soot inside. Therefore, housewives are interested in how to clean the oven from fat and carbon deposits at home.

How to clean the oven?
Oven Care Rules
In the modern market, various models of cabinets are sold. All of them can be conditionally divided into two types:
- Electric. It can be desktop appliances, built-in or with a hob;
- Gas models.
The new models are equipped with a special self-cleaning function, while the old ones do not. To clean the oven of a new sample, it is enough after each use to include a special mode and use a special tool that is provided for this method of cleaning. Water is poured onto a baking sheet, detergent is added and the desired mode is set. After cleaning, the walls are wiped with a damp cloth.

Special cleaning function
Conventional ovens should be cleaned on their own after each use. But, unfortunately, rarely do any of the housewives do this: there is not enough time, after a hard working day there is no strength to wash the closet. As a result, over time, soot and fat forms on the walls, which is not easy to remove.

Effective cleaning agents
How to clean the oven from old fat at home?
On the Internet, you can find many ways to remove fat from the walls. But many of them are not ineffective, they can damage the coating. We have collected the best and most proven ways to wash the closet.
Chemical cleaning agents
The stores sell many different tools that are designed for this work. Among them it is worth highlighting:
- “Shumanit” - the highest quality and proven.
- Frosch - a spray for removing fat.
- Green Clean - a solution to remove fat, food debris, soot.
These chemicals are very effective in controlling surface pollution. Before the procedure, you need to warm the cabinet to 200 degrees for 20 minutes. If there is a fan inside, it must be covered before cleaning. The product must be sprayed evenly on all surfaces, allowed to stand, and then with a sponge to remove all dirt. In some cases, severe pollution will not be removed the first time. In this case, the procedure will need to be repeated or rubbed with a brush all the contaminated places.
After the procedure, wash the detergents. The chemical composition must be completely removed from the surfaces.
Homemade pasta
You can make homemade paste for cleaning. For its preparation, you will need "Comets" or "Pemolux", "Feri", citric acid. All this must be mixed in the same amount, the resulting composition is applied to the surface, left for several minutes. It is removed with warm water and a sponge. Places with heavy pollution need to be rubbed with a brush.
Proven Oven Cleaning Methods
“Grandma’s Method” - the good thing is that in every apartment there are all the ingredients for preparing cleaning products. What you need for cooking: soda, vinegar, water, spray. Before cleaning, remove all components of the cabinet.Then you need to prepare the mixture: ½ teaspoon of soda should be mixed with three tablespoons of water. The mixture should be pasty.

Cleaning with soda and water
The resulting paste needs to be treated on all surfaces of the oven, especially the contaminated areas are greased more liberally. Almost immediately after application, the paste will turn brown - this is due to the fact that it raises old fat and carbon deposits to the surface.
Treated surfaces are left with paste for at least 12 hours. During this time, you can clean the grates, baking sheets. It is better to do this as follows: soak them for a couple of hours in warm water with a detergent, and then mechanically clean the surfaces using a mixture.

Cabinet: remove the layer of soda
We clean the oven:
- you need to clean the cabinet from accumulations of dried pasta. This can be done with a damp cloth and with a spatula;
- after the cabinet is cleaned of accumulations of fat and carbon deposits, you need to take vinegar and make a concentrated solution. Using a spray gun, apply it to the entire surface. Vinegar, reacting with soda, forms a foam;
- then use a cloth to remove everything from the surfaces. It must be moistened in water or vinegar, if there are lumps of soda on the surface, you must carefully wipe them.
After this procedure, the cabinet will be clean and trays and racks can be installed.
Effective method
This method is the most effective. To clean it by folk methods, you need to prepare the composition, you will need: 200 ml of ammonia, soda, a bowl of water for 1.5 liters, a container for ammonia.

Cleaning the oven with alcohol and water
The oven must be freed from baking sheets, wire racks and all contents. The mode for heating up to 160 degrees is turned on. Pour liquids into two different containers. Then you need to turn off the cabinet and put two bowls: a container with ammonia is installed up, and water is installed down.
If the contaminations are strong, then the bowls should be left for 24 hours, if they are insignificant, there will be enough time until it cools down. Then inside you need to clean with a sponge. These are proven cleaning methods. It is difficult to say which type of oven cleaning is better, since the effectiveness completely depends on the degree of contamination and their prescription.
How to remove bad odor in the oven
They occur after almost every cooking. To fix them quickly, there are several proven methods:
- pour a little water into the container and add lemon peels there. Water must be boiled for 10 minutes;
- often housewives use orange peels. They eliminate odors and leave a pleasant aroma of citrus. If they are not in the house, you can use citric acid, which is added to the container with water and boiled for 10 minutes;
- rid ordinary vinegar. Wet the cloth and wipe the cabinet walls.

Remove unpleasant odor from the oven
It sometimes happens that after cleaning, the smell of detergents remains. You can remove it in the following ways:
- after cleaning, the cabinet can be left ajar for several hours, then all smells will disappear;
- wash all the walls with a solution of lemon juice;
- Activated charcoal can be dissolved in a pot of water and boiled for 20 minutes, then wipe the surface with a damp cloth.
This way you can eliminate odors that are formed in the oven due to the use or quality treatment of fat and burning. All of them available can be used after each preparation and then unpleasant odors will not spoil your favorite dishes.
How to clean carbon from glass in the oven
If you often have to cook in the oven, then the question clearly arises as to how to remove brown deposits from the glass. In fact, there is no reason for unrest, because the fat can be cleaned quite easily and simply, even without the use of expensive chemicals.

How to clean the oven glass
A custom but effective way
This non-standard tool effectively fights not only the pollution of glass, but also the oven itself. When using ammonia, it is recommended to strictly observe safety measures and work only with gloves and with the window open. To prepare the solution you will need:
- ammonia must be applied to the surface of the glass and left for half an hour;
- wipe the area with a sponge that is moistened with warm water;
- If the cleaning process is incomplete and some residual fat remains, repeat the procedure.

Cleaning the oven glass: effective ways
Steam cleaning glass is also effective and does not require investment. To quickly clean the glass of fat, you will need:
- a small amount of water must be heated to dissolve the laundry soap;
- heat the oven to 100 degrees and put the dishes with the solution there;
- leave it there until the oven cools down completely.
After that, wipe the walls and glass of the oven with a damp cloth.

Clean oven: cleaning methods
The best oven cleaners: how to make the right choice? Today, the market offers a lot of different products, which, according to the manufacturers, are able to cope even with old fat. In fact, not all of them are so good as to spend big money on them. But still there are those that justify their value:
- Amway is a cleaning gel. This remedy is the most expensive. But its cost is fully justified. In just a few times, you can wash the dirtiest oven. Fresh impurities are washed off the first time, but those that have accumulated on the walls for years, 2-3 times.
- Cif Anti-Fat is a universal remedy that can be used on any surface. Its cost is lower, but the effect is on top.
- Faberlic cleaning agent - used for cleaning metal and ceramic surfaces, easily copes with grease on glass and oven walls.

We clean the oven correctly
Any cleaning method will be effective if you wipe the oven after each use and prevent the formation of strong contaminants.