A gas stove is considered to be a hazardous device. Therefore, in the event of a malfunction, it is not recommended to engage in self-repair, if there is no relevant knowledge. If a failure is detected, you need to call a wizard who will find the cause and fix the problem. One of the most common problems is “smoking”, which should not be under any circumstances. Next, questions will be discussed in detail why the gas stove smokes, and how to cope with the problem.

The consequences of the problem
Myths about gas and gas stoves
Considering the numerous myths about gas stoves, the following common facts can be highlighted:
- Danger. Often, gas stoves cause an explosion in an apartment building in the event of a gas leak. But as it turns out in practice - in a detailed investigation - it becomes clear that the danger lies in the improper use of the stove by its owners. Modern models are equipped with a security system - if the fire goes out, after a few seconds the gas supply is interrupted. As a result, the gas in the room is accumulated a little - the volume will not lead to an explosion even due to a lit match.

Appearance of a burner in need of repair
- Inconvenient use. This is indicated by the housewives, who are forced to constantly monitor the temperature in the oven and the supply of fire under the pan to ensure uniform cooking. This factor has a second side - most housewives like it. In their opinion, self-regulation of the gas supply makes it possible to get both crisps on baked goods and roasted meat. With electrical varieties, the presented actions are difficult.
- The emitted gas burns oxygen in the room and releases decomposition products harmful to breathing. Burning oxygen during cooking is extremely small, especially if the room intended for the kitchen has large areas.
The last myth is easy to eliminate - just install an exhaust hood with an air cleaner over the hob. This will help to timely remove decay products that can harm people with respiratory diseases.
Poor gas cylinder
If the gas stove smokes, then the reasons are two possible problems.
- The first is based on an overabundance of sulfur content - it is during combustion that it produces the same black smoke. In most cases, the cylinders are filled with propane, but an increased sulfur content in them is also possible.
- The second reason is the unregulated gas pressure, which exceeds the nominal values of the device. In most cases, the problems presented are encountered when using gas cylinders.

The cylinder is used to supply gas mainly in the cottages.
In the first case, the problem lies in low-quality gas - gas is often filled with gas that does not meet the standards. The presented actions of unscrupulous sellers do not bring danger, but they bring a lot of inconvenience to use. If the reason is an increased sulfur content, consumers are advised to contact the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare to hold sellers accountable.
If consumers saw a smoky gas device, they need to do the following:
- To begin with, decide on further actions - to use gas in its current state, or try to relocate the cylinder or stove. In this case, you should be guided by the features of the soot content - so that less damage is caused to the entire device.
- Then they turn to the organization that is engaged in refueling gas cylinders. When applying, you can get compensation, but you have to prove your point - the increased sulfur content in the gas.
- If compensation cannot be obtained, contact Rospotrebnadzor to restore justice.
- Already upon the appeal, an analysis of the contained gas in the cylinder will be carried out. If initially it was decided to restore justice, it is recommended not to carry out additional independent actions in relation to a gas cylinder. During the examination, experts will not only confirm the increased sulfur content, but also determine the amount of gas remaining. This will help calculate the amount of compensation.
Incorrect setup
If the gas stove is operating from a central system, the likelihood of a problem is the improper configuration of the device. Then you should seek the help of specialists. Sometimes consumers try to solve the problem on their own, which is possible if you study the following features of the internal structure of the burner:
- The burner includes a divider - this is a special part, outwardly similar to a flange sleeve. For uniform distribution of gas, the divider has tower teeth located around the entire perimeter.

Divider Accessory
- A cover is applied to the divider - a special plate made of round stainless steel.
- Some models are equipped with an electric ignition system, so under the burner you can find a candle located on the side of the divider. In such models, the gas stove must be ignited by a spark.

The device under a burner with electric ignition
- In modern models, under the hotplate you can find a sensor that determines whether the hotplates burn. If the gas does not burn, then its flow stops.
- Removing the lid and the divider from the burner, you can see the nozzle - this is a special part that looks like a small bolt with an axial hole punched.

Modern gas stove model and disassembled burner
Having examined the burner, you should pay attention to the nozzle hole - through it the gas enters the divider and starts to burn when a spark occurs or a fire is brought up. The nozzle hole should not be large - if its diameter is more than 1 mm, then this is the reason for the fact that the gas stove smokes. The correct hole ratio and installation of the nozzle ensures the safe use of the entire device.
About self-fix
If the reason for smoking the stove is due to improper installation of the nozzle or other auxiliary problems, they can be eliminated independently, but only with careful study and safety precautions. In this case, the following points can be distinguished:
- Modern stove models are equipped with two jets - they are of different diameters, which is calculated on reconnecting the gas stove from the central gas supply system to use the cylinder. The backbone system requires the use of a jet with a diameter of 1 mm, while the cylinder - 0.8 mm. You can switch the equipment yourself if you have both types of jets in the kit.

The device is under the burner - in the middle is the nozzle
- With self-installation of the nozzle, it is easy to allow its inclination to the side. This leads to the fact that the gas is supplied weakly (fire will be distributed unevenly). Moreover, such violations in the installation increases the risk of explosion. Therefore, with self-installation, it is necessary to clearly determine the center and work carefully with your hands.
The presented actions are performed accurately and accurately. Remember: all independent work increases the risks of safety violations, which will lead to an increase in explosive risk.
What to do if there is no jet
Often in kits there is no second nozzle, but there is no way to purchase it. In this case, you can resort to the following actions to independently reduce the nozzle opening to eliminate the malfunction:

Disassembly of burners
- First you need to prepare the necessary set of tools and materials - a soldering iron, solder, sewing needles.
- Next, the nozzle is processed. At the initial stage, it is necessary to remove the oxide film from brass, so that in the future the solder better adheres to the metal.
- Treat the nozzle and hands with alcohol.
- Next, grind the hole and the cap, and apply a drop of solder.
- After application, the tin will enter the hole.
- After the tin has completely dried, it is necessary to grind it flush with the hat.
- Next, you need to take a needle and make a hole in the newly formed "jet".
- Use a needle to make a hole of 0.5 mm.
- After every 0.1 mm increase, the nozzle is installed and the gas supply is checked.

Burner internal parts
All actions are carried out carefully, with a clear check of all the perfect points and safety parameters.
Jets may not be present in the slabs. In this case, the gas supply mechanism consists in a system for regulating the flow of blue fuel. The system can be configured independently in accordance with the instructions. The cylinder is equipped with a brass valve, which has a tapered thread. It makes it possible to open it not completely - this contributes to the independent regulation of the gas supply pressure.
Another reason when the stove smokes is the accumulation of condensate in a gas cylinder. The resulting liquid must be drained periodically - it is better after each emptying of the cylinder. In addition to the problem at hand, gas stove users experience an unpleasant odor during the burning of burners.
If it is not possible to eliminate the cause on your own, it is better to contact the special services and tell you exactly about the problem. The work of a specialist will ensure the safety of the continued use of the repaired device. A gas stove is a complex structure that should not be touched (disassembled and repaired) by people who do not know the entire structure.