From a technical point of view, self-shutdown of a home gas stove is not difficult. Any homeowner with the minimum set of household tools on hand can handle this task. The only question is whether it will be legal, and what responsibility will the owner of the dwelling bear if he conducts this operation without contacting gas control.

Self-shutdown of the gas stove is a very simple operation, if we consider only the technical aspect
"Cunning" legislation
Trying to find the answer to this question, many are looking for it in the wilds of legislative documents regulating the installation and use of gas equipment. The thing is that in the regulatory acts of local divisions of gas services the clause on disconnecting from the gas pipeline is not always clearly and strictly indicated. Therefore, in search of an answer, you must first turn to federal standards that clarify the general state of affairs.
Civil Code

Responsibility for violation of the rules for using gas appliances lies with the homeowner
This set of basic laws of the Russian Federation explicitly states that the responsibility for non-compliance with the established rules for the use of household gas appliances lies with the owner or tenant of an apartment or other residential premises (Article 210). This wording is also contained in the Housing Code (Article 30.67). Therefore, before disconnecting from gas without notifying regulatory authorities, it would not be out of place to get acquainted with these rules.
Safety regulations
The code of rules for using the housing stock says that only specialized organizations have the right to dismantle gas appliances (Article 5.5.2). In another document that regulates the organization of gas supplies to the population from 2008, it is stated that for any changes related to household appliances connected to the gas main, the owner is obliged to notify the gas service in advance. (p. 21). Most of the regional housing operation rules explicitly state a ban on unauthorized disconnection from gas supply, for example, clause 4.2.1 of the Moscow government decree of 2004. Thus switching on and off the gas supply from equipment to housing is not permitted.
Responsibility and sanctions

Gas control employees are required to check the status of the connection of gas appliances to the main
If the owner, or user, for one reason or another, nevertheless made this violation, the gas service has the right to terminate the contract for the supply of fuel unilaterally and impose penalties. But this can happen if the fact of disconnection falls into the field of view of the controllers. In reality, most users of gas equipment perform this operation at their own risk and without any responsibility.
How to do this with minimal violation of the law?
In some situations, it is necessary to temporarily disconnect from gas supply, for example, when repairing in the kitchen. If the gas equipment after that will soon be connected again, and in the same configuration and composition as prescribed in the contract, then the gas control, most likely, simply will not know about it.But if the appliances are replaced or rearranged, the kitchen space is moved and any changes in the location of the gas pipelines are made, then such a violation will be discovered sooner or later.
Responsibility in any case
Responsibility for any emergency that occurred during or after disconnecting from gas supply without permission will be the responsibility of the owner. The fact itself is important here, and it will play a major role in determining the party obliged to pay material damage to both third parties and the gas service itself.
If you need to do this, but do not want to pay extra money
The shutdown operation itself is very simple and can be completed in a few minutes. To do this, prepare the following tools and materials:
- Two gas, or wrenches of the corresponding sizes.
- A thick soapy solution.
- Threaded plug with suitable diameter.
- Tape fum.
Before carrying out work, you need to make sure that the selected tools really fit the dimensions of the installed fittings and fitting.

Turn off the gas stove yourself
- Turn the central gas valve. Usually this device is located after the gas meter.
- Make sure that the pipeline is indeed shut off. To do this, you can try to turn on the stove. If there is no characteristic hissing sound from the burners and the flame does not ignite, then the pipe is blocked.
- Using two gas keys, unscrew the fitting connection of the device to the trunk.
- Install a threaded overlap on the freed end of the gas pipeline, after wrapping the fum section of the thread for tightness with tape.
- Using a soapy solution, verify that there is no gas outlet through the closed end of the gas pipeline. To do this, apply a thick soapy solution to the ceiling and reopen the central valve.
- If the soap film is not covered with bubbles, then the overlap is reliable.
- Finally turn off the central feed tap.
Additional security measures

Turning off the gas stove is fraught with real risks
- Before carrying out work, windows should be opened not only in the kitchen, but also in adjacent rooms. Additional traction will help prevent the local accumulation of combustible substances in hazardous concentrations.
- It is advisable that the keys and other tools used in dismantling the joints be brass. Collision of iron surfaces can trigger sparks.
- In the event of an unexpected leak, it is not always possible to detect the danger in time. Therefore, it is necessary to de-energize the housing, turn off electrical appliances and office equipment.
Only after making sure that everything is reliably shut off, a specific smell does not appear and there is no characteristic hissing sound, you can turn on the lighting after a half to two hours. But, even taking all precautions, the user will not be able to completely protect themselves from explosion, fire, or poisoning, since
only a specialist with special clearance and training will be able to take into account all the nuances of this operation, which is simple only at first glance. Its specificity lies in the fact that even a minor mistake and elementary carelessness can lead to tragic consequences.