From time to time, even the most powerful and independent woman who does not like to cook, wants to feel like a real cook.

Inspiration for culinary exploits can overtake a woman at any time, the absence of a mixer should not impede her accomplishment
As a rule, such a desire is not limited to a simple scrambled eggs, you definitely want something like that. For example, to make a breathtaking Bizet, but, like evil, there was no mixer at hand, without which it was simply impossible to beat the protein properly. A sudden creative impulse should not be suppressed by the mere absence of a mixer. Homemade can be mixers for the kitchen, children's or construction.

If there is a whisk, then an ordinary drill can save the situation
Homemade Kitchen Mixer
Quite maybe make a mini mixer by ourselves. For this you need:
- First of all, you need to get a motor. It must be powerful enough to cope with egg white, we will not talk about products with a more solid consistency for now. A suitable motor can be obtained from an old cassette player, for example.
- Tin. Everything is simpler here, you can cut a piece from a can from under any drink.
- Plastic lid from the can.
- A pair of plastic cups.
- You will also need a switch.
- The power supply is selected depending on the power of the motor.
- And of course, all this will be mastered with a conventional screwdriver.

One of the options for the motor
Capacity and drive
It's time to get down to action. We start with a glass in which you need to make a small hole. To do this, we heat the metal end of the screwdriver with matches or a lighter, then with a preheated tip we make a hole right in the center of the bottom of the cup.
Next, place the motor in the center of the glass and draw a marker around its edge, marking in this way where it will be located. While the engine retracts to the side and manipulations with the glass continue. That is, it is clear that the mixer body is first assembled.
Now you need to cut the hole along the lines marked with a marker with a clerical knife at the bottom of the glass into which the motor will be placed. The engine should sit snugly in the hole, and not fall out of it, so the size of the hole should be slightly smaller than the motor.
Next, the height of the motor is measured. The same height will need to be left at the glass. For example, it turned out 5 cm, which means that we cut off all excess with the help of the same clerical knife.

Such a motor will be more than enough
Food and communications
Now you need to prepare a place for the switch and wiring. If the power supply has two wires, then one is attached to the switch, and the other to the motor. Then the switch and gearbox are interconnected using a piece of copper wire.
Thus, a kind of mixer body is obtained. In order not to worry that the structure will fall apart, you can fix the motor and the switch with superglue.
We pass to the second step. A tin is needed for making a screw. To do this, we put a thin piece cut off from the can into a ring, with the second same piece we need to wrap the resulting ring in the middle, so that in the end we get a figure resembling a butterfly. We got the screw, now we put a silicone nozzle on it, which will be put on the pin.
While the tin is laid aside until the glue dries. We return again to the case with a motor. Put the glass with the cropped side down. Here you will need a second glass in which a hole has already been made in advance with a screwdriver.It must be installed on top of the motor. The result is a design in the form of a cup on a stand. In the center of the cup is a pin pre-glued to the motor, about a centimeter long.
During this time, the glue on the screw should have completely dried. Attach it to the pin. Done, now you can try. Put the necessary ingredients in a glass with a screw, cover with a plastic lid for mixing without splashing, and turn on the mixer.
Homemade Doll Mixer
Each child enters the age when he wants to be like an adult, fit, responsible, do the same as adults, girls in this period often copy the behavior of mothers, and boys dad. The child shows interest in household chores, including seeking to help parents in the kitchen. However, not all household appliances allow children. For example, to a mixer, this is not a safe toy at all and improper operation can lead to tragic consequences.
You can get out of this situation so that the child is satisfied, and the parents are calm. Namely, to build your own mixer for him. For this you need:
- Plastic tube.
- Electric motor.
- Any two wiring.
- Batteries or portable power supply.
- USB cable
- The little switch.
To make such a simple device will not be difficult, and the child will be satisfied not only with the result, but also with the assembly process itself. Yes, and an adult will be pleased to create something with his own hands from improvised means, you can feel like a host of the program “Crazy Hands”.
So, we begin with the fact that the switch is glued with a silicone gun or superglue to the motor. Next, take a USB cable, cut off one side of it to free the wiring, we clean the rubberized base from the wiring by about two centimeters. There should be two wiring. We connect one to the motor, the other to the switch. After that, the switch and the motor are interconnected with copper wire. It is better to fix the wiring with a soldering iron, but if it is not at hand, then you can simply tighten them properly.

Children love it when they do something specifically for them, and they will appreciate it more than the most expensive toy.
Now it’s the turn of the drinks tubing, cut it into two pieces 6 centimeters long. We glue them well together. A motor is attached to the bottom of the connected tubes. While the glue dries, take on the stirring element. To do this, you need a simple stick from lollipop. A quarter of the stick should be bent so that the letter “G” is obtained from the stick. With a smooth tip, attach the stick to the pin at the base of the mixer. Done. We connect the USB cable to a portable battery or any other energy source and press the switch. Such a miniature mixer can quite cope with the mixing of tea or eggs, and there will be no limit to the delight of the child.
DIY construction mixer
The repair process is very laborious and, sometimes, you can’t keep track of everything. For example, you need to mix concrete mortar, now everything is bought and ready, when it suddenly turns out that the construction mixer is out of order or it wasn’t at all. How to be in such a situation? Run to the store? But extra spending can not always be foreseen and for such a purchase there simply may not be funds. You can get out of the situation by making a concrete mixer yourself. For such a mixer you will need:
- Drill.
- Hairpin 8, 40 cm in length.
- Four metal plates.
- Nuts and washers.
So, work begins with a hairpin. It must be turned in such a way that it is convenient to tighten the nut. On the other hand, you need to grind the hairpin under the triangle. This is necessary in order to properly attach it to the drill.
Next, we take up the plate. With a drill of 8 mm, it is necessary to make another hole from the edge on each. Now you can proceed to the assembly of the mixer. The nut, washer, then platinum are installed on the length of the stud.The distance should be at least three centimeters. The top and bottom plates must be bent according to the principle of the blades.

It should be something like this
The second end of the stud is attached to the drill, everything, the construction mixer is ready. However, this type of home-made building mixers can only handle a small volume of mortar.

Such a mixer cannot handle large volumes of work

For mixing more liquid substances, for example, paints, this option is also suitable.
For a large amount of mortar, you will need a concrete mixer, which can also be done independently, but this will require much more time and materials, so that it will be easier to borrow from friends or use rental services. Moreover, such a device is more useful when completely independent than requiring constant supervision. In this case, it is better to choose the gravitational method of mixing the solution.

Self-made concrete mixer example
The main thing to remember is that when assembling any mixer, you must follow safety precautions, and if you are not confident in your abilities, it is better not to take up such painstaking work, but to go to the store and buy a decent product.